Enterprise has quantum-jumped into a galaxy formed by the merger of the Milky Way galaxy and the Andromeda galaxy.
Spock: "According to the position of the stars, we are 10 billion years in the future."
Captain Pike started to say something, he was suddenly caught by a burst of aggression.
The aggression in him became stronger and stronger.
He couldn't think because of the amount of aggression inside him and he started to lose control.
Spock felt a surge of aggression.
He managed to calm the aggression in himself.
Telepathic visions appeared to him.
He saw how lizards and dinosaurs rule this universe.
He saw a race of dinosaurs who had developed technology and escaped planet Earth before a meteor wiped out the dinosaurs.
That race of dinosaurs traveled for millions of years to the farthest corner of the universe.
There they were preparing for the conquest of the universe.
He saw how all other species went extinct billions of years ago.
Humanity does not exist in this universe
Vulcans do not exist in this universe.
Spock hears Hemmer from the engine room live on the communicator.
Hemmer: "All the humans in the engine room became aggressive. They started attacking each other."
Spock looked around the Enterprise bridge.
He saw the human crew members behaving aggressively.
Spock: "Hemmer, wait a moment."
Spock released a ship-wide gas that put every human on the Enterprise to sleep.
Spock: "Hemmer, I'm coming to you in the engine room."
Spock came into the engine room.
Spock: "Our human crew members have had their reptilian brains activated.
I too have a reptilian brain because of my human mother.
My Vulcan side allowed me to block it.
This universe is ruled by reptilians.
We are in great danger here.
We're going to change the modality of the shields on the Enterprise to block the reptilian signal that's spreading through this universe."
Hammer and Spock made modifications to the shields.
The crew began to regain consciousness.
Spock returned to the bridge of the Enterprise.
On the bridge of the Enterprise.
Number 1: "Captain Pike, a fleet of reptilian ships has appeared alongside us."
Spock: "Captain Pike, we must flee now, we are in great danger from the reptilian armada."
Captain Pike: "Hit the Warp."
The Enterprise went into warp.
The reptilian ships caught up to the Enterprise in warp and started firing at it.
Captain Pike: "Hemmer, I need more engine power!"
Hemmer: "Captain Pike, the warp engines are at full power."
Spock: "Captain Pike, we have an intergalactic drive.
We need to release the quantum energy out of the core."
Captain Pike: "Eject the quantum energy from the core.
The Enterprise ejected the quantum energy from the core and ignited the intergalactic drive.
The Reptilians followed the Enterprise.
Enterprise was faster than the reptile fleet of ships by 1 second to one minute.
Reptile's fleet of ships hunted the Enterprise throughout the Milkdromeda galaxy.
Enterprise has received a communications signal.
Uhura: "We're getting a message from the Pegasus galaxy.
It is a set of coordinates in the message.
The message is signed 'from a friend."
Captain Pike: "Do we know who has sent us the coordinates?"
Uhura: "No."
Captain Pike: "We have no choice.
Let's go to the coordinates."
Enterprise headed for the coordinates.
After several hours of traveling.
Enterprise has arrived in the Pegasus Galaxy.
The coordinates were in the red dwarf system.
50 AU (1AU is the distance of planet Earth from the sun) from the star, the red dwarf was a tiny rocky planet.
A moon with a diameter of 500 kilometers orbited that planet.
The coordinates were on the moon.
Enterprise has reached the small moon.
There was a protective field on the moon.
Uhura: "Captain Pike, we are receiving a communication signal from the moon."
Captain Pike: "Put it on the screen."
Angel and Bucky appeared on the screen.
Angel: "A nice greeting, my dears."
Here, on the moon, as you can see for yourself, is a Neutron Quantum Bomb.
The bomb is set for 10 minutes.
In ten minutes this universe will be wiped out.
We are sorry that we cannot come to dinner on the Enterprise.
We're going now.
And yes, I almost forget."
Uhura: "We got a message from Angel and Bucky."
Angel and Bucky waved at the crew of Enterprise and then disappeared with their spacecraft.
A shielding field and a Neutron Quantum Bomb remained on the moon.
Uhura: 'These are instructions for charging our warp core with quantum energy from a Neutron Quantum Bomb.'
Captain Pike: "Send instructions to the engine room, immediately."
5 minutes have passed.
Hemmer: "Our core is full of quantum energy."
Spock: "I'm reading quantum coordinates on the moon."
Captain Pike looked at the screen in the reptilian armada approaching the Enterprise.
Captain Pike: "Enter the quantum coordinates and start the quantum drive."
Enterprise has executed a quantum jump.
The next sequel.
The Enterprise has quantum jumped into pure nothingness.
Spock determined that the neutron quantum bomb was unstable and could explode at any moment.