Back on Earth Hades and the other Gods have taken many preparations for the incoming assault to the point that their domain was hardly recognizable. In every tribe and city walked soldiers equipped with the best they could spare. In every corner and every forest you could hear the grunts and clashing of metal as men and women tirelessly trained, their faith burning bright in their hearts as they're filled with a sense of duty like no other, one no one would be able to deny. The gods have asked for their strength, and they would give it.
Up high on a mountain, overlooking a training ground watching the humans train with centaurs and fey stood Ares. Compared to the natural strength and power of the supernatural the humans were surprisingly holding their own. They were quite the underdog when they discussed who would carry the most weight in the upcoming war.
At first he had assumed either Minotaurs, with their overwhelming physical power or the fey, with their overwhelming magical powers would be the most valuable tools. But it would seem he was wrong, as proven by the hundreds of thousands of mortal men and women, their numbers alone enough to make the other races endangered, let alone their ingenuity when it comes to traps or weapons, they were surprisingly good at making weapons.
It was invigorating. To see war so close, to feel the fear and fury in the mortals' prayers. He couldn't wait. He was the God of war yet has never even fought in one, it was ridiculous to say the least. Unlike the mortals or even his family he was excited, eager, restless for war, for death and carnage, and for Blood. His hands twitch next to his gladius just waiting to whip it out.
He's pulled from his thoughts by steps coming up to him.
"You look like you want to kill somebody, a Minotaur look at you wrong again?" Coming from behind was Artemis wearing her signature roguish type gear sporting a large almost comically so hunting bow slung over her shoulder. Even when they are double the size of an average man her bow stands nearly as tall as her. Her calm dirty blonde hair was put up into a bun pulled behind her head in order to avoid it interfering with her sight and her brown eyes had an animal like ferocious glint in them.
Ares sighed at the sight of his sister, it was always so annoying dealing with his siblings.
"What do you want, can't you see I'm busy?" He says his voice as abrasive as ever clearly showing his distaste for the upcoming conversation.
"Oh nothing much just wanted to tell you that Zeus expects Odin and his army to arrive by tomorrow evening. He wants us all to start moving any available armies toward the Larissa plains. After that you'll do what he says." She said as she fiddles with some type of puzzle, sitting at the edge of the cliff her feet dangle off the edge.
"Finally, I can't wait to tear Odin's arms off! Watch the look on Hades face as my power overcomes his when we begin to war." He pauses for a moment to regain his composure not realizing that he said all of that out loud. Coughing into his fist he looks back toward the soldiers training.
Artemis hearing what she's sure Ares meant for her not to hear becomes a little worried. "Hey, even if you think this war is nothing you better behave, I know you heard the stories, of what Hades did to Greece and to the Titans, especially Atlas. How the world cried as he unleashed his power, and how the Gigantes who could hold their own against the original 6 were obliterated with 2 of his words, how Atlas, the titan of strength and endurance was reduced to ash by a mere touch. So please, for your own sake, mind yourself in front of him. Hera won't save you when it comes to him." She says and with all that she came for done she simply jumped off the cliff morphing into a large falcon flying off into the distance.
'That bitch. So what if Hades is strong, once this war starts he wont stand a chance against me.' A smirk on his face he continues to watch the soldiers, they were strong but uncoordinated, barely managing to work together as squads, but what could you expect from the god of war, who's strategies and skills relied on his experience in war, when he has no such experience. Unlike Hades who had knowledge beyond anyone in this universe, the other gods had no such assistance relying only of their divinities and past experience to forge their path.
It was unfair really.
"Are you sure he's okay?" Amaltheia worriedly asks looking at Meliodas' unconscious form. The three of them moved him into one of the many empty rooms with both Amaltheia and Hestia looking concerned, meanwhile Hades was poking and prodding him like a scientist seeing an interesting subject.
Opening one of his eyes he sees his pupils returned to a calm nice green, the mark on his face long since faded as well.
"I'm sure. It was just a minor transformation, I can only guess what happened but it looked like he lost his rationality but that can be worked out with some training, I'm sure." Pulling away he looks toward the two their faces relaxing as he explained what was happening.
The two loved Meliodas, he was Amaltheia's son she's raised since birth, while Hestia loved all of her family especially her nieces and nephews. "He'll be fine in a few hours, most of the power he gained has already dissipated. I'll try to keep him out of that state until he's ready. Which could be years, or maybe days, I don't really know." He knew that if for some reason this would become the same Meliodas as from the show that it would be nearly impossible for him to not lose his emotions the more he used his power, it was a sort of trade off to gain so much in the first place.
Suddenly a soft knock sounded on the big door to the room.
Looking over they see Kara standing with a letter in her hands, Zeus's seal largely imprinted. Thunderclouds with lighting streaking through them, waiting to be unleashed.
"Hermes has delivered this to you, my lord." She says as Hades walks up taking the letter and opening it without any fanfare. A letter from his brother doesn't mean anything good.
Written in golden ink a call to arms in the plainest terms were wrote.
'Odin has arrived, his armies falling upon us as the sun reaches its apex tomorrow, prepare thy self for battle at Larissa plains.' Tomorrow, the war starts. Looking at his son, then at Amaltheia and Hestia a grimace grows on his face.
Ever since he learned about the upcoming confrontation he has been conflicted on precisely what to do. He didn't want to kill Odin, after all even if this wasn't entirely marvel universe he didn't want to completely shatter what he knew.
He continues to think for another moment.
And then he decides.
"Kara, with me." In an instant she was next to him as they strut their way down the halls leaving the two of them to take care of meliodas.
Kara looking at her lord was curious as to what was happening having not read the contents of the letter. "May I inquire what we are doing?"
Continuing to walk they reach his ornate throne room, the deep green braziers igniting as they pass by.
"Rallying the troops." He responds as he sits on his throne, his charcoal eyes gaining a purple tint as he reaches out into the world.
He listens and feels for his followers, connecting with each of them. His vast power stretching as his mind reaches. Thankfully the majority of his warriors were grouped around the underworld entrance training, making it much easier than it would be once they spread out. His power creeping into each of their minds he imposes his will, his voice ringing in their souls.
"My warriors. The time has come, War, has arrived. Odin and his legions march upon us. Intending to steal our land, Rob us of our freedom, and annihilate our way of life. " He paused, his voice ringing in each of their heads, the weight of his words compounding with sorrow.
"But we will not cower in the shadow of war! We will not crumble at the edge of their swords! No, we will fight them!" His word igniting a blaze within them their very souls burning in fervor and will.
"We will show them Who We Are! And the error that they have made. Now march on the Larissa plains, and prepare thy self."
For The End is Nigh
An(hello am back again. Have the begining of the fight with Odin started but am struggling on finding a way to make it unique yk? Don't was it to be the same as the one with Cronus )