Chereads / Evo-lution / Chapter 162 - 160: A Company of Fools: Demons of Sho’lajah IV

Chapter 162 - 160: A Company of Fools: Demons of Sho’lajah IV

"We're over the college." Sin anmounced. Iris, Bo, and I all looked over Twilight's side down at the college below.

"Where is Lady Jane?" Iris asked me.

[Bone, Alpa, where are you?] I asked.

[With the mouthy princess, Star Shaper. She is in the laboratory's vault. As the idiot and I are too big to get inside, we are watching her from outside.] Alpa'nagia reported

[Idiot! Who are you calling idiot lunch meat!] Bone-lasher growled.

[Don't you two start! No arguing when you're working.] I ordered.

[Yes Star Shaper.]

[Yes Boss.]

"The lab. Apparently, she's in the vault. I really need to start locking that." I announced.

"Vault, it is…" Sin said, then guided Twilight towards our destination.

[Alpa, tell Jane that we're going to swap you two out for two other evos.] I told Alpa'nagia. There was no reply for several seconds, but as Twilight came to a stop above the lab and hovered, Bone-lasher replied.

[He told her Boss, she doesn't seem to care. She was looking at all your scribbles in the vault.] Bone-lasher reported.

[That's okay. You two head outside.] I told them then turned to Iris.

"You want one of your evos watching her?" I asked.

"Bo can do it." Iris said. Bo frowned and looked back at her.

"No, I can't. I'm not getting stuck with guard duty!" Bo snapped. Iris frowned and shook her head.

"Not you! I have an evo named Bo. It's a hivdrix." Iris corrected him. Bo narrowed his eyes at her and crossed his arms.

"You named an evo after me? I'm not sure if I should be flattered or insulted." He said.

"I didn't name it after you! I've had Bo for years. He was the first evo I ever spliced." Iris said and summoned the little hivdrix.

It broke free from its structure and flew around Iris and Bo several times, stopping in mid-air in front of Bo's face and eyeing him before flying off again and landing on Iris shoulder.

"I've never seen one of those before." Bo gasped and looked at evo-Bo.

"Hivdrix aren't common in Egypt since hummingbirds are rare here and the species of wasp used to splice it are found in Europe." Iris explained.

"In other countries in Africa though they are pretty common. They're mostly used in doctors' offices and surgeries." I added as I summoned Fours. I flung his crystalline structure into the air, and it shattered several feet above us. Fours flew down to our level and hovered a few feet away from Twilight.

[You have a task for md pretender?] Fours asked.

[Yeah, there's a pampered brat inside that I need someone to watch while I take Alpa'nagia and Bone-lasher to deal with those gangster's that put a hit out on me. You'll be working with Iris' hivdrix, Bo, to keep her safe.] I explained. Fours nodded.

[I'll ensure she's safe.] Fours replied.

The sound of a door opening caught everyone's attention. We all looked down and saw Alpa'nagia and Bone-lasher slither and walk out of the laboratory's open door. Jane walked out shortly after them and looked up at the sky. Iris pointed to Jane, and evo-Bo flew down and took a defensive position around Jane. Fours descended slowly and landed a few feet away from Jane.

Bone-lasher returned to my crystal while Alpa'nagia took flight and flew up to Twilight and the rest of us.

"That woman is in a foul mood, Star Shaper. It only got worse once she got inside the vault." Alpa'nagia said.

"All my notes on Shaping are in the vault. She's smart so she'll understand them with enough time to study." I said, looking down at Jane.

Jane looked up at me with a seemingly emotionless expression on her face. However, her eyes gave her away. There was a deep anger just below the surface. She quickly turned on her heel and then headed back inside the laboratory. Evo-Bo and Fours followed Jane inside, and the door closed behind them.

"Geez, she's still angry?" Bo grumbled and shook his head.

"She lost to Chase just yesterday, Bo." Iris said.

"And you slapped her. Can't forget that!" Bo added.

"Shuddup!" I snapped and chopped him on his head

"Ow! Dang it, Chase, those hurt!" Bo exclaimed and rubbed the top of his head.

"Then stop making astute observations, and I'll stop chopping you." I said, then looked to Sin. "Let's get this show on the road."

"Gotcha Boss. Let's go Twilight!" Sin said, urging the Void Drake on.

Twilight took off, heading towards the east and the furthermost part of the city with Alpa'nagia following close behind. Twilight flew fast, and we quickly found ourselves leaving college airspace and the gold city behind and into the silver city.

High up as we were, I could easily see the bronze city as well as the damage from our battle with Draco and the red dragons. There were still several deep gouges in the area when the draconis fire breath had destroyed city blocks. The areas that surrounded the paths of devastation were melted like ice on the sidewalk in summer. With a leader like Draco with such a powerful evo, it was easy to understand why the red dragons were so feared before.

On the other hand, the high fire dragons that seemed to sprout from the simmering corpse of the red dragons didn't have the same charismatic leader with an immensely powerful evo to use as a fear spreading tool. All they had were most of the red dragons' old members and a lot of evos.

[Boss, down below! People are getting attacked.] Bone-lasher reported. He suddenly shared his vision with me, and I saw four people, three adults and a child, running from a mob of ten or more gangsters.

"Fuck a duck!" I groaned then jumped off Twilight's back and channeled float attribute mana throughout my body.

"Chase!" Everyone exclaimed and looked over Twilight's side as I quickly fell down scowled my descend.

The family that was being chased were running through an alley trying to get to one of the main street. Thus worked in their favors as their pursuers were tripping over each other in the cramped alley. I maneuvered myself to land in the mouth of the alley and drew the mana-lock pistol I had stuffed in the back of my jeans.

"GET DOWN!" I ordered the family as I aimed the pistol.

The group of four came to a stop and did as I asked. I channeled mana into the handle of the gun and the mana crystal embedded in it glowed with electric blue light. I pulled the trigger and the runes all over the magi-tech gun glowed as mana traveled from my hand to the barrel and a bullet of electricity fired from the barrel.

The bullet flew with light speed and slammed into the chest of a gangster, shattering on impact and sending arched of lightning shooting through the gangster and even hitting a couple of his mates with stray arch and sending them flying into the alley walls.

The mana crystal in the mana-lock glowed bright red as I pulled the trigger this tike and fire bullet fired from the magi-tech gun. This time I wasn't aiming at the gangsters but rather the ground in front of them. The bullet struck the concrete and pillar of fire erupted into the air for few second before dissipating.

"Next time I shoot to kill!" I yelled at the now terrified gangsters. They'd all came to a halt and look too scared to think what to do next. "Get going before I use you for target practice!"

The gangsters start falling over each other as they ran back the way they came down the alley, leaving the three gangsters that had been knocked out by my first attack where they lay.

'Geez, no loyalty.' I thought as I holsters my mana-lock back down the back of my pants.

'Yep, need to make a holster for this.'

"You four okay?" I asked the family as I approached them. The only man of the group jumped in front of the two women and child like a shield. He was shaking like a leaf but had determined look in his eyes.

"Please don't hurt my family, I'll give you anything!" He exclaimed. I stopped mid-step and held my hands up.

"I'm not going to hurt anyone. I just wanted to make sire you four are alright. My evo saw you three getting chased and I couldn't stand by and do nothing." I explained. The man eyed me suspiciously.

There was a sudden gust of wind behind me and the man and his family looked even more terrified. I glanced over my shoulder and saw that Twilight was descending and Alpa'nagia was flying in a circle over the area.

"It's okay they're with me…" I said. The oldest of the woman's eyes widened as she looked at my farm crystal.

"A star farm crystal holder with a American accent…you're the one that defeated Draco." She breathed.

"Yeah. Chase Kingston, owner and operator of Sho'lajah artifact company." I said with a soft smile. The family relaxed a bit having heard that.

"Chase what the hell?!" Iris snapped as she snapped off Twilight's back and stomped over to my side and slapped me on the arm.

"Ow! What was that for?" I grumbled as rubbed my arm.

"You just jumped off Sin's evo while it was hundreds of feet in the air!" She snapped.

"Oh come on! I do stuff like that all the time!" I argued. Iris slapped my arm again and scowled.

"And you need to stop! You know how many heart attacks you give Lady Jane and I when you do stuff like that!" She snapped.

"Okay! I'll warn you next time!" I said and rubbed my shoulder. I glanced over at the family then back at Iris and motioned to the family with a jerk of my head. Iris saw then and her demeanor changed to a softer one.

"Are you four okay?" She asked sweetly.

"Um…yes, thanks to Chase." The man said.

"Why were they chasing you?" Iris asked. The man looked back at the child, a young girl that had a sphere shaped farm crystal on her elbow.

"My daughter is a splicer and they wanted her for some reason. They burst into our home to try and take her. The rest of us are only normies so we could only run from them." He said.

"They probably wanted to use her mana for help control evos." I said looking back at Iris. She nodded in agreement.

"You four should try and get away from here and hide somewhere safe for the time being. The high fire dragons won't be an issue for you after today." Iris said. The man and his family all look relieved as they stood up.

"Thank you! Thank you!" The man said then ushered his family out of the alley.

"Bone-lasher told you about them didn't he?" Iris asked when the family left.

"Yeah, he's good at scouting for things I'd find interesting." I said then turned and headed towards Twilight.


"So what the hell was that earlier, Boss?" Sin asked as we flew over more of the bronze city.

"You mean the lightning and explosion?" I asked.

"Yeah. It didn't seem like the type of attacks you use through mana channeling." Sin said.

"It wasn't, I used the mana-lock, it fires bullets made out of mana turned into a certain element. The element changes depending on what the user wants. You want fire balls you get fire bullets, lightning bolts and you get lightning bullets. It's as intuitive as if it was an extension of your own arm." I explained.

"Those attacks had to use a lot of mana though." Sin observed. I shook my head.

"The both of them combined didn't even use a half of a percent of my mana. The mana crystal in the handle takes a small percent of mana and condenses it and then takes a small portion of that condensed mana and then alters the attribute and turns it into a bullet." I explained.

"That actually sounds cost effective…however there is a big difference between your mana pool and normal people's mana pool so what could be a small percent for you would not be small for them." Iris said.

"Hey! I'm perfectly normal!" I snapped.

"NO THE FUCK YOU AREN'T!" Iris and Sin yelled in unison. Bo chuckled and crossed his arms.

"Yeah it must suck having such a small mana pool…" Bo teased. Iris and Sin looked back at Bo with vicious glares.

"Shut up! Your mana pool isn't that much larger than ours!" Iris snapped.

"And I don't need a large mana pool. I can cast spells with the best of them!" Sin snapped.

"Still have more mana than the both of you! Probably put together!" Bo teased.

"I'd chop him for boasting but he's kinda right…." I muttered softly.

"You didn't need to say that!" Sin and Iris both snapped.

"Star Shaper we're reaching the edge of the city." Alpa'nagia said as he flew close to Twilight.

Everyone looked ahead and saw the edge of the bronze city and a vast expanse of the desert that surrounds the entire city. There were a few smaller abandoned buildings that dotted the landscape for a few miles as far as I could see but off into the distance was a spec of a building.

"That's it…all the way up over there." Sin said pointing to the distance.

"That tiny speck out there?" Bo asked, shielding his eyes from the sun and squinting into the distance.

"Well, looks like it's about time to start the operation!" I exclaimed with a smirk.