Chereads / Evo-lution / Chapter 163 - 161: A Company of Fools: Demons of Sho’lajah V

Chapter 163 - 161: A Company of Fools: Demons of Sho’lajah V

"Bone-lasher, Empress, Jiggles, come on out you three." I called out as I summoned my evos.

"Pogs! You too!" Sin exclaimed.

We summoned our evos, their structures shattering in the desert sands around us. Alpa'nagia, Bone-lasher, Empress, Jiggles, Pogs, and Twilight all stood in a circle around Iris, Bo, Sin, and I.

"You have a job for us my lord?" Empress asked giving me a studious bow.

"Yeah. Just over there is a warehouse filled with gangsters that have put a hit out on Nate, Jade, Sin, and myself. Normally that wouldn't be much of a problem given the strength of all of you but this gang also has a lot of evos at their disposal and they're only getting more through a deal they are making with an American company." I said pointing to the warehouse in the distance.

We were about a mile away from it so it was still visible. Everyone turned and looked at the warehouse, even without Bone-lasher's electromagnetic vision I could see there was a lot of movement around the perimeter of the building.

"Boss, there are a lot of evos inside." Bone-lasher said.

"Define a lot?" Iris asked.

My vision blurred as Bone-lasher shared his vision with me and my consciousness was pulled to the building. Inside I saw hundreds of evos in cages stacked four high. There were a little over a hundred fire dragons walking around and making rounds. I frowned and crossed my arms.

"At least three hundred thrads and over a hundred gangsters." I confirmed. Iris and Sin's eyes grew wide.

"THAT'S TOO DAMN MANY!" They both bellowed.

"Yeah I'll have to agree with you on that…I was expecting there to be a few dozen not hundreds." I said.

"No matter the number we can prevail my Lord!" Empress exclaimed.

"But not without someone getting hurt." Bo said.

"Exactly…we'll need a better plan than just using all of you as a distraction. We'll need a trap." I said.

"What kind of trap?" Iris asked.

"How about a pit?!" Bo offered.

"Exactly what I was thinking. Thrads were made to fight in marshlands, swamps, and forests. Deserts like this are out of their area comfort zone. Male a giant pitfall trap in the sand and they'll never be able to claw their way out." I said.

"How exactly do you suggest we make a pitfall trap?" Iris asked giving me an indignant look.

"Grimm-Guard, he's made with a bullet ant. Which are very good diggers." I said.

[I can defiantly make a pitfall trap for you Star Boss!] Grimm-Guard confirmed through the mental link. Sin crossed his arms and grunted.

"So if I understand your reasoning here Boss, your plan is to have Grimm-Guard dig a giant trap to take a bunch of those thrads out of commission and have the other evos attack and lure then into the trap. While they are doing that we are sneaking into the back and taking out any high fire dragons we see while searching for the boss so we can cancel the hit." Sin summarized.

"Exactly." I confirmed.

"That's nice and all but what is the kid doing?" Iris asked pointing to Bo. Bo puffed up and crossed his arms, trying to look tough while he gave me a serious look.

"Yeah what am I doing?" Bo parroted.

"Leading the evos attack on the warehouse from Twilight's back." I said.

"Really?!" Bo exclaimed.

"REALLY!" Sin and Iris both snapped.

"You know you two are getting really good at that." I teased. Iris scowled and stomped over and grabbed my by the ear. "Ow my ear!"

"Why are you letting the child lead the attack on the warehouse!" She snapped.

"Because he'll be in the best position to run should something happen! On the back of a flying evo that can get him away from here in a moments notice. Plus Empress and Alpa'nagia can fly so they would be able to escort him!" I yelled as she nearly yanked my eye off.

"It would be harder for us to retreat inside the warehouse…" Sin commented. Iris' scowl deepened but she let go of my ear.

"Fine, there somewhere we should be looking exactly for the leader?" Iris asked.

Bone-lasher shared his vision with me again and showed the inside of the warehouse like all the other ones that the red dragons has there was a office that was high above the rest of the warehouse floor. Inside the office were a few high fire dragon gang members, only they were all dressed differently than the normal grunts.

'I'm betting one is the leader and the others are the splicers for the warehouse.' I thought. My vision was suddenly pulled away from the warehouse and pulled across the desert to the edge of Bone-lasher's vision. There was a flock evos I hadn't seen before flying low to the ground while pulling what looked like a transport carriage across the sand. The evos looked to be a odd combination of hyena and some kind of bird. It had four legs and two massive winds sprouting from its back, the wings looked larger than the ones that Alpa'nagia and Jingles had.

"Something's coming." I told everyone.

"What?" Sin asked looking out into the desert.

"A transport, carried by some kind of flying evos. They're dragging it along the sand." I summerized.

"This could be a shipment of evos!" Bo announced. I nodded in agreement.

"They're at least four miles out." I said.

"There's a second transport that just popped into range." Bone-lasher said. He let out a low grumbling sound and shook his head. "No, two more…three…five, five transports in total. They're filled with those thrads…"

"Fuck! That complicates things…" Sin muttered. I smiled deviously and shook my head.

"Actually that makes things a little easier." I said. Sin, Iris and Bo all looked at me like I was crazy.

"How does that make things easier?" Sin asked.

"Well if there is a shipment then the boss of the warehouse is going to come out to check it obviously." I replied then looked back at the others. "I'm changing the plan. Alpa'nagia, Twilight, and Empress will come with me and we'll greet the leader as well as whoever is supplying the high fire dragons with evos. Sin and Iris you two will take Bone-lasher, Jiggles, and Pogs and assault the warehouse from the back. Eliminate anyone standing in your way and kill all the thrads. Do not miss a single one, the last thing this city needs is a horde of the little shits attacking citizens."

"What about me?" Bo asked. I summoned Grimm-Guard and flung his crystal high over a dune nearby. When Grimm-Guard emerged I pointed at him.

"You and Grimm are on clean up duty. If any thrad manages to get past Iris and Sin you two eliminate them." I said then activated my void wallet and pulled out the a mana-lock and handed it to Bo. "It's easy to use, just point and pull the trigger. If you want to immobilize your target it will immobilize it, if you want to kill it, it will kill it. When it comes to thrads go for the kill."

"Are we just going to gloss over the fact that Chase just gave a ten year old a gun?" Iris asked turning to Sin. Sin just shrugged.

"I learned how to shoot when I was four so it doesn't seem that weird to me." Sin said pulling out his own mana-lock. "But that might just be an American thing."

"Oh yeah that's right he wouldn't know how to use a gun…." I groaned then took the mana-lock back and handed it to Iris.

"Oh come on!" Bo groaned.

"After all this is over I'll give you shooting lessons along with your mom, okay?" I said to placate him. Bo groaned and crossed his arms.

"Okaaaaay…" He grumbled reluctantly. I looked to Iris who had a look of distain on her face and held the mana-lock between her thumb and index finger like it was a dirty rag.

"I am not using that!" She exclaimed then tossed it back into my void pocket.

"Fine! Just don't come crying to me when you use all your mana attacking." I grumbled.


I asked through the mental link.

Sin replied.

Bo groaned.

I exclaimed.

Bo snapped.

Iris grumbled.

I ignored Bo and Iris for a moment and focused on the scene happening down below. I was riding on Twilight's back with Alpa'nagia and Empress flying close beside him. We were high enough that anyone on the ground couldn't see us easily in the desert sun but low enough that we could see what was happening.

The small convoy of transports were just now pulling up to the warehouse. The look outs noticed them when they were about a half a mile away and scrambled to get the place ready for them. There was now a small squad of fire dragons outside lead by who I believed was the boss of the warehouse. Unlike his cronies he ware a very expensive looking suit that had the red and gold coloring of the high fire dragons.

'So much for originality, they're just copying the red dragons style.' I thought as I looked at him.

The first of the transports came to a stop and the odd evos thar were pulling them landed. The door to the driver compartment opened up and two people stepped out.

One was obviously the driver, he was dressed in a valet uniform and looked more grizzled than your average man. The other was a woman in a expensive looking knee length dress. There was not a wriggle to be found on her dress as she climbed down the transport and not a hair out of place. Real corporate big wig type.

The high fire dragon leader walked over to greet the woman and her driver, offering hos hand to help her down from the high transport. She of course accepted it and stepped down into the sand. Her high heels of course sunk immediately and nearly made her fall but her driver quickly caught her.

Sin said.

I said.

I felt an odd popping sensation in my ears for a moment and winced. After a second my hearing became sharper and more acute. I realized that Alpa'nagia was sharing his hearing with me like Bone-lasher shares his vision.

[] The fire dragons leader said. Karen huffed and stood up straight.

[] She said with a haughty huff. []

[] Balthas replied. Karen groaned and balled her fists.

[] Karen snapped.

[] Balthas replied. Karen looked down her nose at Balthas and scowled.

[] She said.

[] Balthas exclaimed.

Karen looked surprised by that news and took a step back. She quickly composed herself and frowned at Balthas.

[] She said then turned and looked at the four other transports that were just coming to a stop.


[] Balthas said. I couldn't help but notice the hint of distain in hos voice when he said her name. Karen must of heard it too cause she turned back to look at Blathas and scowled again.

[] She said.

The door to the driver section of the second transport opened up and two familiar faces climbed out of it and descended onto the sand.

'Haws! Louie!' I thought. My heart nearly skipped a beat when it saw them. They looked a little older since I last saw them but it was defiantly Haws and Louie. Haws was missing his right arm so it was hard for him to climb down the ladder. Once on the ground he walked over to Karen.

[] Haws asked.

[] Karen replied with a haughty scoff.

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