Kavielle POV
Delusion or reality?
It was late by time we made the transition to Madison's apartment. Drew hauled in several boxes of things, people asking if he was finally moving in. Of course, he laughed, explaining he was just helping me out. My frustrations were leaking through, and not having a room to myself made me uncomfortable.
He fell asleep on the couch while we were watching a movie, so I snuck out the front door, grabbing my partial pack of cigarettes on my way. I guess I needed a moment to myself, just trying to wrap my head around it.
I sat out on the stoop, lighting a very stale cigarette, letting the emotions pour out of me. As much as I tried to stay quiet, it was hard a sob escaping here and there. Madison was terrified, since her patron called and demanded we meet him next week. Drew was angry because I agreed to do it and I was emotional, wanting to hate the idea, but I needed to see him again.