The best laid plans
When I finally made it inside, Madison had spread across the living room, mountains of clothes and shoes everywhere. "Kavi! You're finally home! Time to get your dress picked out!"
Fuck my deal with Madison.
I wanted to tell her about my run in with Drew, but I knew if I did, she would freak out. We had all these plans, and she knew he wouldn't be okay with it. But it's not his choice. We're not really a 'couple' we're just trying to figure things out. This was just another step in my plan. I get myself together, break this ridiculous sex wall I have hanging over me, and then I can really commit to a relationship with Drew.
"Okay, okay, I know! I promised I would do that tonight." I mumbled, throwing my bag to the ground.
"Come on, I have it narrowed down to a few items. It will be super quick, then we can start working on some trade secrets." She smiled. I sat down next to her as she turned to me. "So, how was your day at work, honey?"
I chuckled, rolling my eyes. "Good, ran into an old friend. Was awkward as fuck. Finally, got enough cash to cover the damn bill." I said, smashing the wad of cash into her hand.
"Oooo, money. Thanks, babe. You're such a good husband and provider." She laughed, pocketing the cash. "Wait, old friend? You don't have friends… unless…" she smacked me a few times, "You ran into Drew, you have to dish! I am living vicariously through you." She sat back with a huge smile.
"He wants to start over, blah blah blah." I rolled my eyes again. "I told him we may be able to give it a try, but that I was working on myself first. I told him about our plans," I hesitated, "you know, moving to New York for school. He was supportive."
"Wait," she laughed sarcastically. "Drew was okay with our plan? You know, being paid to have sex with a stranger? Is this the same Drew I know?" She was suspicious.
I rolled my eyes. "I told him we have a project together, not the details. I didn't go into detail with him because it's none of his business."
"Kavi! What the fuck! You can't bail on me! I've already committed us to the auction!" She smacked my arm.
"It doesn't matter what Drew thinks, because this is my choice. It's one date, nothing serious, and it won't be… not for a while. This is going to help me in so many ways, I have to do it." My voice was sure, steady.
"Well, don't hide it from him. You need to tell him. If it's a deal-breaker for him, at least you know." She said somberly.
"Yeah, I guess you're right. I'll be honest with him." Conceding, I took a deep breath.
"You shouldn't be ashamed Kavi, what we are doing is easy money. We'll be safe and probably have a lot of fun doing it! Sex work is still work." She said, proudly.
"I'm nervous, not embarrassed. I think Drew might be a little too old-fashioned to be okay with his potential girl being used by every man in the city." I joked.
"It's one man, Kavi, not like you are going to get a train run on you." She scoffed, acting like I was ridiculous.
"I'll give it a shot, Madison, but I have a feeling this is going to be the last straw for him and it's going to hurt all over again when he leaves." She put her arms around me, leaning into me. She didn't give the kind of comfort I felt in my dreams, but it would do for tonight.
"Come on darling, let's get you into your dress." She pushed me in front of the mirror as she held up dresses to me. "I have my eye on a gorgeous blue sequined gown, so I want to get you something that is along the same. She held up a silver sequined one. It was short and had a halter style top. I shook my head, and she threw it to the side. "Okay, let's try a little more refined." The next dress she put up to me was black. It was more of a gown with long sleeves, mermaid style, with a skirt that hung to the floor.
"I can just see me shuffling along in this and looking awkward until I fall flat on my face." I quipped, worried about my lack of experience being 'elegant.'
She laughed. "Yeah, not a good idea. Two left feet and all…." She looked me up and down. "Hm, I have one more. It's a little more revealing than I originally planned, but I think you would fill it nicely." She retreated to her room, returning with this dark red gown. It had a deep V front, going to the top of my pubic bone, and a leg slit up to my ass. "Try this one on."
I stared at it for a moment, terrified. Reluctantly, I stripped down, having to remove my bra and panties for the look. I pulled it on. I was bustier than Madison, so my breasts seemed to be the focal point. She moved next to me, zipping up the small zipper on the ass of the dress. "You are going to fucking turn every head in the room."
As I looked at myself in the mirror, probably for the first time, I thought I looked good. My hair was in a messy bun that I let down, letting the 7ft of hair I had flow down my back. "Wow," I let slip, Madison cooing gently at my response.
"Damn girl, told you." She put her arms on my shoulders, leaning into me.
"I still don't think anyone would really want this…"
She got defensive. "Fuck that, bitch, you're so hot." She ran around me, fiddling with my hair, digging out a dark lipstick, forcing me to stand still why she put it on, "Look at yourself Kavi, you're a goddess, and you need to get used to thinking that way." She took a few steps back. "Let's get a picture, then you can ask Drew if he likes it." She said, snapping several photos.
I rolled my eyes. "I am not showing anyone this."
She turned the phone around to show me the pic. It was decent; I guess. She had applied a filter, giving it a weird glow. I guess anyone can look good at the right photographer. "I am sending it to you. You look at that when you find yourself forgetting that you're a god. Damn. Queen."
"Okay, whatever." I said, now looking at the picture on my phone.
"Well, that was easy enough. Now we need to talk about the not-so-fun stuff."