Chereads / Sniper eyes / Chapter 5 - Trap

Chapter 5 - Trap

" what tha.. fuc!!k...." Micheal said while going through his computer, Carmela is not home, she was still mad about the Fack that Micheal wasn't talking to her, this made her really angry, I guess she doesn't like being snubbed.

Now back to the topic, Micheal just saw something that drew surprise all over his face, it was like hitting a guy's face with something that could change his life forever, it brought a smirk upon his face, which cried out with happiness.

This was something that could free them from the organization ones and for all, but how would he tell Carmela when he doesn't know where she is, he tried calling her, but she wasn't picking," why isn't she picking her f*cking call" he says, while dropping his phone down on the bed with anger.

He decides to keep it to himself, but his conscience were judging him" wrong move Micheal, of you wanna gain her trust, you have to tell her, no need hanging this on your neck like a common dog" his inner mind said, he was now contemplating whether or not to tell her.

Before his mind could go any further, Carmela steps into the room, this was his chance to tell her,but his pride was the only thing stopping him, he wanted Carmela to beg him. But this was too big to be kept away from Carmela, he knew that he had to do something, so he decided to tell her.

" Hey Carme," he calls her with the name he usually calls her when they are joking around, Carmela didn't answer him, she wanted to, but she was still to angry, she didn't even turn to look at him, or even show that she was listening.

" I'm sorry about the way things turned out between us yesterday...." Micheal apologized, but before he could continue he is being stopped by a wave of annoyance which Carmela was giving.

" Well why do I even need to apologise, you are the one that was wrong Carmela, I have been working with you for five good years, I trusted you, I even took a bullet for you, do you know how the fuck that felt, I trusted my ass to you, and all you could do is spank it real hard,by telling me that you don't trust me, do you know how it feels,? Micheal said while yelling at her, his face was filled with rage, he felt like dismantling her face with his fist, he almost threw a punch at her, but she didn't even move a mussle, because she knew that he wouldn't do it.

" Now you see one reason I don't trust you, trying to throw a fucking punch on ma face, you are just a fucked up loser Micheal, all you care bout is love, trust, but what you don't fucking know, in that torn into rags brain of yours is that in this fucking business, there is nothing like love, or trust, you just need to do what you can to survive on your own, I not, you'll get a fucking bullet, fucking your ass" she countered nonchallantly, with an angry tone, but she wasn't actually yelling.

" Well you are right, maybe I shouldn't trust you, maybe I should go work on my own, infact, I am calling the agency right now" Micheal said with disappointment, he thought that maybe if he yells at her, she would reconsider and beg him for forgiveness, but he received the shock of his life when she gave him those words, he never knew that Carmela was that much of a crazy girl.

" Well you know what, go knock yourself out bitch, I don't fucking care anymore, kill yourself for all I care, it's you who will run back to me, begging for Mercy, and you know what, I won't be there to help you." Carmela said, as she took a bottle of alcohol, and left the room with frustration.

Micheal had never seen Carmela behave like that towards him, he felt betrayed, and heart broken, but at the same time, he knew that this fight wasn't going to last, so he decides to park his bags and leave. He still wanted to show Carmela that he wasn't going to draw down to her level.

He leaves a letter on the table as he left the room with tears, rolling down his chin. He was going to miss Carmela, but he had to do what he had to do to earn her respect.

On the other hand, Carmela was already far north, she was seen walking on a lonely road, a road where you can never see a vehicle, or let alone people on it, she was seen walking on the middle of the road. It was already dark, it was almost midnight. She was drinking and smoking all at the same time.

Tears were also falling from her beautiful blue colored eyes. She was not happy with what she did or said to Micheal, she knew she had to slow down.

She started hearing sounds, coming from the bushes, but she pretended as though she didn't care, she keeps smoking and walking as though she wasn't paying attention to what was happening in the bushes, this was to lure the person into her trap, she knew what was coming for her, she knew that the person after her was either coming for her life, or trying to rape or Rob her, but what this person didn't know was that she was a bad ass.

She then feels the person walking behind her, but she pretended as though she had no idea, the man then points a gun at back of her head attempting to shoot her, she then bows her bowed her head down, and a loud gun sound was made, the bullet flew away, hitting no body on its way, she then raises her right leg up and hits the wrist of the man, which sends the gun flying, she drops her legs down again, then she twisted it, which made her turn right infront of the man and landing a really disastrous kick on the man's face still with her right leg.

The man attempts to punch her, but she draws his hands backwards, and at the same time drew the man closer to him, landing a beautifully arranged fist on his face. The man falls to the ground and gave her a slide kick on her right legs, but she countered his moves by back flipping, she then lands on her feet and gave the man who was now standing a kick on his balls, the man now bows bends, using his hands to cover his balls in pains, this gave her room to pull out a gun and shoot the man on his backhead, but she doesn't, she wanted to know more about what was happening, so she made him unconscious by hitting him on his head with the handle of her gun, which makes the man fall to his back on the ground as he sleeps his way to unconsciousness.

She tied the man up and took him into the bushes so that no one would notice, she then ties him to a tree and interlocked his legs to the ground.

Soon the man wakes up and sees the back of Carmela, who was smoking, he tries to stand up but he was pulled back by the ropes. He then agrees to himself that there was no escape for him.

" Why didn't you kill me?" The man said.

". Ooo you are finally awake, " Carmela said while turning to him, and throwing her cigarette on his face.

" Answer the God dam question, why didn't you kill me bitch" the man says all over again.

" Well don't get to comfortable man, you ain't gonna die that easily, now tell me, who sent you to make an attempt on my life, and I would honor you with an easy death" Carmela said while bending her kneels to talk to him, and caressing his bearded face with her gun.

" And you think I am scared of dying" the man says.

" Well I figured that out, you know we all ain't scared of dying, but we all have fucking weak points" Carmela said while maundering around the man with ease.

" What do you mean?" The man asked in surprise.

" Well what I am trying to say is that, while you were asleep, I searched you, and you happened to be with your ID card, well how unprofessional of you Mr. Davis" Carmela said while pointing his ID card to the air.

" What are you gonna do with that, roast your ass with it" Davis says, sarcastically while still wondering what she was going to do with it.

" Well no, Mr. Davis, but you see with this ID, I have been able to trace what you do for a living, you are a spy just like me, I have been noticing your presence for the past two weeks, bit I pretended as though you weren't there. (Pauses, as he bends down to him again and continued) I am not the kind that torture so I could force the truth out of you, I am the kind that locates your weak point," Carmela said with a weird voice, which made her sound smart.

" What are you insinuating?" The man asked.

" Well, what I am trying to say is that, I have been able to locate your family"Carmela said with a cold smirk on her face.

The man suddenly became uncomfortable.

" Huhhh....." The man says in surprise.

" Well I know they leave at the northern borders of leyima street, I have also been able to contact my agents, who are now in you home" she said while she shows him the picture of his family, tied to a tree.

" Please don't hurt my family, I promise to tell you everything you want" the man begs, he had no choice but to do so.

" Now you come, now, who do you work for, and why did you make an attempt on my life." Carmela asked.

" I work for the Lavy cartel, I was asked to set a trap for you and your partner, by posting a mail to you guys, so that you could meet in a deserted crib, a bomb has been planted there, and it was meant to kill both of you, I spied to check if you were both on your way, but I saw you coming out of the room alone, I stayed to check on your partner, and he was already going over there, so I followed you to make sure that I killed you, please don't hurt my family, there have nothing to do with this" Davis said while begging with tears rolling down his chin.

" You bloody mother fucker" she says as she pulled the trigger and left him with a big hole on his forehead.

She then runs back home to check on Micheal but the room was empty.