Chereads / The Story Of Jiwoo / Chapter 6 - The Playful Eagle 2: Running?! Part 2

Chapter 6 - The Playful Eagle 2: Running?! Part 2

"R-Running?" I said confusingly.

I looked around, everyone seemed to be looking at me, Karl and Yong. Suddenly out of nowhere I heard chuckling.

"Jiwoo.. Was it?" a voice said.

I turned around.

"Oh look, he's even carrying the other guy!" the same voice said.

There were 3 people, all of them had the same eagle mask as the guy we saw from the junkyard. 2 of them looked pretty regular in size while the third was a bit bigger.

"Alexander, you take the one in the back, we take the other two!" one of them said in english while pointing at Yong.

Everyone at the subway made a large space, a ring formatted between the eagle guys and us. The big guy walked past us towards Yong.

"We're here to play Kill and hide, a simple hide and seek game for all 5 of you" the Eagle said in front of me.

"Kill and.. Hide?" I said quietly.

"You hide.." he began while he put his left leg in front, going into a running position.

"We kill!" he said and started running.

Even with Karl on my back, I could still jump and run around pretty freely. I jumped up on one of the benches in order for the Eagle to miss me.

"YONG, GET AWAY FROM HIM!" I screamed while turning my head back.

Suddenly I felt a small punch on my face, I walked back and grabbed the hand and with maximum power pushed the guy away.

"Don't look away from us, shit face!" the guy who I pushed away said.

(For easier clarification, they will be called Eagle 1 and Eagle 2).

A train meanwhile opened its doors and a swarm of people started running away. Eagle 1 was behind the bench while Eagle 2 was on the opposite side, neither facing the train. While neither was looking I took the chance and walked in the swarm.

"Boris! Find him quickly!" Eagle 1 said.

I managed to look back, both of them were looking for me in the swarm. A lot of screaming and talking could be heard of the innocent people, poor people who have nothing to do with this.

I walked in the train and stayed put. I saw both of them in the train when the train moved, they were in different places looking through the seats.

"Karl, when I walk away, you have to tell me what they're doing!" I whispered.

"Roger!" he whispered back.

Minimal motion, I made my way through different seats and tried to make my way to another carriage.

"VLADIMIR! HE'S HIDING THERE!" Eagle 2 screamed.

I could hear and feel running.

"Jiwoo you heard him, be careful!" Karl said.

I turned around. Eagle 2 jumped to the side of the train and pushed himself further up and Eagle 1 slid under him.

"COME AT ME EAGLES!" I shouted.


"Yon was it?" the Eagle said in english.

Just like the guy from the Junkyard! What are they doing?

"Why are your friends not here? What is a girl going to do all alone, no girl can fight against such a person like m-" the Eagle said but I cut him off.

"Well, I'll just have to show you what a woman can do!" I said and pulled out my hammer.

"Hmph, the same one from the video? I hope you don't disappoint" the Eagle said.

We both ran towards each other, the other people who were downtown stood away, some had their phones out while others just looked, but that did not matter for me, what mattered at that second for me was to show that women are stronger than men to this asshole!

"You're strong!" he said while I clashed my hammer with his knife.

We both at the same time jumped back.

"That was just my ordinary strength, just you wait until I add Tons to my hammer's weight!" I said.

"Even with 100 Ton, you would not be able to defeat me!" the Eagle responded and ran up to me.

With all my power I swung my hammer to hit him, but he dodged it and kicked me and pushed me off. It was a powerful kick.

"It's not how much it weighs! It's whether you can actually hit me with that thing!" he said and laughed.

He was getting on my nerves!

"No matter how much this hammer weighs, and how many times you will dodge my swings, I will make sure that I will hit you once, that one time will be the only one needed!" I shouted back.

"10 Tons!" I whispered to myself.

He got into a running position again.

"THEN COME AT ME!" he shouted back.

"OF COURSE!" I shouted back.

We both ran towards each other, having his knife and my hammer ready.

My swing didn't hit, but his knife cut me, not as much as I expected though.

"My dodge was perfect, again!" he shouted.

We both ran up again, this time I didn't swing my hammer when we met up, I ducked down and swung my leg so that he would fall down. Luckily he didn't expect that and fell down.

"ONE HIT.." I said and put up my hammer for a horizontal swing to the ground.

"..IS ALL I NEED!!" I finished and hit my hammer right on his chest.

His mask slowly started to stain with blood and he slowly started to stop moving.

"Y..-You really did need one hit.." he said slowly.

I backed off and sat down on the edge of the sidewalk. There was a big crack on the ground beneath him from my hammer.

"Hmph, you underestimated me, and overestimated yourself" I replied.

Everyone was looking at schock for what had just happened.

"Yon.. M-My last moments on this ea-earth, you managed to convince m-me" he said while more blood stained his mask.

I looked over at him with confusion.

"T-that women are truly stronger.. T-than men.." he said.

I kept looking at him as blood started covering the ground around him.

"Don't let me d-down, show the world and convince them l-like you did.. Wi-with me." he said.

Slowly he stopped breathing. I stood up.

"Let's hope the others are able to handle this by themselves" I whispered to myself and sat on the sidewalk.