Chereads / The Story Of Jiwoo / Chapter 8 - The Playful Eagle 4: Running?! Part 4

Chapter 8 - The Playful Eagle 4: Running?! Part 4

The panting got worse and worse, I don't understand how I got tired from this, we had barely started.

"How could this song be to any help to us Jiwoo?" Karl asked.

I laughed.

"Just you wait and I'll show ya!" I shouted.

"COME ON NOW, COME AFTER ME!" I shouted to the Eagles.

I could hear the loud footsteps of Eagle 2, he was running behind me. I stopped kicking Eagle one and turned around. I put my right foot in front of me when I turned around and swung my right hand with the most power I had and punched Eagle 2 right in the face.

His whole body flew away directed to the door, just as he was about to hit the door we had gotten to our next stop and the door opened, just in time for him to fly out of the train.

I proceeded to look back at Eagle 1, I could feel how my stare was unnatural, I kept looking at him, the longer I stared, the more he started to shake. I walked up slowly to him and he kept crawling backwards. I kept walking until he hit the end of the cart.

"P-P-Please.. Sp-Spare me!!" the Eagle said with broken english.

I spit out blood on the side.

"No sparing, for you!" I said and kicked him right in the face.

I didn't look back and just kept walking out, got out of the train and got away from the subway.

"J-Jiwoo.. You're much stronger than I thought!" Karl said.

"Heh, yeah? Thanks!" I replied.

"And this is even without you using your Jinni!" he added.

I kept walking up the stairs.

"Yeah? Well on that topic, I don't have a Jinni to begin with, I only use my raw strength" I answered.

He was quiet.

"That's.. interesting" he said and switched to a more serious tone.

"Well uh.. I should probably call back Yon to see where they ar.." I said but got quiet.

Every city screen, bill board, even the TV screens of the shop next to us were showing the same off white screen.

"Congratulations Jiwoo, or should I say Jiwoo and company. You did well for your hide and kill game, now we'll let you have fun, not only with the Eagles.." the same voice who talked over when Yon called earlier said.

"..But with all of Moscow!" the voice said and switched to a darker tone.

"W-Whole Moscow?" I said.

Suddenly, a picture of the delinquent guy appeared, on every screen that the city owns. It was a small picture with text above saying 'Wanted'.

"Based off how well everyone handled themselves, you each get a corresponding amount of stars under your name, the more stars out of 20 the more the killer will earn by killing you!" the voice said.

Me and Karl were quiet.

"Tengan, 7 stars!" the voice said and 7 stars quickly showed up under the picture of him, one after the another.

"Next we have, Yon! 11 stars!" the voice continued and showed a picture of Yon with the same format as before, but with 11 stars.

"Yong, 14 stars!" the voice said and a picture of Yong appeared with 14 stars under him.

"I wonder why we're the last!" Karl said.

"Next, Jiwoo!! 20 Stars! Most wanted it seems, maybe?" the voice said, and 20 big stars appeared under a picture of me.

All of the pictures look like they're taken recently in Moscow, who and how did they take them?

"Lastly we have.. Karl! With an amazing number of 40!!" the voice shouted.

"HUH?!" I grunted.

"This..! THIS CAN'T BE RIGHT!" Karl shouted.

40 small stars taking up the lower halves of every screen.

"Every gang are welcome to participate in this game, and as for Jiwoo and his friends, why not try to make it to the Eagle King? You were looking for him, right?" the voice said with a light tone.

"T-This.." I said before getting cut off.

"One thing before I disappear, kill all of them as you please, however we want Karl alive and well, kill him and your whole gang will be dead in a blink of an eye, GOT IT?!" the voice shouted in an ugly voice.

Suddenly, out of nowhere I could hear screaming and rioting, it seems everyone has heard.

"I-I better call Yon..!!" I said in a hurry.

I dialed her number quickly and put my phone against my ear.

"Karl! Be on the lookout in case you see anyone coming towards us" I said with a nervous voice.

"Yes, I will" he answered with a calm voice.

He was barely moving either, it's as if nothing had happened, how can he be so calm?

"JIWOO!! OH JIWOO! We've been so worried!" Yon screamed.

"Keep the chit chatting for later! We have to meet up somewhere quickly and think of a plan! Do you have everyone with you?!" I said while rushing over my words.

"Everyone except Tengan, where are you rig-" I cut her off.

"SHIT!!" I let out a loud scream.

"Stay with Yong, we have to find that bastard first! I'll meet you guys at the same subway, okay? Whether at the entrance or in the subway, just don't die!" I said and ended the call.

"They didn't have Tengan with them?" Karl asked.

"NO! I mean.. no they didn't" I switched from shouting to talking.

"You have to be calm Jiwoo, we can't proceed to fight when you are nervous" Karl said.

I kept panting and looking around. I can't help myself, I'm going to die!

"HEY SHITHEAD!" I heard someone scream.

I looked over and squinted my eyes, it was..

"TENGAN!!" I shouted and ran up with open arms.

"Oh my god! I'm so happy to see you!!" I said while holding him tighter and tighter, I could almost feel tears in my eyes.

"Keep the homosexuality for later, ugh. Look at the screens, we have to act quickly!" he said, pushed me away and pointed at one of the big screens.

They've compiled every picture of us to fit on every screen, probably to make it easier for them to know who to kill.

"Right! I should message Yon about Tengan!" I said.

"Yeah yeah, we have to be a big group to survive" Tengan said.

I started typing quickly while shaking.

"I found Tengan, we're on our way!" I typed and added a smiling emoji, hopefully she'll stop worrying once she sees the smiling face.

"Alright, lets go!" I said and started running, Tengan was behind me.

Don't worry, Yon, Yong, I'll be with you soon! We'll defeat the whole city if we have to!