October 17, 1883
Three days before the Ceremony.
Lucas woke up before the sun came up as he has been doing for years now. This was thanks to his body's natural alarm clock. He wasn't sure if it was because of his bloodline as a werewolf or something else. Maybe it was in his DNA to know the best hunting times so it knew when to wake him. Lucas thought about this for a moment then shook his head before getting dressed. He dressed himself in simple tan colored clothing for now. He left his room and headed to the private armory which was under the mansion.
Once to the armory, he walked to his section passing by the door to his dad's personal armory. His father hadn't opened the door since the War With Vampires ended, which gladly brought peace. Although, just temporary at the moment, as nothing good lasts forever after all; he remembers his father's black armor as it was the first time he had ever been intimidated by his father.
Ignoring his thoughts about the past, he continued and found the armor he had gotten from Gregor the day before. He decided he would leave the katana, as he still wasn't familiar enough with it to use in a fight. He grabbed his short sword which was nothing special and a bow and arrows before strapping his dagger from Hercine to his waist. Seeing he was ready, he picked up the bag on the floor filled with the net and other supplies that he might need before heading to the gate to meet Gregor.
After walking outside, Lucas stopped to breathe in the fresh air smelling the different scents in the air. He smiled at the smell of dew hanging in the air. There was a thin layer of fog cloaking the ground. Walking to the gate, he soon saw Gregor leaning against it before saying "took you long enough, I've been waiting here all morning". Lucas just chucked before saying ,"yeah right old man! I can tell that you just woke up seeing as you still smell like your house". After saying a couple more things to each other, they then stopped and checked their packs before nodding to each other and headed off towards the gate.
Most places would ride horses on such a trip but being werewolves, they could run much faster and longer than normal humans. There is also the fact that horses won't allow werewolves or vampires to ride them. Just being near them makes horses frantic and unwilling to listen.
Lucas was enjoying running all out but could tell Gregor wasn't running all at and was just casually running which annoyed Lucas a tad bit. So Lucas attempted to trip Gregor which resulted in Lucas falling as Gregor had just simply stopped running and tripped Lucas first. Once Lucas picked himself up off of the ground, he caught back up and looked at Gregor to see him smiling before saying, "You've got to be quicker than that, maybe you'll get me next time!". Lucas just nodded before going over the plan to slay the wyvern in his head.
After running for a couple hours, they arrived at the base of the mountain. The sun has already been out for about an hour now. Lucas signaled to Gregor to stop. As they slowed down, Lucas found a shady spot before taking out some food and water and rested for a few. Once he felt his energy replenished, he packed the stuff back up and headed to the cane following the same directions he used last time. They arrived shortly at the entrance of the cave.
Once inside the cave, Gregor chose a spot to sit and watch as Lucas began pulling stuff out of his pack and laid it on the cold hard ground. Using a hammer and nails, he mounted anchors to the ceiling to serve as a guide for the rope which was used to suspend the net in the air. For normal humans, it would be difficult for a grown man much less a young adult to hammer the nails into stone! Thanks to Lucas' increased strength, they went in with relative ease. Gregor continued sitting and began to observe Lucas' actions before saying "That's not gonna hold. You don't have enough grip to keep the nail in the ceiling". Listening, Lucas rolled his eyes and stated "It will hold Gregor. Just wait and see". Gregor remained quiet until the last of the preparations were done as Lucas began getting ready to lure the wyvern to the cave.
Gregor finally broke his silence by saying,"Make sure you watch out for its saliva. They hold a paralysis agent in it and all it takes is one bite. Even with our healing abilities, wyverns are still not to be underestimated". After hearing this, Lucas stayed quiet before saying,"It's okay, I'll be fine and I don't plan on letting it get that close anyways.". After saying this, Lucas flashed a smile and pulled out three green vials while showing Gregor. Then, continued talking, "These gems here are my fail safe plan just in case, the acid in these vials is strong enough to melt an iron sword in seconds". With that being said, Lucas headed to the top to start his plan.
Once to the top of the mountain, Lucas brought his bow out from behind his back and knocked an arrow. Slowing his breathing as his father had taught him and he had practiced to near perfection, he timed his breathing with his shot. Looking at the wyvern, he began to notice a couple of its scales missing, telling him it had been fighting recently. He could see patches of scales missing because there would be shades of pink standing out on the otherwise dark green body. The wyverns' wings had a few tears in them as well. Its head on the other hand looked unscathed. Glad the wyvern wasn't too damaged by its previous fight, Lucas focused his aim before taking his shot.
"Whoosh", the arrow made a low whistling noise as it sailed about 50 feet from his position.
Lucas stopped breathing for a second as he could picture the arrow hitting its eye only to be interrupted by a loud clang as the arrow bounced off. The wyvern turned and looked straight at him and roared loudly before beginning to make its way to him. Upon seeing this, Lucas froze for a second before turning around and running just slow enough to keep the beast on the ground chasing him on foot rather than flying. If he ran faster, it would take flight and he would be at a huge disadvantage.
About half an hour later, he arrived at the entrance of the cave checking to see if the wyvern was still behind him. It responded to him looking back by snapping at him nearly getting his leg. If Lucas wouldn't have dodged, he would have just lost his leg. After entering the cane, he could sense Gregor hiding at the back of the cave, this calmed his nerves some. Now in the cave, Lucas turned around jumping on top of a large rock and unsheathed his sword.
The wyvern entered the cave cautiously, slowly looking side to side looking for signs of an ambush. Not seeing any signs, it roared before marching forward but it still wasn't close enough. Lucas then began antagonizing it by calling it names "Hey foul mouth! You're nothing but a wanna be dragon which doesn't even have half the power of dragon piss!". The wyvern, of course, couldn't understand him but it didn't seem to enjoy him yelling at it as it lunged forward. Lucas dodged once again.
Now with the wyvern in position, he ran to where the rope was, anchored and cut it. The net fell from the ceiling, landing on top of the wyvern. Which only made the reptile angrier, as it started thrashing around throwing itself against the cave walls. Lucas quickly ran forward and scooped up the bottom part of the net and pulled with all his strength. This caused the reptile to lose balance and fall on its side. Lucas took the opportunity to tie the bottom end of the net together making the wyvern trapped in a now sack shaped net with no way out.
Now with it secured in the net, he quickly ran forward redrawing his sword in the process. With a mighty leap, he drew close to the ceiling and began his descent. Using the force of gravity and his own strength, he stabbed downward aiming for the eye. At the last second, it moved to the side and his blade slid off part of its head instead. Lucas quickly retreated.
Suddenly a crazy idea came to him. He quickly poured out the acid and coated it on his sword before running towards the reptile! Once again, this time it lunged forward towards his face. Lucas dodged to the side and while dodging, he shoved his acid coated now half sword into the wyvern's mouth. In the process of his attack, he was nicked by one of its fangs on his forearm and fell down due to the paralysis. Unable to move, he began to panic, only able to look at the wyvern but not move. He closed his eyes expecting the worst only to hear a loud thud and see the wyvern laying on the ground barely breathing. Lucas looked around for an explanation then remembered Gregor!! Shortly his healing ability kicked in and he was able to move his fingers and toes. Another 30 minutes went by and he could finally sit up.
Lucas sat up looking around and looked at his forearm, which was already healed but his armor on the other hand was in a pitiful state.
It was mangled and in three different pieces.
Using his dagger, he cut off the straps and stuck it in his sack. A little while later he stood up and went to inspect the Wyvern. The Wyvern couldn't have been dead long but Lucas could tell it was not a merciful death. It looked as if it had died in pain as the scent of fear still cling to the air around it. Looking closer, Lucas discovered the acid has burnt a hole through it's throat. This meant Gregor hadn't saved him after all. After finishing inspecting, the Wyvern he cut out its dazzling bronze eyes as proof of his kill before shouting for Gregor, "Where are you?? You good for nothing waste of fresh air!". Lucas was mad! This man was supposed to help him if he came close to death but the man never even showed up or tried to make a move! A few moments passed before a Sleepy eyed Gregor trudged over and said, "I see that you killed your Wyvern". After looking at Gregor, he could pretty much add up why Gregor never stepped in. The fool was sleeping. This realization caused Lucas to go off on the old man, "I could have died, where were you, you were supposed to be here just in case anything went south!". The only thing Gregor did was shrug his shoulders and say, "You still managed to kill it and you're still alive aren't you?",
Lucas decided to drop it and began packing his things up. He then walked out the cave, followed by Gregor. Once out the cave, Lucas covered up the entrance with rocks and brush before heading off to the estate.