"Angustos!" Lucien bellowed and the portal was immediately blocked by an enchanted brick wall.
"Attack!" Peter screamed and everyone began to hurl spells at Lucien but it didn't seem to have an effect on him, he used a maximum reflection spell reflecting all of their attacks at them but Sarah and Melissa used a negation spell to cancel the counterattack and reorganized the students into a different formation to restart their attacks. The year six students combined to create a magnetic box that sucked dark energy into it after they did Alice with telekinesis lifted the big box just high enough so the power from the box could reach the dark wizard, when the box got within range Gaston activated the spell and it began to work very nicely to their surprise. Lucien, focused on the other group of students and especially Peter who was putting up a hard fight didn't recognize the danger he was in and lost his balance in the air and began to drift towards the box, the pull was so strong it broke the hairpin he had on and his long shiny black hair became loose. While he drifted towards the box Sarah tried using the sealing spell but somehow he deflected it and went on to destroy the magic box. Lucien regained his balance and created golems to match the number of students on the ground. Peter and Mr. Andre together proceeded to use a spell that made the ground beneath the golems muddy and most of the golems began to sink.
"It's working sir," Peter said excitedly
"Focus Peter" Mr. Andre replied. Lucien on seeing the sinking golems struck Mr. Andre with the deteriorating spell he used on his brother, he tried doing it to Peter but he realized he could only use the spell once in a battle. The students battled for their lives as they fought the remaining golems that didn't sink, and to Alice's surprise they weren't weak, they fought toe to toe with her and Peter. Lucien landed and grabbed Claire who was already weak by her throat and looked at her curiously.
"You look a lot like my younger sister Adeline," Lucien said.
"I don't know what you're talking about," Claire said and spat on his face.
"You shouldn't have done that child," Lucien said as he began to squeeze her frail neck.
"Flammeum!" Peter bellowed.
"Ego vicissim" Lucien retorted reflecting the spell at Peter who canceled it.
"Why the intrusion, we were just having a friendly chat great grand uncle to the great grand-niece," Lucien said with a twisted smile on his face.
"What are you talking about?" Claire asked as she struggled to break free.
"I'm not mistaken, you're a descendant of my younger sister Adeline, you look so much like her" Lucien said creating an apparition of his younger sister. "I can see the look of surprise on your face, such a shame you don't even know your great-grandmother. I'll save you for last " Lucien laughed and threw her away.
"You won't lay a single hand on her" Peter said angrily.
"And who's going to stop me, you?" Lucien said as he giggled.
"Yes, me" Peter said as he began to run towards Lucien which surprised the dark wizard.
"Be gone, juvenile" Lucien said and with a wave of his wand, he threw Peter and crashed him into a statue. Peter got up with blood running down his nose and stretched forth his hand pulling Lucien to himself.
"What sorcery is this!" Lucien shouted as he struggled to break free from Peter's control. When Lucien got closer, Peter grabbed him by the scruff of his overflowing cloak and slammed him against the broken pieces of stone from the statue leaving the dark wizard writhing in pain.
"I bet you haven't seen a juvenile do that" Peter said.
"Very well then," Lucien said as he got up and spat out the blood he gathered in his mouth. "Sentire dolorem!" He bellowed and Peter slow to react fell to the ground and began to scream in pain as Lucien laughed cynically it continued for a couple of seconds till Sarah came.
"Get away from my son!" Sarah shouted as she hurled the paralysis curse at him, he dodged it with a body feint but wasn't quick enough to react to the punch that sent him crashing into a tree.
"Are you ok Peter?" Sarah asked.
"I'm fi-ne, I'm fine," Peter said as Sarah helped him up to his feet.
A portal opened and another group of soldiers began to troop out, but before they could all come out from the portal Lucien with an amplified attack struck them with a curse, instantly killing most of them. Sarah, Peter, and Claire who saw the attack were shocked because he wasn't supposed to know a curse but Lucien was very smart he paid close attention to the attacks he was being struck with and learned a few spells and to his surprise the particular one he used against the soldiers turned out to be a powerful curse that he heard from Sarah that caused instant death to the victim.
"Brilliant, just brilliant," Lucien said excitedly "It seems I've learned something from you," he said. He got up and ran towards the soldiers repeating the same curse he used and with every strike the number of soldiers reduced drastically to the point that the rest of them began to run into the fields towards Sarah's cottage but he chased after them as he enjoyed killing them with his new spell.
"We have to inform everyone that he knows a curse," Peter said and they left with Claire towards the students who were engaged in battle with the golems.
"Everyone be cautious, the dark wizard has learned a curse and he's using it without restraint," Sarah said loudly to the students. The battle was at a stalemate because the golems weren't dying, they just kept on going while non of the students had also died but were getting weaker with each spell they used on the invincible golems.
"I have an idea," Melissa said.
"Common let's hear it," Mr. Andre said.
"We'll use the spell you used earlier to sink the golems," Melissa said.
"But the students they'll be affected too," Mr. Andre said.
"We'll tell them to run from the field towards the dorms, the golems aren't intelligent so there's a probability they won't chase after them, but if they do we'll just set up a barrier between the golems and the children," Melissa said.
"There's also another Problem, I can't cast a strong enough spell with my hands as this" Mr. Andre said.
"There's no need to worry, Alice and I will take care of that" Melissa said. After they finished discussing the plan Melissa ran into the battlefield screaming "to the dorm! to the dorm!" and the students turned back and began running towards the dormitory. Melissa stopped Alice who was also making her way to the dorm and explained the plan to her and they began running towards the school doors which were behind the golems as they evaded their attacks.
"Peter I see what Melissa's trying to do and I also have an idea, the golems are going to try and go after the students so we'll mount an attack from the garden to get their attention," Sarah said and they began running towards the garden as they hurled spells at the golems. After the students were covered with a protective barrier Alice and Melissa cast the elemental spell and the solid ground beneath the golems began to slowly change to mud after a while they sank. The golems weren't able to get out from the mud with any form of magic because the only magic they were imbued with was offense magic which didn't come in very handy in that situation.
"I see you managed to defeat my creations," Lucien said.
"And you're next!" Peter bellowed from the garden.
"And It seems you all are becoming a bit tired whereas I'm just getting started," Lucien said excitedly.
"Neco!" he bellowed pointing his wand at Melissa but she blocked it. He continued with the spell which was meant to kill Melissa till Alice, Peter, and Sarah simultaneously struck him with a restraining spell. The chains which magically came out from the ground tied him up quite nicely and it looked like it wasn't going to be undone till he started laughing cynically.
"Praevari!" he said as he tried freeing his hands and suddenly a mist of red smoke enveloped him and the enchanted chain broke in pieces. The duel with him kept on getting frustrating as he was always nullifying their attacks.
"What do you even want?" Sarah asked.
"To destroy the legacy my brother has built," Lucien said. "And bring the world of magic to my feet!" He said angrily.
"That will never happen!" Mrs. Amelie who was quietly bidding her time waiting for the right moment to strike said as she bellowed "Exarme!" and his wand left his hand as the spell hit him.
"I remember that voice," Lucien said as he turned to find who had disarmed him but before he could fully turn to face the direction of the clock tower, Sarah yelled.
"Obligo" and as the spell from her hand hit him he fell to his knees and chains came up from beneath him restraining him to the ground.
"I'm quite impressed that you pulled that off," he said smiling. "But you can't kill me," Lucien said.
"But I can send you back to your portrait prison," Sarah said.
"Let's see you try" Lucien laughed. Sarah tried using the sealing spell she thought would work for him but to no avail, nothing seemed to be working. "Only I and my dead brother know the spell to bind me to that portrait," he said and continued laughing.
"What do we do now?" Sarah asked.
"We can't kill him and now we can't imprison him either, it seems we're in a bit of a pickle here," Peter said. The teachers alongside Mrs. Amelie stood in the garden deliberating on what they would do with the dark wizard but they were able to come up with anything, the students who weren't very far behind began to panic as they feared the worst but just then Gaston's girlfriend Elise who had been holding his hand since the barrier was set up let go and told Gaston.
"I know what can put him away for good," she said.
"What might that be?" he asked.
"I was born on the night of a blood moon, my blood can break his Immortality," Elise said.
"That's great, I can see you have blood on your arm, we'll just sprinkle that on him and problem solved," Gaston said.
"That's not how it works Gasty," she said as tears slowly left her eyes and rolled down her cheeks.
"What do you mean? I don't understand" Gaston said.
"Tell my mom I love her and tell my dad I fought bravely ok? everything will be ok" she said.
"I don't understand what's going on Ellie, you're scaring me now," Gaston said with his heart racing fast.
"I love you Gasty," Elise said and went on to passionately kiss Gaston "I'm so sorry" she cried as she got up from the ground. Before he could hold her to talk further, she grabbed her wand and muttered "Temponervorum" and before Gaston knew it he couldn't move his body and couldn't even speak all he could do was let tears roll down his cheeks as he watched Elise run across the field over to where Lucien was. The teachers and Principal saw her and looked on in surprise, Gaston tried to scream but couldn't be heard. She got to the wizard and looked him in the eye.
"Your time has finally come," Elise said.
"What are you planning on doing? tickling me with your puny spell?" Lucien laughed.
"You won't be laughing after now," she said and raised her wand placing a binding curse on the wizard and herself which resulted in her death returning the wizard to his fragile mortal state. Immediately she died the spell on Gaston was lifted and he ran over to her body with the teachers running towards them too.
"What did she do?" Mrs. Amelie asked.
"She said something about being born on the night of a blood moon," Gaston said as he wailed holding her in his arms. Immediately Mrs. Amelie and the other teachers realized that Elise had sacrificed her life to make Lucien mortal and save them all.
"Little dead rat what have you done to me?!" Lucien shouted.
"Brought you back to earth Mr. Beaulfoy," Mrs. Amelie said and with her might, she bellowed "Neco" instantly killing the wizard.