Chapter 93 - Revilum

For many years, dreams that I had drowned, fell, been bitten, killed, roaming around purgatory or wherever it is, visiting another world or an unknown universe, were just some of my not so fun experiences in my life. But what was over the top day dream was when I knew that there would be Covid or at first something that would wipe out the entire U.S. and the world. I told mom about it but she said I just need to pray and believe that it won't happen. But it did and it was devastating on my part. I did try to post some information or idea of what's going to happen but details of it is just random and simple. It's not explained or straightforward. So I needed to do researches and find out what would really happen but since our minds limited who would know that a pandemic would happen and that the virus didn't stop and continued to evolve.

The Paris attack was the latest dream I had and I think it was a bomb threat that a taxi driver stopped happening by trapping the bomber died inside the cab, not bringing with him innocent people this time.

Influential people have been helping me and inspiring me to do the right and be the good that is depleting in the world today. We must go hand and hand, in love, peace, strength and hope that we will conquer death, sickness, evil and the dark side. But who is or are in the dark side. I am a wolf and I know I am not all the time good yet I try to be and help others in one way or another. However, I want to be the good guy and help those who are weak and losing hope nowadays that Covid and natural calamities weakened people's belief in God or in absolution, justice and love.

Believe me, we see people but not really look into their eyes, their intentions, concerns and purpose. We just need to look into each other's inner goodness that we look pass the physical appearances and cold shoulders. Some appear heartless but they are the ones who care more for others than those who appear sweet but has heart that is colder and hard than an iceberg.


D'EYE is a bit of a morbid place to be in though Cara makes things easier and safer for the girls enrolled in the said school. It is said to be a haven for many of them who suffered domestic violence, rape and addictions be it alcohol or drugs. Cara is the 100th head mistress of the organization where she manages the schools for Revilum, D'EYE and more. But since Revilum has elders and leader wolves from different pacts, they didn't need one head but several of them to lead and manage their schools, local government and higher government units. Cara is the head amongst the heads, for as an orphan she knows the feeling and the experience one has to go through all her life. Cara only keeps a serious eye on one particular school, Angels Haven Academy. She belonged in this community and grew up in their alma mater of knowing how to protect one's self and protecting my sisters on my right and on my left. I never imagined to be in the position where I usually hated, cursed and called the head mistress names before me.

And it was like twenty years ago, two mistresses before. I never felt so cold and angry then since I was abandoned by my parents because I was different, I became restless, addictive and had trsut issues. I was always scared to be left alone though I always wanted to be all by myself. I thought I was abandoned because my parents didn't like me but the truth was, they just died in an accident and head mistress Yolanda never talked about it when I'm around. I heard of her talk about my life and my past when she was on her death bed apologizing to me for all she did, the tortures, the night time cagings and forcing me to skip meals if I did something wrong or if I made my teachers life hell.

Every time I would either go to her or the guidance's office to reprimand or give me more punishments. It was a cycle which I grew tired of over time. When Mistress Yolanda told me that I'm the right heiress of her position the only thing I remembered saying was, "are you crazy?". She replied with a teasing smile, I should be because accepting the job as the head mistress of this school was the craziest...(with a little pause)... but rewarding experience of my entire profession as a principal and professor at the same time.

Then she died in my arms with tears in her eyes and smiling, peaceful face. She said that she'll be leaving the place in good hands and she trusts me so much she's ready to die. I was overwhelmed and I know in my heart that I can completely manage any school most of all my school and my home where I grew up and learned the importance of trust, sisterhood and discipline. The military courses where just a part of the process but the whole idea of the routine was for me, for us to remember to focus on our goals and to value our life, our future position in society or country. Yolanda trusts me and I will never break that trust, her confidence in me, ever!

Here some girls came from factions and pacts. The pacts are wolves and vampires consist of the elite or class A students, average or the class B students and class C or the nomads, either orphans or immigrants. The factions can be hundreds of girls from different religions, genders, cultures and nationalities, or can be considered on the division of classes that has I've mentioned earlier. But the dividing options are the classes that can only be of the highest breed of pact, the average or normal and the simplest or poorest or we can call the class less girls coming from the poorest counties, countries in the world. I didn't come from the poorest nation but as an orphan I was considered as Class C of the organization, the school, the academy. My parents are world renowned composer and business man. So I inherited millions of dollars which I was able to get and use for my schooling abroad then and for my businesses now. Yolanda helped me in spending all my years in Angels Haven that it made me realize that I was worth something, I was important to her, to society, to the world. I proved others wrong about me and graduated as Suma Cumlaude of Angels Haven. I pursued my doctorate degree in Psychology: The Human Psyche and Genetic Engineering.

I am an asset to my school and a valuable Psychologist of many schools, universities and companies in the world. That's why I was able to meet Revilum's leader Reka. She wanted to make sure that we take care of the girls in our schools, and mold strong, happy and ready in battle beauties, soldiers of the future. The academy is an all-girls school and it's never an issue if one student catches a girl kissing or making out with another girl but discreetly. We train these beauties to learn to protect, equip, and express themselves healthily including the freedom of voicing out their concerns, fighting for their rights especially on sex and values education.

Speaking of rights, I was told that two factions, Sedate (se-da-te) and Anx have always been at war among themselves and their duties are now affected because of this. They are supposed to take rounds in guarding the school grounds at night on the weekends. We have military guards at D'EYE and they are called Black Ninja Knights or BLANKS. They are composed of 100 brave, invincible and muscled toned women that were trained in combats, wars and exhibition competitions around the globe. They are called Crem De la Crem or first class women commandos who started as D'EYE's girls.

We have ten factions including the ones I mentioned before. And they are, Borne (bor-ne), Diete (di-e-te), Hapina (ha-pi-na), Loneli (lo-ne-li), Feara (fe-a-ra), Valiante (va-li-an-te), Mourna (mo-ur-na), and Fiesto (fi-es-to).

Sedate and Anx fought against each other. And their leaders are Selina from Anx and Benedicta from Sedate. They are best of friends before who became arch enemies because of a misunderstanding on subordinates watch several years ago. Each girls from all classes are given the same treatments, food, beds and rooms.

They are all equal and only differ on their talents, skills and abilities or powers as wolves or vampires, humans or super humans. But this year our girls are super humans and mostly came from descendants of wolves. Vampires didn't want to be on wolves territory for wolves are very territorial and wars would not stop if we allow vampires to apply in Angels Haven Academy. If students are from vampire descents we place them to a school were majority of the students are blood sucking leaners and the professors are usually vampires as well so it wouldn't be an issue if one student asks about their kind and all that.