But those are just tall tales that my mom told me when I was younger. I never believed it until now, when I came across Viktoria, who is alive and well in a small town in Szombathely, Hungary. Viktoria lived in this town but spent her days in Budapest. She wasn't able to go back to her people but she promised to spend her life making the lives of humans miserable. But Viktoria fell in love with a human and though she is good by nature from the Light Clan. She fell in love with a man named Reagan. Long before that, she had past loves, lovers, but couldn't give herself to them. She wanted true love and Reagan gave her the love that she needed but couldn't help her to go back to his people. Before 45 A.D. she already existed and when she met Reagan it was already the 1900's. Viktoria was tired but never aged at all. She already stopped aging when she turned 30 years old.
And from then on she never grew an inch old. The only problem was, she craved for human affection, their touch, their smell and their essence. She doesn't kill humans but only if they wished to give themselves to her or by consent. Viktoria was neither a vampire nor a human. She is Light and she never detested being one. Yet, she can never be called an Angel either for she only lives through human's energy and essence that tasted beautiful, sumptuous and irresistible. Viktoria saw Reagan at an opera house he always hang out on to watch Lyka, the beautiful colored opera singer he waited and waited every day just to get an audience with her. Though Lyka was indeed irresistable, Viktoria loathed her since she wanted Reagan for her and her alone.
Out of jealousy and rage, Viktoria told the police that Lyka was an immigrant with no papers. Though Lyka was from an elite family and have papers to prove her eligibility and nationality since she was born free, in Michigan. The police didn't mind the papers and still considered her illegal and thrown to the Mexican border that was still a field then. U.S. and Mexico border was a vast land with a river in between, the reason that killed Lyka while holding her newborn child to die in the cold waters. Unfortunately, Lyka did die due to drowning and her child Ismael was placed in an orphanage in Mexico. Ismael survived and held a grudge from his father who is Reagan. Viktoria, who was the evil behind the death of Reagan's wife, pretended that she mourned with him about his loss. He didn't know that Ismael is alive but Viktoria made sure that he would forget about them, his family and be out to the past, for now she is his present.
Reagan had all Viktoria's love but something was still missing. That truth, the affection and the love that his family gave him. He still couldn't forget about Lyka for she haunted his dreams, pleading for help while drowning in the river. Reagan appreciated Viktoria's concern but he wanted to be alone and live in the suburbs to forget his past that kept on making him miserable maybe all of his remaining days. Viktoria didn't take the rejection well and put a curse on Reagan. The man didn't feel anything that night when Viktoria fornicated with him. But when he woke up the next morning, he suddenly saw himself as a woman and a monster/wolf who feeds with human flesh and their blood.
Reagan hid through the woods and talked with his friend and business partner Louis. He named himself Reka and from then on, Louis or Louis Winslow who was called in the long run as Winslow became Reka's first born wolf. Vampires and wolves never mixed and was at war then but with Reka in town who was a peace loving creature, there peace and harmony remained amongst their kind and the vampires. She formed the pact Revilum, and was divided to REVO and Iluminati as centuries passed by for business and personal convenience and purposes. They both lived and survived in centuries of wars, peace, births and deaths. But Reka thought it was best to unite REVO and Iluminati again and maintained the organization's name Revilum until today.