The blood that kept coming out of the wound he got kept pouring out. Wanted to be ignored like twenty minutes ago, but the pain was getting worse. He paused for a moment. He took a deep breath, and suddenly his body slumped to the ground. The fight just now overwhelmed him.
"Shit," he cursed when he saw the hands covered in fresh blood.
The sound was deafening, almost rupturing his eardrums in the air. Make anyone who hears shudder in horror and choose to run away as far as possible. The man looked up. Slightly pulled the body so as not to be too visible from the air. Above, a rotating object gave off a bright light. Where did he know? Weapons surrounded each side.
The weapon mercilessly plunged into the hot lead as soon as the object scanned for motion.
There was no choice but to flee into the Drowning Forest, which is the same risk; dead.
But the man still has a lot of guts. No matter how precious his life was, for him getting out of this area was his goal.
Bet. He can breathe a sigh of relief tomorrow in the universe that he feels impartial today.
Then …
Peace is created.
Like his duties as the Last Horatio.