"Who is the administrator here?"

Humayun asks a short, slender girl standing as a receptionist in the academy.

"It is almost 6:00.p.m. Sir! The administrator has gone early today!"

Replies the receptionist girl in a very soft and light accent.

"I want to meet him right now!" His demanding accent leads the girl to call the administrator. After a short conversation with him on the phone, she asks him to sit and wait for a few minutes. Swirling keys around his finger, sitting on a cushioned chair, he seems quite weary and tense. A tall,wide man in his forties enters by the sudden opening of the glass door. He swiftly moves to his office being followed by the receptionist. After a few seconds have passed, she calls him to pay his presence.

Sitting afore the administrator, he puts his phone and his keys on the table after a firm handshake and asks politely,

"How are you sir?"

Noticing his courageous,valiant and bold personality,he replies,

"All good! How can I help you?"

"All I want to know is just about the displeased and disgruntled behavior of Sara and the reason she resigned from her job!"

His straightforward way amazes him a bit.

"Oh! So you are someone who knows Sara. May I ask who you are?"

The administrator asks curiously.

"It doesn't matter."

He replies calmly.

"It does! She lives in the orphan hostel where nobody wants her to go out of the hostel and teach, more chiefly."

The administrator's voice grows louder and the hidden distress of his face seems to have been expressed at its fullest.

"Yes, that is true but I am neither from his hostel nor want her to keep stuck up at home because I know how intelligent and diligent she is and what she actually deserves." His saintly voice doesn't possess any change.

"Look sir! You seem to be a respectful and well-educated social citizen and I hope you would understand my position and what happened in the academy today was truly not under my control. I think the camera recording will help me explain better." Turning towards the L.C.D, he commences to play the camera recording of 4:40p.m ny moving its face towards him along with speaking that,

"The person you are going to see in the recording was a pre-entrance test student here a few months ago."

Humayun becomes consciously eager to know and moves a bit forward to hear the recording as well, quite clearly.

As the video recording replays, Sara is seen immersed in a confusion regarding a book in her hand too concentratedly,moving towards the class swiftly, after the period bell rang. Some students gathered in the ground are also seen sitting in groups and a few walking behind her along their queries to be answered. A well-dressed boy, wearing a bag behind and having a few scrolls of paper in his hands, suddenly blocks her way with his face full of anger and thrushes her away in a very impolite and contemptuous way. She is thrown away along with her book. He shrieks aloud which gathers the whole ground around them.

"You, poor girl! You ruined my career! I didn't get my name in the MDCAT passed students list because you are not a teacher, in fact you can never be a teacher. You are just a teen like us. Who gave you this responsibility and this post? You yourself couldn't get admission so how can we get after being taught by you? You are nothing more than an orphan girl who is testing herself by ruining the careers of other passionate students, wasting their time and money."

His high-pitched yelling dries his throat and prevails complete silence in the ground, leaving everyone stunned. Teachers from other classes approach to check out and become unnerved when they catch such an awkward sight. The boy briskly leaves the academy whereas the staff runs to Sara to help her get up who is yet lying down on the ground motionless, with her eyes turned red and body trembling.

As the video clip ends, the administrator tells Humayun about the boy that,

"We called his parents and told about his misbehavior as we have their phone numbers in our record files but instead of scolding him, his father declared the academy as defaulter for ruining his son's career whereas Sara , after keeping herself locked up in the bathroom for nearly half an hour, wrote a resignation letter, placed it on my table and left herself. The staff tried a lot to stop her but she didn't listen to anything. I am still feeling ashamed and embarrassed for the reason I couldn't save my staff as I was not present here. My staff called me but she was gone before I approached!"

Humayun's face reflects mixed emotions of anger and feeling sorry for her.