Chereads / Little Lock wolf / Chapter 6 - Supernatural

Chapter 6 - Supernatural

As we sway to the music one of my favorite songs come on and I start to hum to it. Jeremy then looks at me a little more intensely making me a little nervous so I stop.

"Sorry" I say a little bashful

"Don't be sorry," he says but looks like he wants to say more "You can sing?" Annnddd there's the more.

"Um yeah but I don't do it that often. It's kind of a thing I do when I feel like no one can hear me"

"Well I think you have a beautiful voice. You should sing more often"

"I don't know about that much but maybe"

"Will you sing to me sometime?" He asks sounding like he wanted to be very excited about it but also wanted to tease me a little.

" Um I don't know about that much Jere bear but maybe" I say looking away with a little blush and a smile with the only thought going on in my head being 'he wants me to sing to him?'

Just then this girl Dana comes on the mic and gives an announcement.

"Thanks for being here everybody," as she says that everybody starts clapping.

"We have a special shout-out tonight this is for Elena, from Klaus" and people give more applause.

As I look over to the rest of the group I see Elena with a horrified look on her face.

"Um your sister seems a little shaken up maybe we should go check on her"

"Yeah come on"

As we walk over we hear Damon say "Lame cheap shot, he's just trynna bait us"

Elena replies with " I know everybody here"

"Um hey guys what's going on" I say as I just look around the group.

"Oh Um nothing, love your outfit Maya but can I borrow my brother for a second." She says

"Yeah," I then turn around to face Jere "I'll be over there with Caroline"

"Yeah okay see you later" And with that I walk away but not without hearing Elena tell Jeremy "Klaus is here" Who is Klaus and why is everyone so shaken up about him? What's the deal?

"Hey care" I say as I go up care even she looks on edge.

"Okay what wrong, why is everyone freaking out"

"We're not freaking out, and don't worry nothings wrong" care says finally looking at me and relaxing a little bit

"I don't believe you one bit but I'll drop it." She looks like she lets out a breath or relief

"Where Matt go" I say changing the topic and looking around

"Went to get us some punch," she say the look on my face "and yes it is spiked now" ughhh

Then Jeremy come back over. "Hey Jere"

"Hey wanna go do something"

"Um sure" I say looking at him curiously

"Have funnn" care sings as we walk away. I turn around and glare at her She just smirks back

Jere takes me to the chemistry room in the school. "Jere we're not even suppose to be in here it's after school hours."

"Relax M i just want to show you something I learned in class"

I gasp " you actually listened long enough to learn something in class"

"Haha very funny" he says sarcastically. He then shows me this concoction that does a little mini explosion

"Woah that's cool"

"I know right" he looks way to proud but i'll let him have it.

"Well well well what do we have here" a voice says behind me I turn around to see Alaric.

"Hi Mr.Saltzman" "Hey Ric" both me and Jeremy say at the same time.

"Hey can you guys follow me really quick"

Jere and I look at each other "Um sure"

The further down the hallway we get the more of a bad feeling I get about this. Jeremy then stops in the middle of walking and looks like he is thinking something over.

"Hey Jere what happened" I whisper to him but some how Alaric heard it, turned around and smirked at us.

"Klaus" Jere says with a grimace on his face one that you get when you realize that you are wrong about something but don't really want to admit it.

"Jere what are you talking about that's Mr. Saltzman"

"No it's not"

"What do you mean"

"Yeah what ever do you mean Jeremy" Mr.Saltzman says... or not Mr.Saltzman

"I'll explain later okay?" Jeremy says while looking at me. I give him a look that says 'you better' because I know no matter how hard I push he won't tell me anything at the moment.

Alaric then knocks us out and we wake up in the cafeteria tied up. He then leaves saying he will be right back

"Is this a good time to explain"

"Not at all" he says back with grunt trying to break his restraints.

I hear footsteps coming back so I think quick and remember the blade that my brother always made me keep just in case of emergencies and this looks like an emergency to me, don't you think?

I cut myself free then move on to where Jeremy was still struggling and help him. "Couldn't think of that sooner"

"I just remembered I had it okay?"

Then Elena and Bonnie come in the cafe. 'Is this a meeting?' I thought. What is happening? Bonnie then shoots her hand out and Alaric falls to his knees, taunting her.

"Um what is she doing?!" I shout in a panic. How did she do that?!

Just then Bonnie looks like she gets an idea and moves her hand to take Elena, Jeremy and I out of the cafe. As I look through the window I can now see that she has a bleeding nose and all around her the lights spark and papers fly. Elena is screaming for her to stop and I'm frozen in my spot not knowing what is happening. Bonnie then looks at the window and gives us a sad smile.

"Bonnie no!" All three of us shout trying to open the door and get her to stop whatever it is she is doing. Then everything just stops, the lights stop sparking, the papers stop flying and Bonnie falls to the ground.

"Bonnie no!" Elena shouts as she opens the doors that are now unlocked and runs to her best friend. I look around as Stefan and Damon start to come in. What just happened?

Stefan comforts Elena while she sobs next to Bonnie's body. Damon starts talking about how he will 'get rid of the body' that just takes Elena to a whole 'nother level as it would anybody. She yells at him and Stefan takes her away. Jere and I walk away with them.

Later as we reach the Gilbert house hold we are told that Bonnie didn't actually die and that they needed Klaus to believe that she did so they could have the upper hand with a secret weapon or whatever. I still don't know who Klaus is and what is so dangerous about him.

After Elena is done with the video call with Bonnie Damon walks up to the porch. Jeremy then asked me to go inside for a second

-Jeremy POV-

"I can compel her if you want take the memories of what happened" said Damon

I thought about it for a second " Yeah do that just don't erase everything. I still want her remember the non-supernatural parts of the night." I said looking down

"Yeah, sure little Gilbert." Damon says softly. He then walks inside I hear him compelling Maya.

"You won't remember anything about Klaus, or what happened with Bonnie tonight. You will only remember the good parts with Jeremy." It was quiet for a minute.

"You want me to just forget about what happened tonight?! And I still do t know who Klaus is or the supposed danger about him. Also, what are you doing." Uh oh. The compulsion didn't take. That means that she has vervain in her system and that they are going to lock her up in the cellar of the Salvatore house.

Just as I suspected I hear a body drop after hear Damon get a little frustrated his talents didn't seem to work.

"She must have vervain in be system I'll take her to the Salvatore house and wait for it to leave her system."

"Do you have to lock her up?"

"Do you want her to tell the secret of vampires actually existing." He says like it was obvios he has to take her

"I mean... I don't really like you" I say matter of factly.

"But I'm not the only vampire am I," he says as he gives me this look that says ' how about that' "it's Stefan- your sisters boyfriend- and Caroline too - one of your sister's best friends- do you really want her to go through the heart break of losing them if the secret gets out?"

"But Maya won't tell anyone" I say

"Well as long as I don't have to take that chance I won't" and then he speeds off with Maya over his shoulder.