Chereads / Tensura The Ruler Of Sin's / Chapter 3 - The storm Has started...

Chapter 3 - The storm Has started...

That was painful beyond imagination.

I stood there in the middle of rabbit corpses, I had multiple gash wounds on my body, wounds that would have been no problem if the thing that was responsible for my powers had allowed me to use the authority of lust instead of "making it fair for the animals."

Witch of gluttony wants a fair fight My ASS!!!

I never expected how much of a pain fighting self replicating rabbits would have been, especially without any form of regeneration!!! Thankfully I was able to figure out the authority of melancholy relatively quickly, I then crushed as many as I could while they tried to bite me only to fail due to the barrier, I would have preferred to use the authority of greed but that wasn't a possibility till I found some one to give lion heart to. I couldn't use pride because these things couldn't feel guilt, I could've eaten their names or memories but i doubt these things had any memories, there was so many that I could catch using sloth and vainglory was basically cut off from me because...

Y/N: Hey tutorial girl why can't I use authority of vain glory?

? : I do not like your choice of naming, but I'll tell you the answer anyway, the reason is because certain criteria need to have been met, these criteria are not currently known in your case.

Y/N: What do you mean not known?

? : Do you start knowing everything in your games?

Y/N: ...That makes sense.

? : But do not fret, this is the last you will be seeing me, as the tutorial has been complete you will be sent to the sanctuary. There you will be given a name and successfully evolve, you will be given the choice to evolve three of your skill while the rest will evolve naturally as you go on. I hope you will choose wisely.

As she said that I once again felt the extremely unpleasant feeling of imploding before reappearing in a black void in front of a silver haired girl with pale skin and black eyes, wearing a black dress, she was seated on a chair reading a black covered book.

"ah so you are finally here" the girl said looking up from her book with a creepy smile. I gulped. "My name is Echidna and as the 'tutorial girl' you have lovingly named has probably told you I am here to name you."

"Are... are you one of the witches of sin?" I asked while her smile seemed to widen, "Indeed I am, I am the reason you have that body actually." She said pointing at my chest. "Uh-umm thank you I guess?" She gave a small chuckle "It's okay honestly, the fact that you are even thanking me in that body seems rather bizarre." I perked my eyebrows at that, "Why? Is the original owner really condescending or something?"

She waved her hands in front of her face "you wouldn't even believe"

And that's how I became acquainted with the witch of greed, honestly speaking, she was quite nice.

Not at all how I expected a witch to be like, we actually talked for a long time, At one point she even went on a rant about the witch of vainglory. I actually even started opening up to her a lot, showing her my true, slightly smug personality, until finally.

"*gasp*Regulus Corneas!!!" she shouted with a shocked look on her face while pointing at my chest. I rose my eyebrow at that (You know that weird one eye small one eye large thing that regulus does?) "What do you mean?"

"That's your name" I felt it get imprinted on my soul aside from that felt like my power, magicules as I'd latter learn had increased a lot "I had thought that you did not fit in his body at all but it seems you are just a very less extreme version of him, aren't you? Now all you need is start bitching about your rights" she said while staring at her with a smile, as she said that the surroundings started cracking, "Ah our time is nearing the end. So I suppose your 'tutorial girl' already told you about your skills evolving as you evolve?"

I nodded as I felt my power stop rising, "I can evolve three skills, although I'll still have my original skill, I can't learn about the powers of the evolved skill till I decide to evolve the skill, after that I can either combine the evolved skill with my previous skill and take a 50/50 gamble where the skill is either stronger or the new skill and the original skill cancel each other and get weaker, deleting certain properties of the skill, right?"

"Well I was just asking to make sure and didn't really want the explanation I guess it's okay?" she said as the cracks started appearing on her skin but she kept smiling.

"Why didn't you just stop me?"

She smiled wider while opening her book again, "I'd rather not have you start ranting about you and your rights"

The Void seemed to shatter like glass as I fell unconscious again. When I woke up it was night time in the forest, I rose up to my height and then I realized...I hadn't evolved my skills. Just as I had started to panic the same voice startled me again although she seemed to have emotion and sounded a little cuter this time as opposed to the former monotone voice.

(I think I should have said this in the chapter before this but when you see his talking in this format he is talking to his skill.)

Do not fret Master!! (imagine Puck or typhoon)

Regulus: God fuc-

? : Language

Regulus: I thought you were gone after the tutorial section or something.

? : So did I, BUT it seems like that's not the case!! Though it does seem like I have received an... upgrade of sorts... I now have a lot of knowledge of this world and I can analyze things and their properties.

Regulus: That's good for me but what about my skills?

? : I am the only way you are ever going to evolve your authorities, I also keep a catalogue of the skills you may learn in this place aside from your authorities!!!


? : With that being said, I am your unique skill witches gospel, please call me gospel, nice to meet you.

Regulus: pleased to meet you please call me whatever you wish to.

Gospel: Okay then master, I think you should evolve your skills now, like I said before you can evolve three at the moment.

Regulus: Okay then...first I want to evolve vain glory.

Gospel: approved, vain glory has evolved; it now no longer has any...criteria fulfillment...for activation....

Gospel/Regulus: ISN'T THAT TOO BROKEN!?!?!?

I...I didn't think my powers would be this broken... seeing as how this evolution thing was a coincidence I don't think the witches thought so either, This is WONDERFUL!! With this I don't have to ever feel the taste of defeat like....EVER!!

Gospel: Oh wait... it looks like it will take a lot of stamina out of you though, It will feel like having run up the stairs to the 50th floor.

Oh okay that makes sense

Gospel: ...So umm that happened, what else do you want to evolve?

Regulus: Hmmm, how about pride?

Gospel: for some reason that doesn't really surprise me. Anyway this one seems pretty similar as in there is no longer a need for a being to feel guilt for the authority to work, although it does seem like you will have to choose a certain emotion the target is feeling, for example if you choose anger, the target needs to have felt anger or frustration in the two days before meeting you. It also seems to be reversible for a total of two minutes after that the target will die.

Regulus: I see... lastly...could you evolve gluttony?

Gospel: Yeah, so let's see you can...Eh?

Regulus: *Raised eye brow* What is it?

Gospel: Well first off this one will form a new skill under the same authority, Second off the witch of gluttony is refusing to give you all of her powers, though as compensation, you can control the ousagi now...

Regulus: *Sigh* Why is it always her that's always trying to make things fair? Anyway... What is the skill?

Gospel: It's called left eye of starvation, any person you either touch or look at using this skill will feel so much hunger that he will start eating himself in an attempt to satiate himself.

Regulus: That's... I can understand why she wants to keep things fair now...


Gospel: OH!! Before I forget! Apparently the sin of wrath was very incompatible with you so in its stead you have a skill called evolution skipper! It basically lets anything you name skip an evolution.

Regulus: huh neat.


Regulus: Girl I can change reality in exchange for some fatigue do you think I really care out having strong underlings?

Gospel:....that makes sense.

She went silent after that, I decided to explore around the forest until I finally found a nice hill overlooking a small village of goblins. And what's this? it's a pack of wolves...

The one that looked like the leader looked at me with a furious look. "Who are you human?!!!" it shouted using some sort of telepathy.

Gospel: Ah...This is gonna be fun isn't it?

I could literally feel the smirk that she probably had right now, although she was not the only one...and the moon in the back ground did not at all make me look like the good guy...

Oh this would be fun indeed...