Chereads / Tensura The Ruler Of Sin's / Chapter 8 - New subordinate???

Chapter 8 - New subordinate???

*Rimuru pov*

Hello! I am a small, blue, loveable slime >w<, a loveable slime that is currently in a village full of goblins and wolves, looking at a pile of wood and clothes that looked like it wanted to be a house...I am pretty sure this is not how a house should look I called gobta, rigurd and two other goblins and with our wolves we headed out to the Dwarven kingdom of Dwargon to search for artisans.

Gobta said that he had been to this place before, literally the only the reason I am bringing him with me, I mean seriously he looks like someone put a meat ball on a body and the added a potato as a nose...

That was very rude of me, I looked a bit behind me to look at gobta who was holding for dear life with a absolutely ridiculous face...yeah what I just said might just be considered a compliment considered to what I want to say right now so there's no way I am gonna apologize.

We finally stopped to freshen up nearby a river I wished I could drink but I couldn't so I just wandered around for a while. I stopped and looked at Ranga who was drinking water before calling him to the side to have a talk about what I did to his father.

We went a little further up the river where I was sure that no one would hear us before talking "Hey Ranga..."

"Master?" he replied in a confused voice,

"I made your father leave you right? Not only that I even cut off his leg so you want revenge right? Don't you think about that?"

"...I do think about it sometimes..." he said looking away before looking back at me "but master, not only did you spare us after defeating us in battle and also let my father leave with mostly minimal punishment, you also gave us all new names"

His tail started wagging a bit, "I have nothing but Gratitude towards you, and no resentment at all"

Waaah, Ranga you are gonna make me cry,

"Unlike my father, our loyalty belongs only to you"

...Eh...why did I feel a red flag go up for something like this?

We started moving towards Dwargon once again, on the night before we reached Dwargon, I Received another red Flag in the form of Rigurd cutting off Gobta from speaking. Thankfully both flags were collected pretty quickly.

Since it would be pretty suspicious if I was walking around with a bunch of monsters I decided I would only take gobta with me. Later when me and gobta, were in the back of the line when two really scary looking guys came up to us and started bad mouthing us, okay first flag collected, they both started talking about how we were weak and they would make a fortune by selling me. I told gobta to look away and cover his ears, "Hey there, I am a generous person so I'll let you get away just this once, get Lost!!"

Obviously this threat was not very well taken, as they were spouting there weakling stuff I saw a white haired person come our way, he was wearing pretty noble looking clothes, he was behind the two weaklings "move"

They didn't hear it I decided to continue this when a gentle voice stopped me, "I don't think you should be fighting here slime-san."


The thugs looked behind them while the white haired man told them to move a second time

I turned around fully to see a red haired man with a sword strung on his back hip and he had his back to me, he turned showing his smile and blue eyes to me and both the thugs "They don't appear to be the intelligent sort so maybe you should let them go, I mean seriously look at them, one of them looks like he was punched so hard he received permanent face disfiguration, while the other looks like he had his brain surgically removed and Quite literally has a screw lose"

"PFFT!" If only we had not been in this situation where I wanted to look cool, I would have laughed so goddamned loud, the weaklings obviously started fuming over him he just kept on smiling, "not to mention they are most probably pretty dead right now."

I sounded another Eh before I heard the sound of a loud blast and the earth quaking, "Hey hey hey..."

It was the white haired man with an absolutely pissed of face on top of the bodies of the now buried thugs, they were slowly lifted up into the air by the feet up to the white haired man's face, their heads were bleeding and their eyes shining with absolute terror, "how many times did I tell you insects to move from my way?" before the two could say anything they were both repeatedly slammed against the ground, so many times that there was a dust cloud forming, I finally heard a bloody splat on the ground as the white haired man moved out of the dust clouds, I could hear people running away but all I could do was look at what was happening in absolute amazement.

"Regulus-sama I am actually surprised you even let them live" the red haired man said the smile still on his face.

"I am surprised as well honestly" he said still a pissed of look in on his face, he looked at me before getting an annoyed look, "You...Are you the slime that took down my wolf and took over his pack?" he said in an annoyed voice before crouching down to my level, Yeah Second flag collected..."Ye-Yeah, So wha-What?!" I said in as much of a delinquent voice I could, unfortunately I am pretty sure it came out cute. He continued to look at me before he closed his eyes and gave a small chuckle, "Not bad" and in unexpected turn of events he pet my head before standing up, "I hope we meet again under better circumstances, Rimuru chan."

"ho-how do you know my name?"

He gave a wink before pointing at his still open eye "I've seen the future".

Of course I initially thought he was joking but all the doubt came out of me in a total of five seconds "for example, one or all of us is about to go to prison" and just as he said that a group of soldiers came to us with a lot of swords.

*Regulus/Your Pov*

I was in the cell lying on my back with one leg over another. I honestly expected me to be the only person to be arrested but surprisingly it was all of us, wither way I could hear Rimuru getting interrogated while glaring holes into the currently asleep gobta, "ah yes that is all that happened"

"So what you are saying is that gentle man there that is currently sleeping with no care what so ever in the world caused a small earthquake while beating up those thugs?" the soldier, Kaijin's brother, asked Rimuru with a pretty questioning expression, "yes that's pretty much all that happened" Reinhard said from outside the cell acting like a de facto lawyer for both me and Rimuru,

I got bored and started to drift to sleep, things were going very boringly like how they had gone in the original show, thank fully after some time Rimuru finally gathered some courage to talk to me.

"Uh-uhm we haven't really met have we? M-my name is Rimuru Tempest and while it may sound rude I would like to know your true intentions after sending the dire wolves to take over the village" Rimuru said, slowly gaining confidence as the sentence got longer.

Ah Rimuru, you are supposed to be a grown up man, why are you so cute?

I got off my back, rising to a sitting position while gaining a smirk.

"Well since you asked so nicely, I'll tell you" I said as I pointed at my left eye.

"as I told you earlier, I've seen into the future" I said, and then pointed at him "And from what I've seen I can say that your villages power and your own strength are gonna play a major part in the worlds fate."

Rimuru looked a little shocked at what I said, "I just did what any person that has seen the future should do, kickstart events to make sure things happen exactly as they've seen" I gave a loud sigh "but of course the fact that I know of the future is already changing a lot of the minor details, like you not killing Ranga's father or how you seem to be just a tad bit more cruel" I smiled again but this time it was the deranged kind of smile, he looked at me before gulping, "but honestly speaking...I like this new you more" I stood up reaching towards the jail cell where Reinhard (also please assume he is always smiling unless stated otherwise) was still standing, "Do you have the keys?" he just held the keys up to view before unlocking the cell, I reached out before tossing it over to the slime, "if you want more proof, out of the three dwarves your potions will be saving, one of them will not speak at all. Keep the keys with you and tell the captain that I was bored of waiting." I started moving towards where I think the exit is when Rimuru calls out "Wait!!" he called out to me again "Could we...please form a friendship of sorts?" it took all I had not to shout out into the open with a 'Hell Yeah!!!' I looked back at him with a puzzled expression before saying with a shrug "well why not? I'll probably be involved with you a lot so it doesn't harm being a friend" I take a small introductory bow "I am the Archbishop of sin, Regulus Corneas it's a pleasure to meet you" I rose up before looking at Reinhard, he repeated my action "Reinhard van Astrea, loyal Subordinate of Regulus-Sama and the 11th Sword Saint, pleasure to meet you"

(He said this with a smile of course)

"When and where did you get that title..?" I asked him, I was genuinely serious about this "ah! Uhm...well you are always using your skill as a title so I thought I could use mine as one as well..."

*Rimuru Pov*

I was genuinely concerned that he was an evil person but looking at the scene in front of me, with a smug regulus and embarrassed Reinhard I couldn't help but internally smile at the scene in front of me, "Rimuru Tempest, Pleasure to meet you as well..." i let out a small hand like appendage, but instead of grabbing the hand Regulus rather chose to pet me on the head. "don't bother with the handshakes with me" he said with a smile "I'd rather pet you even if you had turned into a goblin or lizard man"

"Ah...Right..." I said with a small blush, the petting did feel good though, I suddenly felt him stop and move his hand away, "well then...we will be leaving now, I can't unfortunately be here when the dwarves come back so I will be going" he said, he turned around to face the exit "don't worry though, whenever you need me most, I'll come to help and I'll never leave your side again" I blushed before simply nodding.

*Meanwhile in regulus brain as he turned his back he had a face full of horror*

That was so fucking cringe!! Why the fuck did I say that?! And how the hell is he blushing?! I never knew plot armor could be this powerful!!


They left and a little while later just as he had said, one of them was mute...damn that guy is dangerous, anyway after the captain got a little agitated after I told him what happened he took me to his home where I talked about how I needed artisans for my village.

He later took me to the place where his brother, Kaijin worked and it turns out the three guys my potions had saved all worked in this place, Kaijin talked about how much grateful he was. I told him about my village needing artisans.

"I see...I am sorry but I am pretty backed up at the moment thanks to an impossible order a certain numbskull minister put in..."

"impossible order?"

"we might be going to war soon so he asked for twenty the end of the week , no less... I am short on materials so I've only made one so far..." he said with an annoyed voice.

The captain asked "then, couldn't you have told him it wasn't possible and refused?"

"good point" I chirped in

"Don't be dumb! I did tell him that at first but then he had the nerve to say that I couldn't handle a simple task like this, could you have let that slide?!"

So this is how it is to have a job... I am so glad I never had to through that...

You say you are short on materials?"

"Yeah, I need a special ore called magic ore."

Three dwarves told me that magic ore was what they were mining for when they were attacked by the armosaurus, although apparently it had already been cleared out.

"And even if I did have the materials, it takes two weeks to make twenty long swords" he sat back at his anvil before getting to work on the sword again "*Clang*yet I have to get them to the king in five days*Clang* they contracted smiths all over the kingdom and allotted the work to all of us*Clang* if I can't do it, my certification as a smith could be revoked."


"that really sucks..."

Wait...magic ore? Don't i...have some of that?!




"Old man *Spits magicsteel* Can you use that?"

"Wait...wait wait wait wait wait!!!"

He shouted out looking at the magisteel "That's magic ore! And it's unbelievably pure!!"

Whaaaa? "Hey, old man, Are you blind?"

He took of his goggles. Weird. You would expect to see better with the goggles on but... okay I guess... "Woah! It's not even magic ore! Its already been processed! It's a cluster of magisteel!!!"


"I can make even better swords with this"

Well...yeah that didn't happen (I'll give a rough summary because I don't like to copy too much) he got crazy and said that he would give anything I wanted...heh...i asked him to find artisans that could come to our village, he happily said yes, after words I told him to show the sword that he already made, I ate it, all the other's looked quite shocked, I spit out 20 more long swords. Ah that look of shock is never going to get old

Wonder what Regulus and Reinhard are doing.

*Regulus pov*

*Yawn* "this is a lot more boring than I thought..." I said trying, and failing to, stifle a yawn. "Should've stayed with Rimuru..."

Reinhard looked at me in amusement, "you've grown pretty close to the slime without even knowing him much at all haven't you?"

"Well...I guess you could say that..."

"by the way...Where are we going exactly?" he asked, looking a tad bit concerned. We had been moving through a lot of alleyways, I had even made him go through a few rooftops with me, "we are searching for a certain hunter..." I said as a grin make across my face.

As if on cue a shape fell down from the roof of the building, it was a man, tied up in ropes with his intestines missing...

Reinhard looked at the scene, before turning to look at me, my grin widened just a bit.

"Warnings won't matter to us!!" I shouted "you'll be coming with me as my subordinate whether you like it or not so surrender now! Who knows? Maybe I could even fulfill some of your wishes..." of course, I had no idea what I was talking about, I just said what Gospel told me to say, she just told me to go and follow a certain person and before I knew it it had turned into a full on goose chase, with both the side taunting each other by, running and chasing while taking their own time.

Another shape fell down, this time though, it landed on its feet, rising up it was covered in a black cloak but even the cloak couldn't hide the unmistakably feminine curves, and by god I've seen a lot of curves in my day, but these were just...phew...

I was lost in my gawking until I saw a purple metallic glint under her cloak

"Reinhard...get ready..." he did as I instructed and taking out a small short sword that we found on the ground...seriously I am not even joking, we found it on the ground while we were chasing her.

"ara ara~" she said as she came into the light while still hiding the dagger.

Before she even revealed her face I was here thinking I hit jackpot of subordinates, then she came into full light, let me just tell you jackpot that high doesn't exist. She was extremely beautiful, and purple eyes with a beauty mark under her right eye, and a curvaceous figure, with ebony black hair tied in a braid that was swept to the left side.

"Quite the demand you are making~" she said in a sweet tone, she eyed both of us top to bottom as she asked "who might you be? Were you sent by Barbaros to finally kill me or something?"

I smirked, "Regulus Corneas, Archbishop of sin and no I wasn't sent by the king."

"Reinhard van Astrea, 11th sword saint, I am accompanying Regulus-sama where he goes" he said with a small frown, ah, this isn't good, he doesn't seem to like her very much, I really hope this girl goes on a rant and tells us a tragic back story that makes Reinhard tolerate her, I can probably take Reinhard on right now but there's no telling how strong he will get after some time.

"Now..." she said with a dangerous glint in her eyes, "Why should I bow my head to you when even Gazel Dwargo sleeps uneasily with me outside?"

Before I could even give her a reason she had already jumped at me with her daggers, just as it was about to reach my throat it stopped, she seemed confused as she looked at the dagger she was trying to thrust forward, I was gave a small chuckle before moving back, I looked at Reinhard, who nodded at me with a confident smirk.

As I let go of her dagger, that was caught by my sloth hand, she immediately jumped several feet back, Reinhard went to where I had been standing before taking a sword stance. She smirked, she ditched her cloak, treating me to a few seconds of heaven in the form of her, still clothed unfortunately, body. She jumped at Reinhard; both had a smirk as the battle to determine her freedom had just started.