Alanis immediately came back to reality and he asked Mika dumbfounded, "A break ? Sweetheart, just how many dungeons are you planning to loot today ?"
Mika's smile widened and he said evasively, "Just a few more... Alanis, come on please, I need to progress faster, I still have 7 more dungeons to loot to level up to level 2 after this one... I'm sure tomorrow afternoon I will be able to level up."
Alanis smiled at him and he gave the sword back to him before saying, "Okay, let's finish this dungeon first and then we'll see... And don't try to use the sacred fire energy this sword contains because it will be the same result as with my short swords, you'll have to be able to use a lot more energy first before you can connect to it."
Mika said to him looking at the symbol of the sacred fire that was back to its golden color, "That's also why I need to keep looting dungeons, I really need to get stronger."