After some time the were wolves returned to the woods and they had to start planning on how they are going to survive without human beings. They had to form their small government build a cabinet that is going to run the state. Tony was in charge of them all and they were able to start schools, hospitals, and even build homes. Life was going on well for the werewolves who even started to prosper and move on. Tony proved to them that they can do well and they can prosper even without the support of human beings. On the other hand the lives of human beings was also doing well and they had moved on from the werewolves since they saw them as troublemakers. Nobody heard from Jack in a while. Nobody knew what he was up to and what he was planning. One day as the scientists were doing their research about werewolves they realized that if they acquired some of their blood it would make them have super strength. Then they thought of reconciling with the werewolves. Then they sent a letter to them asking to reconcile and sign a peace treaty. After Tony saw that letter he responded candidly, he said they had no problem with them but they will not consider returning to them. When the scientists heard this they got angry at Tony for declining their offer. They had a meeting among themselves on how they were going to be able to acquire this blood from the werewolves. They came to a conclusion that this idea was not going anywhere and they should think of another. Amongst the scientist there emerged one of them named Katy. She felt as if she was so very much underestimated by the male scientists. Katy thought for a while that she is supposed to be leading them and implementing her ideas. So she decided to look for mercenaries so that she can be able to take over the human beings. Katy hired some assassin's and paid them to help her take over as the leader of the scientists. The rest of the panel could not believe that from now on they will be working for Katy. Katy took over as the leader of the science panel and began to implement her ideas. She ruled for a while and now decided to go after the werewolves in order to get that super strength so that she can take over the world. She decided to go and look for Jack so that they could join forces and take over the world. At first they hunted down the forests and failed to find him. Jack had moved to a different state and there he got jailed. Katy had to come up with a plan to bust him out of prison. First she had to interfere with the electricity and then they had to dig a hole underground, then they would escape and then a truck would come and get them. They were fortunate to have bust him out of there successfully, Jack was the one who was surprised who was that who busted him out of jail? Why did that person bust him out of jail?? Then Katy was quick to explain why he busted him out of jail and of which importance was he to his team of assassins. Jack was still in rage with what happened between him and Tony so he agreed, and he was also promised to take over as the leader of the werewolves. So they returned home and even ran some few tests on Jack and even took some of his blood to test it on Katy and see if it works. When Jack asked why they took some of his blood they lied to him claiming they were running some tests to ensure he is alright. As soon as it was administered to Katy she had super strength. Now they were ready to take over the world. First they went to the president of the united states and requested for a 10 million dollars or else they will kill his family. The president requested help from NYPD but it was a wrong move since Katy's team were much stronger than the police. The first team which attacked were killed all of them that served as an example. The president had to accept their offer and give them that amount. Then after receiving that amount now they took over the human beings and they were on top of the world. Now Katy planned to knock out the werewolves and make them her slaves. She knew how powerful she would become if she acquired more of their blood. Soon they invaded the land of the werewolves and made their first attack. Tony with the rest of the warriors went out to fight, and to his surprise he saw Jack. Then Katy told them to surrender and submit to her if they wanted to live. Tony said that they would never surrender. Then Katy together with her assassins pulled out big guns made of metals and started shooting as the werewolves dodged the bullets. Tony went to fight Jack but Katy stepped forward and said he's mine. Then she charged at Tony and even kicked him in the stomach. Tony said impressive. Then tony now changed into a werewolf and struck her at once but she did not feel anything. Then Tony wondered how did a human become so strong. Katy said to him you did not see that coming. Tony was up to her challenge and so they began to fight as Jack watched from a far. Katy was no match for Tony who was too strong for her. Soon Tony got shot by an assassin and he became weak and fell down. When he looked around his people were losing the war then he passed out. Then they took Tony and left Jack to lead his people. Now Jack got what he wanted. He tried to address the werewolves but they left him hanging. His people were angry at him for what he had done. He said to his people he will provide them with great leadership. Tony on the other hand woke up and found himself lying in an electric cage. Then Katy went to talk to Tony and explain to him how she became stronger. She even went further and said to him that she was going to kill the werewolves and suck their blood to be much stronger. Soon she went with her team of assassins and invaded the werewolves. This time she wanted to kill all the werewolves including Jack. When she landed she started firing shots and the werewolves were in shambles and started running away. Jack was nowhere to be seen he was wondering what he was going to do to be liked by his people. When he returned the people complained to him what Katy had done to them. She took some blood from the people and licked it. Jack had to go and confront Katy and ask her why she did that but Katy explained to him that he was only using him and he was of no use to him now. Then Katy said I will end you myself. Then Jack was up for the challenge, they both stepped up to fight. When Jack made the first attack it was as if Katy was much stronger she was beating Jack easily. Jack was beaten badly and even left injured. Katy did not kill anyhow she left him to die slowly. Then he was thrown to jail together with Tony. There at the prison he had to ask for forgiveness from Tony. Tony was mad at him for betraying his family members and putting their lives at risk. As time went by Tony began to train there in the cell in order to be prepared to fight Katy. In a months time Tony became ready to fight Katy. When an opportunity arose he grabbed it. He got hold of one of the guards and was able to steal the keys and freed himself. Then he went and freed Jack so that they can end this once and for all. First they switched of the power in order to penetrate. Then Tony had to put on the clothes of those assassins in order for him not to be identified. Then Jack went to find help from the werewolves. Katy called her guards and told them to find tony and kill him. But Tony was one step ahead he was killing the guards one by one. One of the guards realized Tony looked different and was acting weird, so he screamed get him he's an imposter. Tony was quick to ran outside their premises. When he got out he found all of the werewolves had come to help him. The werewolves were so angry that they were smashing the assassins. Tony saw this and went out to face Katy and end this madness. He went after Katy and it was now time to fight. Tony began this fight and he came at her charging to beat her. they fought for hours and it became tiresome. Soon Katy took a gun and was ready to end this fight. Before she got the chance to pull the trigger she got shot. When she looked back it was her fellow scientists who shot her. They decided to put an end to her madness. Human beings apologised to the werewolves and they now decided to leave in peace.