After some two weeks time Sisco started to feel very ill. At first he thought it is just something small, and thought it will end. Someday he went to brush his teeth and saw blood coming from his mouth. He also saw carnassial teeth growing in his mouth. That's when he knew something is wrong with him. He had to look for help. He immediately went to the most confidential hospital he knew. They started running tests on him to know what could have happened. They started the tests on him to see what they will find in his body. They also had to ask Tony to be done some tests to see if he also has carnassial teeth. Tony had to avail himself for tests in the lab. The science panel had to be there to see what was going on with Tony. After some few days the tests were run and they found out the results. Sisco got bitten by a vampire, and very soon he would turn into one if not treated. The good thing was tony could not be affected by the bites. They had to look for some medicine which would cure him quickly. Tony recalled where he thought he might have been bitten by a vampire. When they were time travelling back here there is one which scratched him on his arm. Meaning there are some who are either scratched or bitten in the street. They had to lock him up just in case he turned out to be a violent guy. They started carrying out tests of their own to see if they could come up with a cure for Sisco. It would take some time since they did not have Sisco who was their leader and the best scientists. They had come up with all the equipment they needed. It would take them up to 6 months to come up with a good cure. They soon started their work. Sisco on the other hand was wondering why they locked him, but they said to him they are only protecting him. Sisco was shocked why they would do that to him. One day he got very angry and he decided to break free. He charged all of his energy and overpowered the energy forces holding him. Soon he was free. He had turned into a full vampire, and he was very strong since it was eclipse. Also there was no light so it made him much stronger. They were surprised to see him and they started pleading with him to calm down but he was not in his right mind state. He started fighting them one by one. He had extra ordinary power. He even destroyed the cure they had been working on for months. Tony tried to talk to him to see if he could stop what he is doing. It did not pay of since Sisco was vicious. He even attacked Tony and scratched his hands. He even smashed the door and rolled away. They could not control him, but when he left they realized he was not very active when exposed to sunlight. It was as if he became weak. They remembered vampires are weak when exposed to light. The scientists tried to follow him but they could not reach him since he ran away. They were now back to the drawing board. The question they were asking themselves is how to stop Sisco. They all looked at Tony to provide the solution. Tony had no idea of what to do. They had to go and rest as they wait to look for a solution. Sisco on the other hand was out there in the streets scaring people. He even bit one person on the neck. The people were surprised to see one of the local heroes causing damage in the street. The police had to be called to scare him away. Sisco got very angry and even started fighting the police officers and killing them. Tony and some werewolves had to come to the rescue of the city. They had to flash some light to scare him away. One thing they did not know was others were also scratched or bitten by Sisco. It would take some few days for them to start changing into vampires. They were confused what to do. The thing was they had to act fast to deal with Sisco. Tony was very angry at Sisco, he even started loosing patience in him. Tony told the science panel to find a solution very fast before he handles it himself. They knew they had to act quickly 6 months is a long time to wait. They had to start looking for a fast way to deal with him. In a weeks time people in the street started turning into vampires. They were passing it to one another. In no time the city was full of vampires. The person who could provide a solution was also one of the vampires. They started going out to the street to bite each other. Tony had to gather some of his werewolves to go out and fight them to try and bring sanity in the city. It was a big challenge since they were outnumbered by the people. The first brawl they had was very unsuccessful. They had to retreat for safety. Tony told his people they should act quickly or else there will be no one remaining. Tony thought of them dealing first with Sisco so that he can provide the solution to all of this. The next day Sisco carried out an attack at their panel. He wanted to end them all. Tony had to fight with him to protect the rest. It was an intense battle since they were both strong. Sisco took a kendo stick and used it to beat Tony, it helped him get an upper hand. He then used his long nails to scratch Tony. Tony then realized he is bleeding from the cut. Sisco laughed sarcastically at him. He then wanted to end him once and for all, but tony was in for a fight. He quickly dodged him. He was now very fired. He started attacking Sisco viciously. He then remembered light is the best weapon to use against him. He then flashed light from his phone and flashed it straight to his eyes. He started to look away, then Tony got hold of him and tied him down to the ground. He called on some help to come and lock him up. They put him in a machine that controls him. Tony told them to come up with a solution as fast as possible. Then one of the scientists asked Tony why he was flashing light to him? Then Tony told him he realized vampires are afraid of light. He said to Tony that is what they should use against Tony. That gave Tony an idea to use on Sisco. He told the scientists to make a small flashlight which he could use to point it into the eyes of Sisco. They worked on it quickly, since everyone in the street was now a vampire. As soon as they were done with it he took it and went into the room where Sisco was held. He started flashing it straight into his eyes. Sisco was trying to hide his eyes but he could not. Tony then started to remind him of who he is and what he loves. Then Sisco started to get back to his senses. Tony stopped flashing the light towards him. He then ordered them to inject him to sleep. It did pay off since he was no longer a vampire. When he woke up he asked everyone where he is? They told him what happened and they needed his help in order to help the citizens. Sisco quickly got up and started working on it. He called his team and told them to start coming up with an antidote for the people. He first took some chemicals and mixed them, they then had to try it on a mouse to see if it works. For sure it did work based on their experiment. Then Sisco told Tony he wanted him to go on top of a building and focus so much light onto the people. He would then use some officers to inject the dose to peoples necks. Tony did as he was told and went and projected the light onto the people, and so they started running away to the dark. The few officers were told to inject them on their necks. Sisco and his fellow scientists were also there to help out. It took a long time but they finally did it and everyone was back to normal.