Chereads / Prophecy Failure: Mr. Reckless NOT Harbinger of Death / Chapter 12 - Chapter IV - Thence began (2/3)

Chapter 12 - Chapter IV - Thence began (2/3)

"I don't have any crystal-stone-gem, or I would be rich already by now," Varun scoffed.

"Rich with what…?" Nightrale asked.

"Well, it is stuck at the back of your armour," Alias said.

"Really…?" Varun asked trying to reach for the gem and turned around with the chair.

"Yeah, it is right there armour boy. You can stop trying to reach it Mr. tiny hands," Manasie sighed.

"Ok, but I don't remember having a gem. Except, is it the tiny white gem I had?" Varun asked.

"Yes, the tiny stone-gem, which is not white, is part of the big stone-gem Kara found in the cave. According to the prophecy, the leader of the first Primevel warriors had the whole stone-gem. He had failed on ways to stop Rahambose and the surge leaving out the timeless horizon. The first dragon's time manipulating gem was bought into the timeless horizon which caused a huge surge," Alias said and stopped to drink some water from the glass on the table.

Alias continued again, after clearing his throat. "H.O.D. sentenced himself as unworthy and threw away his gem and went on to give his and his team's life to seal the dragon stone. The place the stone was thrown was Earth. The stone had broken into the chunk which Psycho had taken away from the human-dragons. There was a smaller piece which was supposed to pick a worthy human to be the H.O.D.. Technically the worthy will find and pick it."

"Yeah, the smaller part was found by me. What else would a ten year old kid be interested in, but a tiny peculiar rock? That is why parents say to throw anything we find, which is not ours. And I thought it was white, maybe me washing it so badly every week made it feel so," Varun sighed.

"Well, you were technically chosen for this," Alias said.

"Yeah right and I have to put an end to what again?" Varun asked.

"Rahambose and it's a he however," Nemesis said.

"Ok, so, I have to 'kill' this guy now?"

"Sure, that is the only way of stopping him. Trust me, I have seen and faced him," Manasie said.

"And you are still alive. If this guy was so ferocious, then he could have just taken you out easily," Varun pointed out.

"Long story short, doesn't tell the whole story," Manasie sighed.

"The whole point here is about Rahambose and Psycho. Psycho was mad enough that he pointed out that he could be the next Rahambose. He is our first priority," Kara said.

"Well, the actual Rahambose has the Rahambose dragon-gem. He can make hundred more like him with that and when he does, he can't be stopped so easily as he currently can be. Now is when he is the weakest he can ever be," Alias stated.

"And in the end will go to claim the Rahambose stone-gem or first Sam's dragon-gemstone which could manipulate time. I called it stone because it's sealed now and would look like a stone," Nemesis explained.

"Psycho is our number one priority!" Kara said glaring at Alias and Nemesis and smashed her palm on the table.

"Rahambose won't stop at the dragons' planet. He will come to harm every other of the Meteor PLANET, Pluto or Earth could be next. Whereas Nightrale is already down, that was the best of the Meteor PLANET and we all agree on that even when no one has been there," Nemesis said.

"Why must we believe the Primevel warriors who don't even have armour on?" Kara asked pointing at Alias and Nemesis' normal-looking clothes. "I mean, Nemesis is even wearing cooling glasses as if he were on a vacation!"

Alias glared at Nemesis.

"What…? I wanted to give a cool first impression," Nemesis said.

"Well, armour's cool though," Varun and Nightrale said.

"We just passed the test to be a Primevel warrior, just a day ago," Nemesis said.

"And we came here as soon as we heard of Psycho coming here. Just so we could protect your lives," Alias said.

"We were winning either way," Kara scoffed.

"Yes, letting one of you fight off a whole horde of Psycho-blades was a winning situation," Alias said. "Rahambose won't be merciful, he will seize his chance to kill any of you. So he is a real threat!"

"Doesn't mean Psycho isn't a problem to us," Magpie said, calmly.

"As much as we want to help with Rahambose, we have to take care of Psycho first," Nightrale explained.

"Fine," Alias sighed and sat back on his chair comfortably.

"We have to be alert all the time with the rising situations. And fighting among us, is not a good option," Manasie said.

"We are some team, huh?" Varun said.

Everyone turned towards Varun and glared at him.

"You are the one supposed to fix this," Kara said.

"And we need your opinion on this too," Alias pointed.

"I will help as much as I can. Earth is away from danger anyways," Varun said.

"It is the closest to The Empire. But Hate hasn't seemed to plan on attacking it yet," Manasie said.

"Hate…?" Varun asked.

"Rahambose's real name," Manasie said.

"Rahambose, sounds more like a real name," Varun scoffed.

"Look, we need to work as one, like it or not," Manasie said glaring straight at Varun.

"Fine… I just-forget it, I'll help you," Varun said, widening his shoulders.

"Well, then one thing is left out now. Welcoming the guest," Nightrale said.

"I don't see the need of that," Varun scoffed.

"Not you but a sneaky one," Nightrale smirked.

"What…?" Manasie asked and looked around.

Through the open doors a guy came in flying, the blades followed him and some were even stuck to his back. He wasn't a Psycho-blade but just a guy from the lab, as he was still in his coat.

"Look who we have here," Varun said. "Who are you again?"

The guy was silent and just groaned looking at the floor. Varun looked at Nightrale and she just nodded to him. The guy shook his hands as swords appeared out of his hands, ripping his coat. Nightrale's blades quickly grasped him tight, stopping him. Varun said 'thanks,' under his breath and walked up to the guy.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" Varun asked taking his sword out of its sheath.

"Whoa, relax there tiger. We need him to talk before he can be split open for your personal biology lab collection," Manasie said getting up and walked up to Varun.

"You do not have the requirement to try so hard to know the reason behind my presence at this wretched place," the Psycho-blade finally spoke.

"Jeez, I'm sorry, I need a dictionary to understand what he just said or are there some subtitles available for him exclusively?" Varun mocked.

"Your mockery will change not a thing human," the guy said.

"Ooh, you hath the knowledge of mine existence and kind, it seems that I require for myself to be afraid harder from this moment on," Varun said trying his best to not burst out and laugh.

"Now if you are done…" Manasie said turning to Varun.

"Fine, sorry, couldn't help myself," Varun said.

Manasie turned back to the guy "now share us thine knowledge of your existence in such a crippling place of humour and explain to us the happenings of this," Manasie said smiling through her smirk.

"And there she goes…" Magpie sighed.

"Nice one," Varun said smiling at Manasie.

Varun lifted his hand to Hi-Fi Manasie and even she did. But, on purpose Manasie missed his Hi-Fi and smirked without even looking at him.

"I hate you," Varun sighed.

"Back at you," Manasie said still looking at the guy ahead.

"We need the guy's dialogue here guys," Kara suggested.

"Once again, why are you here?" Alias asked.

"I'm not alone, there are two more. Our task here was to find another one of Master Psycho's creations, the…" the guy said and stopped, thinking something to himself.

"You must complete the sentence with the creation's name," Varun helped.

"I seem to have forgotten its actual name. But it is a formidable weapon indeed. It gets stronger with every hit it hits and can split itself," the guy said praising Psycho's creation.

"The Multiplier," Varun said.

"The Divider!" Kara objected.

"I see why the guy was confused," Manasie scoffed.

"Well we better go find the other two soon then," Nightrale said getting up and slashed her arm up forward.

The guy got took out of the door by the blades, as he screamed for his life. Nightrale just started walking out of the door, without caring for it, but everyone just stared at her go. Nightrale walked back to the room's entrance, confused of why no one was following her.

"What happened guys?" Nightrale asked, looking at everyone staring at her in shock.

"Bro, you just killed the guy who was ready to give us information. You just killed him, making him scream to his life. Brutal," Manasie scoffed.

"He was just maybe afraid because of being taken so harshly yes, but I did not kill him. He could be of some use, so, he'll be sent off to the empty room you guys showed me once," Nightrale said.

"Not that dark. But that room is dark. So dark," Kara said.

"Ok, we better split for this. Manasie and Varun go look together, as you both seem to have become friends already. Alias and Magpie, you both go together too. Me, Nemesis and Kara will go together," Nightrale said.

"Why do we have to go paired with a boy? And why does our search team have three people? I can handle myself, I'll go alone," Kara suggested.

"Me, Magpie and Manasie have our microphones and the guys don't. So, where is yours?" Nightrale asked.

"Always love to work in team, let's go," Kara said looking excited all of a sudden.

"Let's go, knight in shining armour," Manasie smirked and walked ahead, just as everyone were leaving.

"Do not call me that," Varun said following Manasie.

"Oh, would you rather prefer 'armour boy', then?" Manasie asked, still walking.

"Well, I would prefer you to not talk to me at all," Varun said.

"Aw… such a sad life mine is," Manasie said.

"Don't know about yours, but mine sure is," Varun scoffed.

"Such a mood swing turn," Manasie said whisperingly.

"I'm sorry that I'm a depressed soul," Varun said.

"Look if you want to talk, then let's talk, I don't mind," Manasie said turning to Varun.

Varun sighed and stopped, Manasie did too.

"I have people who will listen to me. Rather than people who just want me for some lame prophecy, I'll talk to my friends," Varun scoffed and walked forward.

Manasie didn't say a thing and just furiously walked alongside Varun, searching for what they didn't properly know of.

"Guys…" Magpie said through the microphone, after five long minutes of silence.

"Yes, Madhu…?" Manasie stopped and held her microphone.

Varun stared straight at Manasie and Manasie realised of what she just said.

"My dear Magpie I mean, don't know why I mumbled," Manasie laughed lightly.

"It's in the old king's chamber, something's happening. You guys best come soon," Magpie said.

"We'll be there, stay put," Manasie said.

"Yeah, Alias already coined the second part," Magpie sighed.

"And…?" Varun asked, just as Manasie got silent.

Varun could clearly hear Magpie's voice, but needed confirmation that it wasn't his mind again.

"You can leave if you want to," Manasie said.

"Lead the way ma'am," Varun sighed.
