Chereads / More than a dream / Chapter 1 - Letters in the snow

More than a dream

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Chapter 1 - Letters in the snow

Kobayashi Hoshi was a young man who liked to escape in to a fantasy world. It was a place where he could be himself with no fear of anyone knowing his secrets. Hoshi often thought he was getting to old to be doing things like this, even though he was still young, barely in his twenties. Hoshi mainly lived in his world of fantasy because the real world was just to harsh to cope with. It did not help the fact that he was stuck in a boring job in a shop that got hardly any consumes. The ones that did come in were elderly and just told him about stuff that did not matter to him. All he could do was smile and listen whilst they rattle on for a good ten minutes or so. When he is at home his parents are always too busy with their work to really take notice of him, until they sat down to dinner or breakfast. This is when most of the time Hoshi's mother is asking him, when are you going to find a nice girl? The thing was he did not care about women. In fact he had never saw anything in them. Of course Hoshi never told his parents his true feelings and always just agreed with his mother that he should date more. All his father did was look either at the morning paper or his mobile. Every few minutes during the evening meal it would ping and he would spend the entire time just answering messages. On occasions he would mutter, Yes dear or you are right, darling. Son, you should listen to your mother. There were times, though, when Hoshi's father did not come to the table and just had his meals in his office.

Everyday it was always the same, real life was just boring and all he wanted to do was escape to his fantasy world. Then one day his life was changed forever, whilst he was taking the shortcut through the pack. It was something he did all the time, never had any trouble. Except tonight a group of lads dressed all in black with their faces hidden in the shadow of their deep hoods, start to follow him.

Hoshi starts to walk faster to get some distance when from out of nowhere a piece of paper fluttering past him. The young man quickly glances over his shoulder to see the group of men have come to a stop. They also seem to step away from the paper as it settles upon the ground.

Then Hoshi hears in his right ear an attractive man's voice, "Run."

Yet there is no one there.

"Run, lad. Run," comes the voice again.

Hoshi does not wait around and runs as fast as he can over to the gate. When he turns back to see what has happened to the thugs, they are gone and all that remains on the ground is a piece of smouldering paper.

The question is did that just happen or was it all in his head. Hoshi goes to take a closer look at the piece of paper. All of the surface is covered in strange writing and melted in to the thin layer of snow are odd symbols.

"What just happened?" Hoshi whispers looking around.

The young man does not stick around and carries on home. He decided to not mention what he had witnessed to his parents.

The next night Hoshi is walking again through the park, but this time nothing happens. It not until the third night when a group of men begin to follow him and that same handsome, disembodied voice is telling him to run. Hoshi though only runs partly away he turns around to see a man dressed in a white robe appears. There is a flash and the group of men are gone.

"You were not meant to stick around," says the cloaked man keeping his back to Hoshi. "Yet what you just witnessed does not have frighten you. Curious."

"It will take more than that to scare me. Just what were those things?"

The cloaked man seems to disappear to reappear right behind the boy. "Something you were not meant to see, because they are not from this world. Damn! I am breaking more rules talking to you."

All Hoshi can see of the man's face is his lower jaw and a set of thin lips.

"Sorry I will not keep you any longer," he says and walks away when he feels a cold wind.

He quickly turns around to see the cloaked man has also vanished.

It is another three nights before he is experiencing the whole thing again. This time tough he does not run when he is told to, Hoshi allows the group of men to surround him.

The young man soon notices there are no crushing sounds coming from the snow beneath their black, heavy looking boots. Also none of them seem to be making any sounds, not even breathing.

"What do you think you are doing?! Are you trying to get yourself killed," comes the handsome voice behind him.

"No, not at all, because I knew you would appear to rescue me."

The cloaked man laughs and states, "I am not rescuing you, lad. What I am doing is sending these foul creatures back to their world. You are just in the way. That is why I wanted you to run."

A snow white hand appears near Hoshi's chest and in a blink of an eye he is out side the ring of men.

"You have just made my job harder."

"I'm sorry. What can I do to help?"

"Just stay right where you are," demands the cloaked man.

Hoshi watches in amazement all of the silent men are gone and in the centre of the scorched, smouldering circle of snow is the man with the handsome voice.

The cloaked man tilts his head back and mutters, "I cannot keep doing this… I need to find that idiot."

"Find who?"

"That, lad, is none of your con-concern," he answers and flops down.

Hoshi rushes over to him, he grips the man's shoulder to discover his robe is hot and there are hissing sounds coming from the snow around him.

The young man ties to roll the stranger over but he is unable to lift him. All he can do is wait for him to come around.

The full moon beings to appear between the high rise buildings when the cloaked man begins to stir.

"Hey, are you all right?"

"I will be. Tell me do you just keep going this way on purpose to see me again or do you live around here?"

"Yes, and yes," answers Hoshi with a slight laugh to his voice. "Look, you are the most amazing thing that has ever come into my life. Normally nothing happens, it is just the same boring thing everyday."

Handsome voice sits up and starts to laugh. "Oh I see, I am a break from the norm," he says getting to his feet. "I might as well tell you what I am doing is the same thing day in day out. I protect realms. I stop things coming from other realms into this one. It is only meant to happen once not meltable times… Damn it!"

"Wow! You sound angry."

"Angry? Oh no, lad, I am not angry. I am just frustrated. That fool has gone too far this time."

Hoshi is all confused and asks, "What fool?"

The cloaked man emits a tired sigh and allows the top part of his body to become floppy.

"Fuck!! I am not meant to be doing any of this," he cries throwing his hands into the air. "Everything that fool dose messes up everything for the rest of us. I was meant to come in find the trouble maker and get out without anyone noticing me… Three times. Three times you have seen me. Oh well, I can kiss my chances of making General good bye."

The young man watches him flop down on a bench reaching his head on the back rest.

Hoshi shakes his and takes a seat next to him. "Not when it is my fault. I wanted to see you, to make sure you were real and not just a figment of my imagination. I tend to live in a fantasy world, because I hate reality. I am sorry."

"You are right, it is all your fault. Too curious for your own good, lad. And does this answer your question?"

The cloaked man takes hold of his hand and places it to the side of his face so the palm is near his lips and gives it a kiss.

Hoshi nods and quickly replies, "Yep, I would say so."

"Well, I had better keep searching," grumbles handsome voice and stands up.

"Look, I have caused you so much trouble, at least I can do is help you find this, fool," offers the young man bowing his head.

"All right, I am willing to let you help me on the grounds you tell no one about meeting me. Understood?"

"Yep loud and clear."

The cloaked man sighs and mutters, "I must be insane to be even doing this."

He pulls the lad up off the bench and seems to hold him for a moment before slapping a crystal in to his hand.

"This will glow blood red when that idiot is close by. No matter where you are I will find you the moment that is activated. Understood?"

"Yes, I completely understand."

Hoshi watches him place a hand to the side of his face and gives it a soft pat before he vanishes.

The young man takes a look at the crystal before going on to place it in the left pocket of his think coat.

The moment he walks through the front door of his home his mum and dad rush in to the hallway to greet him.

His father grips his shoulder and asks, "Where have you been, son?"

Hoshi has a quick think and answers, "Out with a friend."

This is when his mother jumps to the conclusion he has been out with a girl and gives him a happy smile as she helps him to remove his coat.

"Are you hungry?"

"Yes, I am mother, we only had a small meal," he tells them slipping off he shoes.

Hoshi's parents go on to usher him through to the dining room where his mother opens the rice steamer and fills a bowl to the brim with fluffy rice.

Once he has eaten Hoshi goes to his room like he does every night. On the way he grabs the crystal from his coat pocket, then trots upstairs to his room. He sets the crystal down on his desk and takes a seat on the bed staring out of the window.

Hoshi soon realises he is excited about helping the cloaked man and cannot wait to see him again.

Then comes a tapping sound at the window making him jump. There on the glass is a piece of paper in the shape of a bird.

Hoshi quickly opens the right hand side of the window to catch it. The moment his hand daws it inside the room it changes into a flower and out of the centre rises a golden butterfly.

"Beautiful," he whispers watching it pop in to shower of glitter.

"Glad you liked it," comes that handsome voice.

"Where are you?"

The disembodied voice chuckles and answers, "Everywhere. See now you know what I mean, I can find you no matter where you are. Good night."

"Wait! We don't even know each others names."

Yet again the handsome voice has already gone.

Hoshi lies down placing the flower upon his chest and closes his eyes.

"He is just amazing," he whispers.

The young lad goes on to place the flower on the windowsill and watches a film before turning in for the night.

Hoshi even dreams of the cloaked man coming in to save him and pulling him close. When images changes to them kissing it snaps him awake.

He just lies in the dark questioning himself, why would he want to kiss him? They do not know each other, nor does he know what he looks like under that deep hood. It is that sexy voice of his which has got Hoshi all aroused and wanting to be with him.

The young lad rolls over on to his side and tries to think of other things, but it is no use. Just like before he starts to fantasise about him.

When he does finally get back off to sleep it does not seem long before the alarm is going off and he needs to get showed, shaved and dressed for work.

Mother is up making breakfast. This time it is Congee with honey, fresh fruit, nuts and seeds.

Like always father has been up for hours in his office slumped in the chair and staring at the screen. It often makes Hoshi wonder if his father ever sleeps.

After breakfast he goes back to his room to collect the crystal placing it in the right pocket of his trousers and heads to the bathroom to clean his teeth.

Then he is trotting down the stairs to put on his shoes and coat. Neither of his parents come to see him off or tell him to have a good day. The young man does not even bother to tell he is leaving, he just opens the front door and steps out it the cold fresh morning.

The snow is more ice now, it sparkles in the morning sunlight. Hoshi finds even though the pavements have been cleared on the way to work there is still a thin layer of ice on some of them, so it more like skating.

The shop is a small place that lies not far from a temple. The wooden shutters are frozen in place so the boss is using hot water to melt the ice. Inside is bitterly cold and it is Hoshi's job to turn on the oil heaters and the electric one behind the small counter.

The boss is a late middle aged monk, who wears a pair of half moon glasses perched upon the end of his nose.

Once all the shutters off he gets Hoshi to clear the snow out front and lay down grit.

It does not seem long before the first consumers to arrive, needing bread, milk or eggs. Some take packets of vegetables others it is sacks of rice.

All of sudden Hoshi feels the crystal vibrate within his pocket, whilst there is no one at the till he sneaks a peek to see it is beginning to glow an eery red.

The question is which of the old people, who are wondering around, the man the cloaked man is after.

There is a small gust of wind and handsome voice appears right in front of an elderly gentleman who instantly groans.

The cloaked man shakes his and questions, "Look at you, posing as an old man. Have you no shame?"

The man gets on his knees and begs, "No please, Jikan (Time), do not take me back. Please let me die an old man."

"This not our way and you know that. Why are you wanting to die?"

"Because I have lived too long, Jikan. I am tired… well, bored really of doing the same thing. I just wanted a change. I am sure you can understand that."

The cloak man pulls the elderly man to his feet. "Tsuki (Moon), Tsuki, it does not work like that. You have broken the rules. You cannot just portal into another world all because you are board and fed up. You need to find a hobby or an activity to occupy your day."

"All you young ones are the same, you do not heed my words," stresses the old man.

"Oh yes I hear them, Tsuki. Like always you are being a fool. Come along."

The old man stamps his foot and cries, "Damn it! No! I refuse to go with you. Nor can you make me, Jikan."

Hoshi is watching their argument from behind the counter. The cloaked man just shakes his head and holds two fingers near his lips.

This makes the old man start to panic, he quickly sets his basket down on the counter and runs off outside.

"Sa," whispers the cloaked man.

The next thing all the shoppers are frozen to the spot and so are the people outside. All except the young man who quickly follows handsome voice out of the shop to see even the old man has been effected.

"I warned you, you would not be able to escape me this time," he says whilst tucking him under his arm.

"Your name is, Jikan?" Hoshi asks somewhat perplexed.

The cloaked man gives a nod then he is gone and after a few seconds everyone returns to normal.

The young man returns to the now lukewarm shop and carries on serving customers. He begins to think now the clacked man has caught the one who had caused the trouble he would not see him again. Yet he still had the crystal in his pocket that has since return to normal.

Hoshi starts to think, it is not over there must be more who are not meant to be here.

Another thing is not a single person or his boss mention the argument between the two men. It was like it never happened. So that is what he does just carries on with his day regardless.

At lunch time Hoshi often goes out to get something nice and hot from one of the many restaurants, that would be packed with tourist in the warmer months. Not to day there are only a few people who are brave enough to venture out when it is just one celsius.

Hoshi is tucking into a plate of nice hot waffles when he sees a pale thin hand before him.

"I should take back my crystal," comes that handsome voice he is beginning to enjoy hearing.

The young man looks up and asks, "Would you not stay and have something to eat?"

The hand goes to the side of Hoshi face and Jikan's lips form in to a soft smile.

"It is sweet you do not want this to be the end. The thing is I do not belong in your world… even though I am growing to like it. If I am ever discovered, you know what will happen?"

"You will be classed and an alien and locked away."

"Yes, that is the good side. I could also be killed. I'm sure you don't want that?"

Hoshi takes hold of the hand and confuses, "I want to keep seeing you. You are the best thing to come into my life. Promise me you come and see me?"

The cloaked man bows his head and tells him, "I am forever, you only have a short time in this world. You should forget about me and just live your life. I am sure you will…"

Jikan is unable to finish his sentence because he realises he is starting to fall for the young man. But if his world found out about it he would be striped of his job and never be allowed to portal ever again.

Then it dawns on him he could try again to persuade his boss whilst he is in this world he needs a mortal's help.

Hoshi takes the cloaked man's silence as sign he is just making the situation worse. The young man bows his head and apologises:

"You are right we are from two different worlds there is no way-"

"There might just be a way," says Jikan all abrupt. "I will come by your place later."

Hoshi nods and puff handsome voice is gone.

He goes to finish his waffles and heads back to work. Though he cannot help but let his mind wonder about what the man he has a crush on is planing.

The monk smiles when he notices the young man is far away when he is meant to be sweeping the floor. He just leaves him to it because he can tell Hoshi is in love.

Soon it is time for them both to head home. Hoshi is making way through the park when a huge claw comes down in front of him blocking his way.

The next thing he hears is Jikan's telling someone off, "TaiyĹŤ (Sun), do not frighten him, when I would like to recruit him."

Hoshi turns around to see the cloaked man is seated on a creature similar to a lion crossed with a tiger. There appears to be another man seated next to him dressed in a deep blue hooded robe.

He points a gloved hand at him and questions with a rough voice, "You say this child is the one who helped you to capture Tsuki?"

"He is, see for yourself, he is still carrying the crystal I dropped in the very park and kept it safe for me. Hoshi has shown no fear in what I am doing. In fact he was keen to help, even though he is a mortal."

The new man jumps down from the large cat and walks around him. "You believe you can trust him not reveal you?"

Jikan nods and replies, "He has already being doing a good job of it. I really could do with the help."

Just as he has said that, the group of men appear only this time they are prepared to fight.

Handsome voice jumps down from the cat to protect Hoshi. He flicks out his left hand and a large sword appears in front of them.

The other cloaked man makes a large double bladed axe appear that has a tassel attached to the hilt.

They both get ready to fight.

"Kaze (Wind), take the child home," demands the dark blue cloaked man.

"No time," calls Jikan pulling the young man close. "Stay by my side and you will be fine."

Hoshi does as he is told and washes them fight the strange men. Yet not a single one of them move it is just their weapons that are clashing together around them.

When a sword of the enemy drops to the ground it disappears and seems to take the owner with it. When there are only two of them left they just to fade away.

Jikan quickly scoops up Hoshi jumping on to the cat along with the other man and they go zooming through the street to the young man's home.

Hoshi is dropped off on his balcony and the blue cloaked man gives him a bracelet.

"You are now part of our team to defend this world from other realms."

The young man performs a deep bow. "Thank you."

Jikan gives him a nod before they are gone.

Hoshi opens the door and steps inside his dull lit bedroom. He goes on to switch on the light, that is when he sees the bracelet is sky blue and covered in pink and red flowers. Hoshi puts it on to his left wrist and heads downstairs.

Neither of his parents are even aware he arrived home a little different tonight. When they are seated at the table they do not even notice the bracelet.

It makes him wonder if it is them or the bracelet was invisible with it not being from this world. Either way Hoshi is pleased it goes unnoticed. When he returns to his room he sees a small bag has been left upon his desk. The young man picks it up pulls open the gathered top to discover it is filled with money and a note:

This half the money I get given every time I do my job. Now you are my partner it is only fair you get paid as well. Go head treat yourself or save it. Jikan.

The following morning Hoshi depots nearly all of it in to his bank and on his break he goes to his local Anime store to buy a figure he has been wanting for a while and returns to work with a big smile upon his face.

Just before closing time the cloaked man appears outside the shop, he gives Hoshi a wave before continuing up the street. The young man quickly rests the broom handle against the wall and runs after him.

Jikan pulls him close and whispers, "Do you feel it?"

Hoshi starts to feel an odd tingling sensation flow over him, he looks to see the cloaked man is looking towards the temple.

"I do… what is that?"

"Why not come with me and find out?"

The young man takes hold of his hand and together they make their way up the stone steps.

Around half way they both stop to take a breather and Jikan moans, "Too many steps. Why do have to build them on high hills?"

"Because we do. Saying that, there are some which are on the flat… I think this one in the area is the worse," admits Hoshi panting and puffing. "It does not help with them being so steep."

"I agree… There is no way I am climbing the rest. Do you trust me?"

The young man gives him a questioning expression and states, "Giving what we have been through so far. Why wouldn't I trust you?"

The cloaked man gives him a kiss upon the forehead and whispers, "Just making sure."

In an instant they are in courtyard of the temple that houses a large statue of Buddha. Together they trot around to the back of the building to discover what can only be described as a rip, a tear in space. Blue to green lightning dance across the light grey to white clouds that surround the hole. In the centre it appears to be displaying a completely different world, that has pink to yellow sky, red trees and pastel blue grass.

"This is where Tsuki came in from our world," informs Jikan pointing his hand at the rippling portal. "I'm afraid all you can do is view my world. If you were to step through the gravity will crush you like a bug. Also having two suns, things are a little warmer than here. We do not really get winter like you have here."

"It looks truly beautiful. It is a real shame I cannot go there."

Hoshi watches him hold out his left hand and mutters something under his breath which makes the portal close with a soft rumble of thunder. They both look up to see it is starting to snow and the cloaked man watches the flakes melt the moment they touch his palm.

"I must say, when it snows it seems to relax people more than rain, even though you tend to moan about how cold it is. Come to think of it, you mortals seem to do that a lot moan out the weather. We don't tend to do that on my world. I have to admit I find it to be quite fascinating hearing you moaning over something you cannot control."

The young man shrugs and answers, "We always have to moan about something. I am afraid it is who we are as a species."

"Well, having far too many emotions does not help mat-" Jikan stops talking and he pulls the lad close to his side.

The sword appears by the cloaked man's side. In the light Hoshi is able to see it appears to have a red blade that looks like it is made from a liquid. Small bubbles appear to form near the handle that is covered in black cloth with a string of jade coloured beads dangling from the hilt.

It goes shooting off into the nearby bushes to flush out a creature that has three yellow eyes, red horns and orange coloured skin.

"Oh dear I should have checked around before I closed the portal. That, you guessed it, is a creature from my world."

"Aww it is so cute."

"Cute?" Jikan gasps. "They are vicious creatures when they are adults and twice the size. That is a youngster. I had better send it back."

The cloaked man opens a portal and the little creature goes floating inside.

"There back home safe and sound. Come, I had best get you back as well."

Hoshi nods and in a blink of an eye they are back outside the shop.

"Ah, now I see you have been helping this good man," says the monk his face filling with more wrinkles as he smiles.

"Kaede, it is good to see you, old friend," replies Jikan taking hold of the old man's gloved hand.

"It is good to see you too, you captivating youth. See, did I not tell you, you will find another defender. I am glad it is you, Hoshi."

The young man is just staring at them and emits a soft baffled, "What?"

The monk pats the lad's arm and tells him, "I was your age when I helped our guest here. Together we sent all manner of creatures and people back to their domains. It was an exciting time in my life, that I will never forget."

Hoshi looks up at the cloaked man and questions, "Wait, why did you not tell me, my boss used to help you?"

Jikan bites his bottom lip and declares, "Well, because I did not realise it was him."

"Look at me, Hoshi, I am an old man compared to the last time he saw me. I was still young and about to get married when we parted. Jikan, wanted me to have a life, a family… he did not want me to be his defender all my life. Also I can tell Hoshi is in love with you. That is not surprising with that sexy voice of yours and the way you hide your face, makes you all mysterious and captivating. Unfortunately it does not have the same effect on me. Jikan, do you love him?"

"Yes, I do. I have never felt such a connection before and I hope our relationship continues to grow," replies the cloaked man looking down at him.

Hoshi smiles and nods. "I feel exactly the same way and want to carry on getting to know you."

The monk smiles and tells them, "Why not have a meal together and talk."

"That sounds like a fine idea, what do say, Hoshi?"

The young man links arms with him and answers, "I know a good place. I will just grab my model and we will go."

"All right."

Hoshi trots back inside to return a moment later holding a bag and together they make their way down the road. The restraint is quiet which meant they got their meals brought to them very quickly.

Jikan peers inside the bag and asks, "What did you get?"

Hoshi takes it down to reveal a man who is wearing a hooded white robe.

"The Moon Wizard," he announces in a deep voice. "He looks like you, except you have a sword not a staff."

"It is uncanny how much that looks like me… it's a bit creepy. So, he is from a game or Anime?"

"Anime called Starlight Princess. It is a bit of a romance."

"Ooh interesting. I will have to take a look."

"You are welcome to come back to mine and watch it."

The cloaked man reaches across the table to take hold of Hoshi's hand. "Yes, let's do that."

They go on to finish their cups of teas and make their way to the young man's house.

Jikan notices no one comes to greet him even though he can sense there are two more people inside the house. He just follows Hoshi up a narrow staircase to enter his room and they both go on to watch the anime late into the night.

Outside the fine snow turns into a blizzard and there is something dark being carried on the wind which soon gets Jikan's attention.

Hoshi hears him take a breath and his partly covered face is looking towards the balcony doors.

"What is it?"

"A Shadow Beast. A very dangers creature from a dark and terrible world. What's it doing here?"

"You tell me. You are kind of the expert."

They both laugh and the cloaked man gets off the bed.

"I cannot ask you to come with me on this one."

Hoshi goes to him he rises up on his tiptoes so he can give him a kiss on the lips.

"We are partners, where you go I go."

Jikan returns the kiss and transports them to the location of the beat.

They find it standing between two skyscrapers which look tiny compared to the colossal creature. It has long untamed black hair, glowing blue eyes and appears to have four arms.

"Oh my that thing is huge. How are you going to send it back?" Hoshi asks a little concerned.

"Hold on, I have sent him back before… Yoru, is that you?"

The Shadow Beast leans down and calls, "Jikan, I knew I would get your attention. I require your help."

"Why? What's happened?"

"There is something in my world, that is not meant to be there. Trouble is, it is like you, tiny. It can easily hide. Please help?"

"Yes, of course. I will just send Hoshi home."

Before the lad can ask anything he is back in his bedroom.

"Jikan, please be all right," he says looking out of the window.