Chereads / Mimicking a hero / Chapter 5 - V

Chapter 5 - V

-The Count's eyes didn't seem to meet the boy, as if they were looking at something behind him, something which was made out of his whole being.


"Let's cut to the subject, young boy, who sent you"

'W-what do you mean, my lieg-'

"No, of course you wouldn't speak, who are you"

'I am just a boy who happened to see the young lady getting captured. I thought I should do what is right, because-'

"And how did you defeat them?"

'Excuse me'

"If you did not know, bandits from around here usually have around level 20-30. The ones who kidnapped my daughter were the famous ,,One-eyed Dragon". They had and average level of 40, with the two most powerful, Clavius and Maxis at level 57. HOW did you beat them, with only a level of around 40?"

Disbelief ran across Kiyoshi's face. How did the Count know of what happened, and if he knew this, then what else?

'How did your nobleness hear of that, were you...?'

"That is not for you to know."

'If you say so..... as to how I beat them, it was EASY. If you know all about what happened, then you must also be aware of their state. One of them had armor so rusty that my knife went straight through. The other, ha ha... was so full of himself that he didn't see me coming. I used to live in the woods so my knowledge of ,,stats,, and ,,levels,, must be lacking, but considering my class, that I remember from my father was Rogue, it just means that stats aren't as important as you think.'

"Hm... alright."

The Count made a long pause, but it didn't seem as if he was thinking about something in particular.

"I suppose that you did bring my daughter back safely and that is something to comment. What would you request as a reward?"

'I hear that there are adventurers... protecting the world. I want to put my skills to a good by becoming one'

"If that is what you wish, I will have one of my knights, Mercato, escort you to the adventurer's guild. He is quite a dependable man, with a good eye for people"


A along pause ensued, as if the Count was taking a last look towards the mysterious boy before him.

"You may leave... long bless Maria!"

And left he had. Right outside his the Lord's chamber, Sir Mercato waited. He had a serious look and Kiyoshi knew that he wasn't in his list of favorites. After all, how could he? Following the knight through the luxurious corridors, he started to think about the conversation he had just before. How did the Count know all that information, and on that note...

'Maria...Maria... wait, what?'- he thought in his mind. How close was he actually to the place where he was summoned? Well, he could find that out at the Guild.


Walking through the Mediterranean themed city, Kiyoshi could tell that his former suspicions were correct, at least partly. While it wasn't the bustling Metropolis he saw from afar, San Petro was still a big city, one that was full of life, with many guilds, though oddly, he saw mostly humans.

It seemed like the fantasy world he found himself in wasn't as diverse as first thought. Also was the fact that there were slaves roaming around. You'd think that in a civilized they ought to at least keep them in the slums( or not at all!). He didn't see the appeal in having slaves.

He had plenty of time to think while waiting for Sir Mercato in a market, who was supposedly meeting with the guild leaders. Was he so important, to be coveted by so many key figures? No, that couldn't be the case. If the Count knew of his fake level, then so did the Knight. And considering his level, it seemed average. Then what was the issue.

Looking through the market, perhaps the biggest part of San Petro, Kiyoshi saw a substantial number of products branded in the Count's name. 'Was it a political move?' That sounded plausible. After all, word has got to be around of a strange boy who saved ,,Pedro's pearl", as he heard people refer yo her in the plaza. The knight probably just didn't want to seem to be having favorites. Understandable.

"Alright, let's go"- he looked more drowsy than anything. It appears like ,,business" meetings were just as tiresome in another world.

'Where to?'

"The Flying Lions. They specialize in swordsmen, but there is always a need for talent, and IF you really defeated those bandits, then you are more than qualified to join them."

'Well, I can't wait to register!'- faking excitement, Kiyoshi knew that HIS level was a problem, but it was too late to worry about that.

On the exterior, the headquarters of ,,The Flying Lions" didn't looked all that terrible. As mentioned by Mercato while they were walking towards it, ,,The Flying Lions" is a big guild that has branches in many different cities.

Contemplating about their inflexible party structure, Kiyoshi couldn't understand how they got where they are. Were swordsmen a cheat in this world? His rambling didn't take long as he found himself before the Guild's counter, right before a red-haired lady that seemed to be in no more than her twenties.

"Hello to the... ah, welcome father!"

('So much for professionalism...')

" Silvia, perhaps you have already heard, but this boy APPARENTLY saved the young lady. For his services, he has requested to become an adventurer"

"Oh, I didn't know! Thank the Goddess!"

Starting to chatter about more broad subjects, Kiyoshi began to feel uncomfortable at all the attention he was receiving.

'Ex-excuse me, I-I had been walking all night so I don't know how much I can hold on.'

"Oh, right, come with me to confirm your registration"

She guided him to another room, that was empty, except for a Rod that had at its tip attached a globe, that seemed made of glass.

"Please put your hand on the globe"

Following her instructions accordingly, he fitted his hand around the small globe. It didn't emit any sensation.

Name: Kain


Class: Rogue(Agility=dexterity↑)

Race: Human(+stats)

Skills: Dagger skills lv.15

Survival skills lv.13







"Huh... this is strange"

A stream of sweat ran on Kiyoshi's back. What was strange? It couldn't be the question mark, because it didn't appear. Was this how his identity will be found out?

'W-what is the problem, m'am?'

"Hey, I'm not that old!"

'Oh, sorry...'

"Alright, I'll pretend to have not heard that. The thing that sticked out to me was your stat distribution."

'Why? Actually, I wanted to ask, how are Rogues, as a class, I mean'

"Rogues, It's a fine class, I suppose. Not particularly uncommon, I would say that they are a combination of the swordsman and the scout class.

What I actually found intriguing was your ,,lack" of skills."

'Well, what skills do I lack?'

"Not one in particular, you see, most Rogues, beside adventuring, do a side-job that is less honest. Things like thievery or swindling. On the other hand, you have your dagger skills at a much higher level than what is common. What exactly did you fight to get it so high?"

'M'a-miss, I used to live in the woods, while fighting the wild life. Perhaps it is because of that.'

"Living in the woods? Did you... alone.... never mind. It seems you are not lying"

'Lying? How would you be able to tell that? Is it a skill?'

"Yes, of course. Anyway, with the appraisal done, we only need to finish the paperwork. Please return to the tavern while I finish things here"


Now that he could look around, the Guild halls were really something to admire. Not luxurious by any means, the building was designed practically, with neat corridors and reasonably big halls, sensibly filled with tables and chairs. The adventurers appeared more civilized than he first though, but that was probably due to how large the Guild was.

"Right, before I go, here is a pouch of 100 gold coins. Buy some armor and weapons with this. I'm busy, so I have to leave. The goddess protect you"

'Good luck to you too!'

It took the receptionist another 10 minutes to come back, flailing the papers in hand.

"Sorry to have taken so long, but I had to talk with the Guild Master."

'What?'-the Guild Master...

"Yes, there is no problem with the paperwork, in fact, the Guild Master was impressed with your feat and wanted to personally have a spar with you"

'...but I am riddled with exhaustion!'

"It's quite alright. He said that he would let you have four hours to recover, so you should quickly get accommodated. I will come personally to tell you when the time is up."

In that moment, while looking at her, Kiyoshi felt the most amount of malice he had ever had in his life.

('Great...just great')-he said to himself while forcefully trying to remember that the receptionist wasn't at fault.