Perhaps there is always a premonition when one is about to face danger.
Like now.
But she still asked.
Shen Dang tilted his head, "If you really don't want to drink, I can't force you. It's up to you."
Qiao Xi: "..."
With his noncommittal attitude, Qiao Xi found herself even more undecided.
The trouble with men like him is their mercurial nature, making them frustrating yet irresistible.
Qiao Xi felt like she was damned if she stayed, and damned if she didn't.
Shen Dang poured himself a glass of wine and brought it to his lips, his gaze, reflected in red, lingering on her face.
As the wine slid down his throat, he lowered his eyelids, "Teacher Qiao can go rest now."
Suddenly deflated, Qiao Xi lifted her chin and asked, "Where's the wine glass?"
"The cabinet."
Qiao Xi stood up and headed to the kitchen.
Reaching the top shelf, she discovered the transparent tall glasses, but even on tiptoes, she couldn't grasp one.
She was of 170cm height!