Chereads / School Princess is a Mafia Leader / Chapter 3 - He's not him

Chapter 3 - He's not him

'Finally caught the brother of that bastard,' Yuki thought as she walked down the road with Marxi.


'Argh! How can this be!?' Marxi was crawling on the ground, holding his nose which was now bloody. He crawled back on the side-walk until he was under a streetlight,

The scene before him was shocking to say the least. While they were on the way to Yuli's place they ran into 3 guys, who he presumed were thugs of some kind. They appeared from a side alley and were joking and talking loudly.

The two groups were on opposite sides of the sidewalk as they walked their separate destinations. At this point Yuli wasn't holding Marxi's hand anymore but they were still close together. And while Yuli and Marxi could continue walking normally, once the group of 3 guys noticed the pair their enjoyable stroll didn't last long.

They quickly moved, their goal to intercept Marxi and Yuli to catch the attention of the pair, or more specifically Yuli. Marxi just happened to be an accessory that came with her presence in that moment.

After fully blocking their path, the group of guys started talking to Yuli, saying things like, 'you should have a real man' and to 'ditch Marxi for them.'

Yuli said that she was on a date with him so she couldn't go with them, but the thugs wouldn't take no for an answer. Marxi, feeling bad for Yuli, tried stepping in to try and calm down the situation, but instantly got punched in the nose.

And now, he found himself in this current situation, laying on the floor, blood leaking from his nose and having 3 thirsty guys in front of him. 3 thirsty guys who were completely open to punching him in the face over a girl they didn't even know.

"Marxi!" Yuli yelled out, starting to run over to him before getting grabbed up by one of the guys.

The one who grabbed her was a bald headed guy with biker shades on, even though it was dark. The bald headed guy looked young too which you wouldn't expect based on his lack of hair.

The other two guys were plain looking just having black hair, however one had a scar over his cheek. The one with a scar was walking over to Marxi smugly.

Marxi, swiping the blood from his nose, stood sluggishly.

'That punch was serious,' he thought, panicking.

Before the man could get too close to him, Marxi swung at him but the man easily dodged. He smiled devilishly, reaching his hand giving Marxi a 'come here' motion.

He clenched his teeth angrily before charging at the man "Let her go!" He reached his arm back and in one motion threw his strongest punch.

The man caught his fist easily, which surprised Marxi seeing how he put his full power into it.

"What a chump," the man muttered before hitting Marxi with a deep gut punch sending him flying back, hitting the ground hard.

"Marxi!" Yuli yelled out again, attempting to squirm out of the bald-headed guy's grasp. But he simply held her tighter, now starting to grope her waist and thighs while chuckling to himself.

Yuli yelled out in protest, begging Marxi to help her but he couldn't.

Marxi wasn't unconscious but he was close.

Not only did the wind get knocked out of him but the force felt like getting hit by a sledgehammer. The scarred man was that much stronger than him. Now, he found himself lying on the floor, gasping heavily hoping to gain some breath back or a semblance of strength to interfere in the thugs' perverted actions.

The bald guy shouted out towards the scarred man, "Hey Ben. Come over here with me and Joe and get yourself a piece of this cake hehe."

The scarred guy who went by the name of Ben stopped in his tracks after hearing the bald man call out to him. There was a second of silence.

During this second of silence Marxi was coughing heavily and crawling back, with a panicked look on his face.

Ben glared at Marxi with a look of disgust which seemed to show he was bothered by Marxi's pitiful display of not defending his girl better. But then, he looked at his partners holding the attractive looking Yuli and caved in, turning to smile at the bald headed man, "Okay Boss. I wanted to pound on that kid more but what kinda guy would I be if I turned down partaking in a cake that good looking."

With that exclamation he walked over to Marxi one last time and gave him a strong kick which sent him flying back a bit more.

Now that his work was done, he faced his 2 partners as he licked his lips and with an expression similar to that of a pig that sees its next meal he rushed over to them excitedly.

At this point Marxi, who was still lying down, started to regain some of his breath back but he could still barely move his body. With the little strength he had left, he looked away from Yuli now, deciding to stare up at the sky so he wouldn't see the terrible act before him.

As he stared at the sky he could hear the sounds of clothes ruffling and shouts of protest coming from Yuli but he could tell it wouldn't affect those guys. He wanted to help her, to do something! But he couldn't. He was in too much pain and even if he wasn't it was clear he wasn't strong enough.

As Yuli's yells of protest went on Marxi started tearing up. He was ashamed of himself. He was sure this situation could've been avoided. Maybe if he didn't tell such a bold-faced lie such as being a martial artist, she wouldn't have invited him over so late.

To be honest the area they saw the movie in wasn't the greatest. The news would constantly mention crime being rampant in the area around the neighborhood. And now that he thought about it, the news report about the martial artist who wiped out the gang was in this neighborhood.

As he contemplated the many things that went wrong, he cursed at himself. She must've thought they'd be safe if he was a martial artist, the so-called 'combat master' that he claimed to be.

He heard two of the 3 thugs chanting, "Take it off! Take it off!" And Marxi presumed the main Boss, the bald-headed guy, was doing the honors. However, suddenly he heard the sounds of... well that was the problem actually.

He didn't hear anything. And it's not like their voices trailed off slowly, they just abruptly stopped mid-chant.

At first he presumed they were taking in Yuli's beautiful body since the last thing they said was take it off, but it was strange.

He expected to hear an 'woah' or 'damn' said, seeing how beautiful her body was even without being stripped down.

Marxi, mustering all of his strength slowly raised off the ground to scan his surroundings. Through tearful eyes, the next thing he saw was shocking.

Ben, along with Joe, guys who seemed to be at a whole different level power-wise lay seemingly dead. Blood was around them and since he was so surprised it took him a second to notice a tiny detail.

He had to wipe his eyes which were cloudy with tears to see that the 2 guys were bleeding out of their noses and their clothes were ripped, but the clothes didn't seem to be torn apart physically. It was as if whatever ripped them was a rigged hard rock that punctured their defenses.

What confused him even more was that Yuli was gone along with Boss. Marxi scanned frantically, unsure when to think when-


A voice that was full of pain erupted out into the night air. Marxi looked around, unsure where the voice was coming from.

He started to push himself up, his knees buckling as he did his best to stand. The scream wasn't something normal, especially in his current situation. Now full standing he smirked nervously.

He was on his feet but he didn't know what to do next.

'This is so confusing! I don't know where the scream came from and Yuli and Boss are both gone while the other two guys are dead. Of course I want to find out what's going on but isn't this a bad omen? I mean in all the horror movies you hear a sound and then go to check it out just to get killed! This is a setup right…'

All of a sudden he heard another scream of pain, "HELPPPPPPP!"

"....Yep. Definitely a setup." Despite his doubts and suspicions he started walking towards the source of the voice.

After passing the bodies of Ben and Joe, he was walking beside a wall now. This was a semi-rural area but it was deathly quiet, due to it being so late, which made the noises even more strange. Eventually he rounded a corner and there- he saw something he'd never expected.

Yuli was standing over Boss, covered in red. Boss was crawling away with tears in his eyes.

It was a scene all too familiar to Marxi, seeing how he had been the one crawling. However something different was the gravity of what made him crawl. Boss had a battered arm, it was shriveled like it had been pounded at by a sledgehammer.

"Yuli…?" He called out to her.

She turned to reveal her full frame. Her beautiful body remained the same but for some reason she had a strange glow coated over her body. The glow was bright but not blinding. Her brown skin was still prominent but it was almost like she had a filter of some kind over her body.

Boss was screaming out, "Please help me! This chick is psycho! We just wanted to have some fun! We didn't sign up for this shi-"

Right before he could finish his pathetic attempt at defending his choices, Yuli stomped on his head, completely crushing it.

Marxi breathed in and out, shaking in confusion and fear, "Wh-what's going on?"

"Hmm, isn't it prince charming who failed horribly," Yuki chuckled in a mocking tone before walking towards him as she snapped her finger once.

"Boss," three men came behind her as they knelt down.

"Is he Junsay's brother?" Yuli asked as she pointed at Marxi.

"He looks similar but he isn't. We just received information about his new location," on of the men said as he gave Yuli an ipad.

"Fuck!" Yuli yelled as she stomped her feet.

"Oi Marxi do you know a guy named Junsay?" Yuli asked as she helded him by the collar.

"Like hell I know who that is?" Marxi replied, terrified by the sudden change in Yuli.

"Here's some cash kid, go buy yourself better clothes," Yuli said as she patted his shoulder and gave him her purse full of cash and left with the three men in suits.

"What the hell just happened?" Marxi asked in confusion as he just stood there.