Chapter 2 - Fake Date

Seven years have passed since that day and now at the present.

A room was filled with blood.

Bodies lying everywhere, as others twitched in pain before their deaths. And in the center sat a single girl.

She was staring at the bodies, while wiping her face that was drenched with red and a huge white snake was tattooed on her belly.

With a crazed look in her eyes Yuli smiled, "This is what you get for messing with the Hosachi mafia."


"Did you hear what happened the other day?" Resu asked as he looked at his friends.

"No, what happened Resu?" Mark asked, looking at Resu curiously.

"Apparently a local gang got assaulted and they say the attacker was a martial artist. They don't know who but the autopsies said that they were killed by fists alone!" Resu whispered to them as he showed his friends the news on his phone.

"Ha, that's crazy dude! Martial Artists these days are too much!" Jake yelled angrily as he slammed his hand on the table causing the people around him to give him looks. Realizing what he did he scratched his head ashamed as he and his friends reduced their voices.

"Right? I'd love to learn a martial art, that way I'd get all the babes ha," Marxi chuckled as he imagined himself on a seat with a chiseled body and hot ladies around him.

"Yeah right. Even with fighting skills you'd be maidenless bro," Resu said sarcastically, knowing how terrible his friend is at handling women.

"Why you...!" Marxi snarled at Resu with a blushed face.

The individuals talking so passionately and loudly inside the local café were a group of 5 teenagers.

They sat at the table, excitedly gossiping and joking with each other.

It was an early morning and the café was bustling with people.

The blinds were cracked barely enough to allow the light in with a gentle manner; A counter where the shop owner stood behind, always watching over the peaceful café.

The shelves behind him were stocked with coffee and tea ingredients, nearby for when a customer would request some. This was the most calm and relaxing place in the 1st ward.

The group of teenagers continued their conversation until one person approached.

"Excuse me."

They all stopped, turning to face the person who called them.

There was a beautiful darker skinned girl standing before them. Her complexion was pristine, not a bump or blemish to be seen. Her beautiful pink eyes covered by her glasses stared at them, as she gave them a warm smile. And her short hair with shades of red and brown She couldn't have been over 16, they all thought.

'She looks absolutely adorable in that maid outfit,' they all thought as they stared at Yuli.

Marxi spoke up first, swaying his blonde hair and shooting her a lustful look with his gorgeous sea blue eyes, "What could we do for you babe?"

Yuli flashed a pure smile, "Well I work here and I was wondering if you all wanted to order anything? You've all been here for about 10 minutes just sitting here so."

Marxi tapped his chin in thought at her words.

Meanwhile the other teenagers seated at the table answered, giving simple orders like espresso coffee or some green tea.

Eventually everyone at the table had ordered, all except Marxi.

He lowered his hand off his chin, seemingly deciding what he wanted. "I'll have coffee, black, along with your number babe." He gave her a wink.

His friends at the table shuddered, cringing at him. His flirting still needed improvements clearly.

One of the teenagers, a boy with black hair and silver glasses named Jake, whispered into Marxi's ear, "Bro, really? She's beautiful, there's no way she'd say yes to a guy like you and she probably has a boyfriend anyway."

Marxi ignored him however, looking at the girl still waiting on a response.

She was just staring blankly at him.

A couple seconds passed without another word being exchanged, she just stared blankly. Her expression looked very thoughtful yet completely unreadable at the same time.

Jake nudged him, "Just say nevermind bro... This silence is unbearable. Honestly you should, ju-"

"Alright. We'll have that right out to you all." The girl flashed a warm smile before turning and going to the back of the coffee shop by the owner.

The two were talking between each other as the group watched.

One of the other teenagers slapped his hand on his head, frustrated.

"Look, man. That's what happens when you don't just leave pretty girls alone. She's probably reporting you for sexual harrasement or something," Resu sighed as he looked at Marxi.

"Huh!?" Marxi looked dumbfounded, "But I just wanted to ask her out..."

Jake straightened up his glasses and gave Marxi a doubtful look, "Sure bro. The way you looked at her I'd guess you have more than 'asking her out' in your mind."

The blonde man looked down, defeated.

"Here you all go."

They turned to see the girl in front of their table.

This time with a tray holding all their requested drinks.

She passed their orders out one by one. Marxi's head was still down but after hearing the cup get placed in front of him he raised his head above the table.


To his surprise underneath the cup he saw a piece of paper. It had... a number on it!?

He looked towards the girl but she had already walked away, going to talk to other customers inside the cafe.

His friends looked at him, their mouths wide open with shock.

He smiled deviously, "Ha. What'd I tell you guys! All you have to do is believe."

"Um... you never said that but okay bro," they all thought as they looked at Marxi.


Marxi was standing in front of the movie theater, anxiously tapping his feet. Twirling one of his strands of hair as he looked in the reflection of a clear glass window.

The Movie Theater receptionists gave him judgmental looks but he tried his best to ignore them.

Nothing could ruin his excitement for this day, except for looking bad.

His trip to the cafe was a couple days ago. From that time he had been texting the girl consistently, she had her name written on the paper. Her name was Yuli.

He had introduced himself as well and since then he had been making sure he did all the right things.

Not coming off as creepy and trying to be himself, although many told him that was his issue. Being himself is too much.

They called too so he knew it was actually her and not some random throwaway number. It's a long boring story but over the span of 7 days he smoothly talked his way into meeting up.

She had mentioned wanting to see a movie that just came out, it was called The Little Panda Fighter, about a Panda who knew kung fu.

Now he was smirking as he looked at himself in the door, admiring himself.

He had to be absolutely perfect looking or a girl as attractive as her wouldn't give him a chance.

"Hello there Marxi." The voice startled him- it was Yuli.

She was wearing jean shorts and a plain white t-shirt and while it was a casual outfit, it did wonders for her body. Surprisingly, despite it being her wearing jean shorts her curves and figure was still noticeable.

'Oh no, she's hot,' he thought to himself as his ears turned red.

"Hey there Yuli. You caught me off guard," he chuckled nervously.

Yuli covered her mouth and in a dejected tone apologized, "I didn't mean to sneak up on you or anything."

'He doesn't seem to have much spacial awareness,' Yuli thought to herself.

Marxi chuckled, "Don't worry about it. You look good by the way," he gave her a cheeky wink.

She smiled, "Thank you. You look…" there was a brief pause. Marxi had very trendy, with many popular name brand clothes on like g*cci and Lou*s Vu*tton(the costly brand names were bleeped for trademark reasons). "...nice."

Marxi, not picking up on her hesitance smiled, "Thanks a lot."

He had no idea that he looked overdressed for the occasion.

He had been stressing over what to wear, hoping to impress her with pricy clothing that he didn't think about how much of a tryhard he seemed like.

He even had to borrow clothes from a family member. His older brother, who was a little bigger than him. Due to his brother's slightly larger size, the clothes looked a little baggier than they should've, making it look more tacky than it would've if he had a better fitting size.

Yuli smiled, "Anyway. Are you ready to go inside?" She looked down at her phone, "The previews must be starting soon."

Marxi nodded adamantly, "Sure let's go."

An Hour and a Half Later

The two walked out of the movie theater chatting about what happened in the movie.

When they had first entered, it was about 7 so the sun was still out but now after the movie it was dark.

Marxi thought to himself, with a slightly frustrated expression on his face, 'That movie experience…kinda blew. Sure it was cool going with a pretty girl but then again that was the problem! I wanted to make a move like holding her hand or putting my arm around her shoulder but for some reason I couldn't... She just seemed absorbed in the movie... Oh!'

"Hey Yuli?"

She perked up at his words, as if she was waiting on him to say something else to her, "Yes?"

"Are you a big fan of action or martial arts movies?" He asked as he noticed how excited she was watching their previous movie.

The second he said the word martial art, she started beaming.

Her face was so pure looking and in a joyful tone she said, "Absolutely. I'm a huge fan of martial arts even in real life, not just on a big screen."

"Oh, you like martial arts do you?" Marxi went deep in his thoughts and he thought back to a conversation he had with his friends. They heard about his date with Yuli and recommended that no matter what, to not do this one thing.

However, Marxi was obsessed with looking good to Yuli after wasting his movie experience so he did the unthinkable- he lied.

"Ha, ha. That's crazy. Like what are the odds. Because I do martial arts myself," he exclaimed with a proud expression.

All of a sudden Yuli got super close to him, stars in her eyes, "Really?"

"Y-yeah. Back in my old hometown I was called the combat master. I studied Taekwondo."

He cursed himself in his head, 'Why did I just do that!? What if she asks me to show her a technique? I've never practiced Taekwondo, or any other martial art for that matter! The closest thing I've done like that was playing superhero with kids in grade school.'

"Wooow," Yuli looked at him with admiration. "That's so cool."

'Ah, looks like my bluff paid off,' he thought, relieved.

He swiped his nose and gave her a too-cool for-school look, "Yeah. I've bested many people with these hands."

Out of nowhere she grabbed on his body and he yelped, slightly startled.

She started feeling his biceps and abdomen area.

"W-what are you doing Yuli?" He asked, caught off guard and blushing.

"I was wondering what your body felt like, seeing how you're a martial artist and all."

While Marxi was the furthest from a martial artist, he was lucky to have a muscle bound older brother who forced him to workout with him. He wasn't as big as his brother but he was fairly toned, having a six pack and solid muscles all around.

The whole time Yuli was feeling on his body Marxi was blushing. Not only from her doing something so personal so suddenly but all the stares from people going in and out of the theater.

They were still standing at one of the entrance doors so they were the center of attention in the area.

Some people gave looks saying 'get a room' while others glared with jealousy.

Eventually Yuli stopped and nodded, wearing a satisfied expression, "Okay let's go."

"Huh!? What do you mean go? Are we not going to acknowledge what just happened?"

She giggled innocently, "My bad. I forgot we were in public so I neglected to consider boundaries."

'You could say that all right,' he thought, his face still red with embarrassment and attraction.

She continued, "Let's go back to my place. It's a couple blocks down from this theater."

There was silence for a second.

"..... WHAT!?" He shouted but instantly covered his mouth. He was so unprepared to hear her casually invite him over that he couldn't help but have an outburst.

She gave him an innocent look, "Is something wrong?"

He quickly responded, "N-no. Not at all. Let's go!"

She grabbed his hand, leading him away from the theater. With starry eyes he followed, thinking eagerly, 'I might be going all the way to 3rd base and it's only our first date!' not noticing the evil look on Yuli's face.