Oliver was following me around as he took me to the nearest market. I wanted to eat Chinese food this time so I was literally walking around. Oliver was looking around panicked. I think he is not use to being out alone with someone else. Maybe. I just looked around very much excited. I haven't been to this area of town before. I saw so many small stores and this is the place I should be. I saw a vape shop. I think I love my vape a while back. I stopped walking and I unlocked my phone. I opened my bank app as I wanted to see how much I have left. I know Luke gave me a card for if anything but I don't want to touch that card. I need a job. I don't want to depend on Luke while we're still getting to know of each other more and more.
"Luna... I think we should head back" Oliver tells me
I giggled and say "Oh don't worry Oliver... I will get a few things and then we'll head back alright..."
"But what about Alpha's rules... We aren't to be too long here" Oliver told me worriedly
"I'll be fine and so will you... I want Chinese food but it seems this area doesn't have a Chinese spot" I tell him as I looked around me
He sighs out defeated and I just smiled widely. I grabbed his wrist as I pulled him to the vape shop. I know the sell gummies and all that. I have eight hundred and thirty two dollars in my account. I will buy myself a vape with coils and two flavors. I already have a vape in mind. I want to be able to do tricks with them. I won't be using it a lot but it helps sooth my anxiety whenever things get a bit difficult. I should get cotton candy flavor as I was told it taste really good a while back. Then watermelon flavor. No nicotine as I don't like that. But the mint after taste I like so menthol should be just right. Oliver is really tense as I am literally dragging him to the shop. Maybe I should also buy those Hemp Gummies. They must be good if they sell them there.
Once we arrived I opened the door to different smells. I saw a woman in the front. Usually this shops are this empty but they earn a lot of money with how expensive almost all of this is. I made sure I have my ID and I just walked to the vape area. The woman stands up and comes to my area. She is quick to assist us. Usually I had to get one of them to come over when I was ready to ask for something. I saw the vape I wanted and I quickly pointed at it. She smiled and grabs it. This vape costs already a hundred dollars.
"Seems you looking for one that emits most smoke for tricks..." the woman comments with a gentle smile
"Yeah..." I say with a gentle smile
The woman had a few tattoo's and they looked amazing "Anything else?"
"Oh yeah... I'd like two liquids no nicotine one flavor being cotton candy and the other one being watermelon with menthol also the coils just in case" I tell her with a gentle smile
She smiled gently and says "Alright... Would you like the menthol separate or is it the one mixed in already"
"Oh that's true... If the already mixed in isn't available then I'll take the menthol on the side or just add it just in case" I tell her gently
I looked to the side and noticed Oliver looking around curiously. It was really cute. I could see his nose tingling a little and it was just so adorable. It's like watching a puppy being curious with a toy. I wanted to tell him if he wanted something I could buy it for him as he is almost the same age as me; right? I went to speak but the woman walked up to me showing me the flavors. I grabbed one and looked at it. Making sure it was the flavor I looked for so I opened it and placed a little drop on my finger. I tasted it and it was the taste of strong cotton candy. Alright seems like cotton candy is the correct one. Now the second one I did the same to the other one. Now I have the after effect of menthol in my tongue. It made me feel happy. The mint effect.
I tasted the watermelon and it was indeed the one I like but the mint effect wasn't in it. I'll just add the menthol later. Once I confirmed it was all I wanted she grabbed the menthol last. It's really strong and minty so I don't need to taste it to make sure. We go to the cash register and I obviously handed her my ID. Cameras. Obviously and I wasn't going to get her in trouble. I looked back at Oliver as his eyes were glued to some what I assume as gummy bears. I raised an eye brow and he shook his head. I walked to the bag and just grabbed two. Oliver looked shocked and he followed behind me.
"What... Luna you don't got to buy those... It may be bad for you" he tried defending mixing with lies
Adorable lying to me already "Oh don't worry... I'll make you taste them first before eating one"
"I'd need to see his ID as well just in case" the female says a bit serious
Oliver with shaky hands he got his wallet out and handed his ID "Seems like you are more of a child than what you seem..."
"B-But... I have never been to a place like this..." he stutters a little
"There is a first time for everything..." I tell him
She hands him his ID and she rings everything up. Totaling up to three hundred and eight dollars. Compared to how Sarah spends this is one cent for her. I grabbed everything into the bag as the woman helped me and then she placed my recite inside. I smiled at her obviously thanked her and we walked out. My stomach growling a little. I still want some Chinese food. Maybe whoever is cooking can make me some? No maybe I shouldn't I don't want to bother anyone. I should just go buy it and just eat it on the way.
I am pretty hungry and Oliver needs to get something to drink anyways. I smiled lightly as I released Oliver's arm and just kept walking towards the car. Oliver is now confused this time and I just smiled at him gently.
"Is there something you wish to buy before we make one last stop?" I asked him gently
He smiled shyly and says "I... I wanted to buy a shirt from the shop next door"
"Go on... I'll leave this in the car..." I tell him
He looked between me and the store "B-B..."
I interrupted him with saying "Just go! I'll be ok... You're fast"
He nods as he throws the keys lightly and I catch them easily. He runs off. He looked really happy and that's when I noticed the gaming shop. Game Stop. He is such a little kid at times. I usually see him being all mature and serious. Handling a corporation all on his own as if it was nothing. Today is going amazing and I just couldn't help the distance of tranquility. It's really calm right now and it is an amazing sensation. I grabbed the vape and started mounting it. I made sure to mix watermelon with the menthol and just closed it. Made sure it's tight but not to tight to break the glass.
I pressed the button five times as that is how it turns on. I breathed out and the smoke came forth. Good. Now I leave it a little bit more so the liquid seeps into the coil. Helps to not burn so quickly. I placed the vape on top of the roof of the car. I went and made sure all the liquids were closed and everything was inside the bag. I felt something drop and I looked to the side. Nothing. So I looked to the floor. A piece of cloth. What? I took like two steps and grabbed it. It is really fluffy. Maybe a baby's piece of cloth. Maybe. I looked around and I saw the passing cars but I didn't see any of them with the windows open.
I turn around and I saw the little girl again "Run!"
I tilt my head confused as her word but then I felt a presence behind me. I turned around dodging quickly. A man tried grabbing me. How did I dodge this quick and easily? Maybe failed kidnapped attempts. Basically. I took steps back and I just stared at the giant man. A van shows up behind him it's wheel screeching to a halt. Bad breaks. I squint a little as this guys don't give up so easily.
"Come with us... We'll help you... They won't hurt you anymore" the male says with such a fake smile
Disgusting and I say "Just leave me alone... You have done no helping just hurting..."
The man looks mad now but I didn't care. The car is still close to me so I glanced to it and I was ready to jump in the car and just lock all the door. Call for Ashton to help. This people mostly hurt me for something really stupid. I hate this people. But the little girl gone for some reason. I felt completely confused but I need to find a way to run away. Oliver. Where is Oliver? I took slow steps. Maybe I should scream for help.
"LUNA!" I heard Oliver
Finally and he tried screaming for others that I was being kidnapped. We are in the human lands so this may be easy. I glanced at them and they looked really mad. Seems like they don't care for a moment. So the big guy tried grabbing me and I just started to run. I had a little bit of an advantage. I hear people around me and I knew they are seeing this. Something hits me around the neck. That hurt like hell. But it made me stumble forward.
Before the darkness could envelop me I saw Oliver scream my name as he was running towards me. Fuck. Luke. Luke. Where are you? I should have listened to Oliver. I should have stayed by his side. My breathing felt really calm. I felt their hands on my body. I couldn't move. Couldn't scream. Darkness was closing in. Am I going to die? Will Luke be ok? Will he be mad with Oliver?
Will he mad at me?
I should have listened to Oliver I am such an idiot.