We arrived at a bar and I felt completely confused until I noticed this is a high end type of bar. A DJ was really high up as music was blaring around us. It looked so much fun. I think this is how I will get to know him a bit more. I felt completely lucky. The tables are a bit high so sitting in those chairs will be a bit difficult. Luke accompanied me to a distant one and I sit on it.
"Strawberry margarita correct?" he basically yelled
"Yes" I yelled back with a big smile
This date is a bit different. I looked around and I saw a familiar face here. He had like three woman around him. I just rolled my eyes. I hope he stays away from me. I never even got his name and I don't even want to know it either. Wait. Is he an Alpha? The way he spoke last time. It's like he already knew what Luke is. So he must be an Alpha. I just literally insulted an Alpha without even knowing he is an Alpha. Oh damn. I should have bite my tongue right now. If he notices I am here he will ruin our whole plan.
I really want Luke to take me back to the pack and just take me all night. Though I never expected this bar to be this active around this time of the day. It's like four something if I am correct. I went to get my phone and noticed I didn't have my purse. I felt confused. I thought I brought it. Oh no. I left it in the car. Great. I must have left it in the back seat of the car. I can't get it now. I won't be able to come back in. Luke basically walked me in as they recognized Luke in an instant. Wait is this a werewolf area also?
I just looked around a bit confused. I wish I had the same smell sensitivity these beings have. I would now who is who and what is what. I noticed Luke walking back to me and I just smiled at him. A male body blocks my view and I looked up to see who it is. Why would they be blocking my view? Who is this? I don't know him. I looked him up and down and I just didn't seem impressed by the way he was trying to show off his body. I raised an eye brow as I just stared at his face confused.
"What a beautiful woman like you all alone?" he asked trying to be smooth
"Waiting on my boyfriend to bring our drinks" I responded plainly
He sits down in front of me "Boyfriend... He ain't a good one if he leaves you all alone here"
I rolled my eyes and I say "Well I am thirsty... So he'll bring my drink soon"
"Why do woman like you always use the boyfriend card?" he got a bit annoyed
"Boyfriend card? Woman like me?" I felt confused about that
"I want to get to know you more and all you girls do is look me up and down and then use the boyfriend card" he says a bit annoyed
"Look... You must be a swell guy but if my boyfriend see's you he will hurt you" I tried warning him as I saw Luke looking very angry
"Hurt me? Whoever this boyfriend is... He won't come close to me" he says as he gets closer to the table
"Seems like Michael's pup is misbehaving..." Luke speaks from behind him
The dude looks behind him and he cowers a little "Alpha..."
"Yes... Seems like Michael needs to show you some manners" Luke tells him as he places my glass in front of me
"Am sorry Alpha I didn't know she was with you" he tried to defend himself
"Even so... I could hear perfectly what you were saying..." Luke says a bit annoyed
The boy stands up and he bows at Luke. He basically cowers away. I felt amazed by this. Do other woman have to deal with men like that? Do men just assume other guys are weaker than them? I didn't understand moments like this. I looked at Luke as he gets a different seat and places the one where the male sat down to the side. I just looked at him as he sits down with a gentle smile. A beer in hands. Maybe we are here just to have fun dancing. Nothing fancy. Just fun dancing. I don't know why but it seems like we will have so much fun here. I smiled at him and he smiled back with a cheeky smile.
He felt completely proud for some reason. I looked around and the flashing lights. The loud music. It's so fun. I looked at Luke as he was staring at me with loving eyes. I looked at him and just smiled. I drank from my strawberry margarita and I just liked the sweet taste it had. I felt completely happy being here with him. So many things he could have chosen. Fancy places. He is getting use to my style. Not everything is fancy. Not everything is just us being alone. Though expensive is something he is so use to so I can expect locations to be expensive. He must have gone to so many locations. Expensive locations. He is the CEO of his company and co owner of other companies. Is it really hard to navigate with all those companies?
How many companies are connected to his own? Though I now I could never be able to handle any of what he does. He must be really smart to be able to be handling so many things at the same time. I drank from my drink again as I glanced to Luke who looks up. I followed his gaze to see the giant screen. It wasn't flashing so there was a video of people dancing. It was really cool. I wish I could dance like that. It would be so much fun to be honest. I felt completely calm.
"Are you alright?" I hear Luke close to me
I looked up to notice Luke a bit closer to me and I say "Oh yes I am alright... Just thinking and looking"
"Did I chose the location incorrectly?" he asked a bit worried
I denied with my head and I say "No... I have never been to a place like this... I am just curious"
"Oh I see... Then would you like to dance?" he asked with a loving smile
"You go on ahead I will finish my drink first..." I tell him as I held the glass close to my mouth
"No I will wait for you to finish..." Luke says with a gentle smile
It made me smile lightly and I just smiled widely at his idiocy. After everything that has happened he has been completely clingy. So many incidents I expected him to be heavily guarded and looking around. But he looks so relaxed and happy. He looks so calm I just couldn't help wanting him. He is the only man I want. He is the only one I want to be pleased. I want him to touch my body. I want him to have me. I want to see him completely naked. He saw me half naked. I'll take my revenge when we arrive home.
I tilt my head at him as he pokes his tongue out. His fangs slowly showing. I felt completely amazed about that. One moment he has four sharp teeth and the next they look totally normal. I wanted to touch him and just hold him tight. Maybe we should cuddle tonight. I felt a sudden pain. Skull splitting type of headache. It was aching so much. I hissed in pain. Brain freeze? But I didn't bite the ice or swallow the ice. What's this headache? I felt a cold hand around my neck and it relieved the headache. I looked up and saw Luke. He looked worried and the painful headache completely gone.
I did my very best but he got close to me. My heart was beating strongly and I didn't know what would happen. Adrenaline. Maybe I am just hyper. My head must be hurting from drinking it too fast and it being cold.
"Are you ok?" he asked worriedly
"Yeah... Brain freeze..." I answered with a gentle smile
"Maybe too much ice and you didn't notice..." he says jokingly
"Maybe... Are you ready to dance?" I asked him with a slight smile
He smiled widely and he helps me stand up calmly. Leading me to the dance floor where the base of the music can be felt. I smiled at him as I just followed him happily to the dance floor. I felt completely hyper now. I wanna dance with him and just have fun. I have never had this amount of fun before with someone other than Scarlet. I always enjoyed my time with Scarlet even when running away from my mother. We have many memories together and now I have new memories. I am creating new memories with everyone. Sarah. Oliver. Ashton. I may not have met Jey completely but I can see him as a friend. I can't forget about Vincent. He is such a brother figure. It is really cute.
And lastly the love of my life. Luke. He is giving me as much love as I want without even asking for any of it. He is showing me so much. A new world. Without even asking for it and he even wore what I gave him as a gift. I just didn't know what to do. He has given me so much and all I gave in return is a silly jewelry. A silly ring.
I should think of a gift for him.