she's got pale porcelain skin, Beautiful round eyes, bright pink lips, the figure of a model with endless legs, a very ladylike aura,
a direct contrast to me
"is that all" lily asks after sitting in silence for a few minutes
"look Nivera that's not a very detailed description considering the fact that would be drawing a portrait of the lady in question"
yes "I snapped out of my thoughts staring at the gorgeous woman in front of me
She sighs again for the 50th time today
"Nivera do you understand that to draw a portrait of someone I would need specific details" she says exasperatedly
"but I did give you specific details" I say in my defense "Nivera did it ever occur to you that I might need to know the shape of her face or the size of her ears and also there's the shape of her brows, I'll need to know if it's arched or round and not to forget you didn't mention if her lips were big or not, what kind of ears does she even have, I mean if were to draw her l would surely need to know the know the
"That's enough Lili " I say cutting her off
"but I was just trying to get a detailed description. I mean if I'm going to draw a portrait of ...
Her words fade into the background as all I can think of is the
woman who is supposed to be my greatest adversary
Diana Carter