After dinner, we both stick in front of the Television and watch different shows.
But mostly cooking shows.
I find them entertaining and Buff finds them helpful so we binge on a lot of them.
By the time we are conscious enough to know the time, it was past the time a normal human should be in bed so I said my goodnight first and headed for my room.
Not feeling any urge to sleep because that was what I did for more than half of the day anyway, I dig out my phone from under my pillow and turn it on.
I'm not an avid fan of phones so I don't go everywhere with mine and use it only when I'm absolutely bored or I have something exact to do.
I notice the messages I ignored in the morning and go back to read it all.
A few spam messages, promotional messages and one from unknown numbers.
I click on the latest message.
It only has one word.
Catchy and fancy way to start a chat.
I simply reply a "Yes?"