"You've met someone with golden eyes? Does he look like this?" Caitlyn asked and pointed to Colt's picture and Detective Glene shook his head.
"I didn't get to see his face, it was in the night, on Monday night," Detective Glene responded.
"Where exactly did you see him?" Caitlyn asked again.
"At the parking lot of my apartment building, I also live in San Francisco," Detective Glene said and drank water from his cup.
"I've been thinking of asking you about it. I saw you in one of the videos shot by journalists and eyewitnesses at the crime scene. A man was mutilated there," Caitlyn said.
"Yes, I saw the man with the Golden eyes the night before the day the corpse was found. I even chased him down the Street, but he had tremendous speed and I couldn't catch up with him," Detective Glene said. They remained silent, each going through what had been discussed in their minds.