Chereads / The Crimson Tale of Conquest / Chapter 27 - Chapter 26: A Small Request

Chapter 27 - Chapter 26: A Small Request

--Morella POV--

I watch as Maisy, who has recently started dressing up as a maid, tried to once again dress Ruby, who once again rejected the idea. She also started calling Ruby 'My Lady,' which didn't really sit right with Ruby all that much. Though she did start off calling Ruby master before being convinced to change it to something else. So, for now, Ruby was stuck with the title of Lady.

I smiled at the scene, glad to see Ruby was still doing well. I then turned my attention to the sleeping Demon still smiling in her sleep. Just like Ruby, Yuki still looked to be in good health. I asked Judieth quite often about the two younger girls' health, and Judieth always reassured me that as long as they didn't strain themselves, there was no real rush to finish the procedure. I trust Judieth to a point, and my younger sisters health was one of those. I don't know what Judieth's goals were, but she wanted Ruby and Yuki as healthy as I did. Whatever Judieth is hoping for, I don't think she's going to do anything that goes against our wishes either. For now, I trust her.

After Yuki woke up, we made our way downstairs to eat breakfast in the dining area of the Inn. I didn't really need to eat a lot or often, but enjoying a meal with everyone was always nice. Ruby silently ate her food while Yuki stuck close, chatting her ear off. Judieth sat next to me, also eating her food quietly while observing both Ruby and Yuki.

"Morella." Judieth suddenly said to me. "Can I speak with you for a bit?"

"Sure, what do you need?" I said.

"This way, I want to talk in private."

Judieth took me to the back of the Inn. I watch the redhead scientist in front of me, waiting for her to say something. She hesitated a bit, messing with her messily put-together ponytail. Looking around once more to make sure we were alone, she finally spoke.

"We're leaving in about a week after which we'll finish Ruby and Yuki's procedure." She started.

"Yes, that's the plan." I responded.

"Okay, I'm going to be blunt with you. I want you to convince Ruby to try and kill the current Hrro."


I was absolutely stunned. Kill the Hero? isn't he like the most powerful person in the world? That would make approaching him dangerous, not even mentioning the fact we're doing it to fight him outright. That's too dangerous no matter what angle you look at it. 'What are you planning.' I thought, glaring at Judieth.

"Why would I do something like that?" I asked figuring I could at least hear her out.

"We know he won't stop searching for us, or more specifically Ruby." Judieth said. "If you guys want peace we need to kill him. The Church can't summon another Hero fifteen years after his death."

That was true. The biggest threat right now would be the Hero. If he were killed they wouldn't be able to summon another for fifteen years sure, that would allow us to relax a little bit better, but it's not like he's the main threat. The Church is the one that will always be looming in the background. The Hero just happened to be the most immediate threat, and there will be another one eventually.

"That may be true, but he's hardly the main threat. Plus if we can just stay hidden without drawing attention to ourselves we should be fine." I responded. After dealing with everything else we could just hide. As long as we are careful we could probably exist without getting discovered.

"Do you truly believe that?" Judieth asked me.

"It's possible. But it's also because killing the Hero isn't going to solve our problems. I'm sure you already realize that." I said.

"Killing the Hero is just the first step." She said pressing on. "Killing him is just to buy time. The real target is the Church. The whole organization."

"...?!" I once again had no words. No, wait, yes I do because that's, "Absurd! Absolutely mental that is!" I lost a bit of my composure.

The Church isn't something that can just be destroyed. The very first Hero established the organization to watch over the world when he would eventually die. It had lots of influence then and even more now. Countries are scared to go to war with each other because that would bring the wrath of the Church upon them. They also have the option to bring in their strongest piece the Hero whenever they want which is already a massive deterrent any way.

"That's why in those fifteen years we would look for allies and build Ruby's influence." Judieth said not at all deterred. "What people currently fear the most from the Church is the current Hero. He's not just powerful, he's smart and experienced. He made peace with the current Demon Lord, and is active even now, years after he completed his purpose for coming to this world."

"Even so Fi-"

"But that's not to say there aren't those out there who don't want to take down the Church themselves." She continued cutting me off. "I tried years ago to find allies to help me go against them. Mainly the Beast-folk and the Demons. They turned me down, the Hero isn't someone they want to fight with. He already proved he can kill anyone he wants after he defeated the previous Demon Lord."

"So what would happen if we managed to kill him?" She said with a smile. "We can use Ruby's infamy. If the girl that has been said to have the potential to be a threat to Man-kind kills their symbol of strength, then people will be more willing to ally themselves with us."

"But that would still put Ruby in even greater danger, does it not?" I looked at Judieth pointedly. "And what do you get from all of this. I know you aren't doing this solely from the goodness of your heart."

"... Well it's quite simple really, It's just the destruction of the Church." She said with a bitter smile. "I want to tear down this current system and by using Ruby create a completely new one."

"Why?" I asked softly.

"I'd rather not say at the moment." She averted her gaze and looked down. "Well anyway. What do you say will you help me? I know this would put Ruby even more in the spotlight but if we succeed she would be in a position of great influence and would be hard to touch."

I don't really completely agree with Judieth, but I also can see what she's trying to do. But I was alive when the current Her was summoned and killed the previous Demon Lord. Fighting him isn't something I wish to do. But at the same time getting rid of the Church would be a step in the right direction to make Ruby safer. Probably. This plan would work better if we knew how long she would live for. If she could live longer than even the average Elf that would be perfect, but we don't know.

"I'll think about it." I said. I leaning towards denying her but I still see some merits in Judieth's logic.

"That's all I can hope for from this conversation." She said with a smile.

"Can I ask why you came to me with this?" I want to know why she didn't go to Yuki who would most likely say yes or even Ruby herself.

"Well you were the safest option. Yuki... I feel like if Yuki was the one to take the lead she would lead Ruby down a pretty dark path." She said. "Ruby may trust me a little bit more now, but If I tried anything that seemed like I was trying to control her she would probably ignore me. A suggestion every now and again is fine, but I can't be her right hand or anything like that. After she has to be the one to do all of this, I need someone to stand behind her and nudge her in that direction a little."

"So you think I'm the perfect person to manipulate her, is that it?" I said a little angry.

"No no no. I absolutely don't want to manipulate her. If she ever felt like I was leading her own somehow she would cut ties with me." She said, immediately denying my claim. "No I'm just hoping hearing the suggestion from you would be better received. I think if things continue as they are she will eventually be forced to fight the Hero anyway."

"Then why bother with this farce?" I asked.

"I don't know what it is about her but sometimes she hesitates to kill certain people. I'm afraid if she thinks killing the Hero would cause more problems she'll hesitate and let him go, or worse it get her killed." She explained. "I'm hoping hearing you suggest killing him would stop her from hesitating when it was finally time."

"That's all?"

"That's it."

"Alright. Lets head back." Whether or not I can trust Judieth or not was still unclear. But the last thing she said about fighting the Hero is unavoidable makes me worried. Maybe I will do what she requested... I need to think about this more. No matter what happens I'll make sure things will end favorably for us.