Chereads / The Crimson Tale of Conquest / Chapter 21 - Chapter 20: Sara's Stroll

Chapter 21 - Chapter 20: Sara's Stroll

Sara Prosperty walked along the cobblestone street practically skipping as she hummed to herself. The twisting maze-like road with its many twists and turns, makes it impossible to tell when a street begins or ends. Alleyways turn into small streets, small streets turn into alleys, If you didn't know the area one could get lost easily. That's how chaotic the old city surrounding the Castle-fort was like.

The place where most if not all the knights lived, the chaotic layout, the old building, all of it was like a second home to Sara. The very unimaginative naming of 'Soldier Town' given to the area located within the inner wall surrounding the Castle-fort is probably the safest place the young girl can be outside of her own home. After all the whole area was crawling with on duty and off duty soldiers, and town guards.

"I wonder what I should do today?" Sara asked herself out loud.

She was currently wearing sturdy pants, a tunic and brown leather boots, with a large knife strapped to her waist as a weapon. With this getup she looked like any other child raised by one of the city's militia. Not like she got a chance to use her weapon or even learn how to use it properly thanks to her father, but that didn't stop her from carrying it.

"Maybe I should go visit Old Lady Kreen. I haven't seen her in a while." With her destination set Sara made her way towards an open air market located nearby.

-- -- --

"AH! i'm so glad you're still selling strawberries" Sara gushed as she put the red fruit in her mouth.

"Slow down you'll choke." The old woman named Kreen said with a chuckle. "Oh! did you hear about the unrest happening in the Enchanted forest? Apparently the creatures there are unhappy. right now"

"I did hear about it, why?" Sara asked curiously.

"Well I think it might have something to do with that 'monster girl' that showed up recently. I just know that an abomination like that has something to do with it." Kreen said shaking her head in disgust. "Probably got all those so-called "Intelligent" monsters riled up in some way."

"Hahaha... yeah." Sara laugh nervously. Not that Kreen noticed. If Sara had one complaint about the friendly old woman it would be her bias against everything that is not either a Human, Dwarf or Elf.

The same could be said about most people so Sara was used to the hate directed to anything that's not mankind. Her family and those closest to them were most likely the only ones to not hold any type of disdain towards the Intelligent monster living in the forest nearby. Because of that Sara's thoughts on the Monster girl she keeps hearing about wasn't negative.

'After all from what I can tell this girl didn't do anything wrong. She's just, existing.' Sara thought

"I also heard that 'monster girl' attacked a Hunter in Verland a bit ago." The old woman said interrupting Sara's train of thought.

'Or not. Looks like something happened after all.' Her opinion didn't really sour that much, just made Sara a little bit more wary and aware that the girl was, indeed, dangerous.

"Well I got to go." Sara said wanting to leave before the old woman started ranting.

"Don't be a stranger now!"

Walking away from the market and once again wandering the street, occasionally peeping at shop windows if something caught her eye, specifically weapons. For a girl raised with an overprotective father she had a surprisingly violent interest. Not that she had anyone to teach her how to fight. Not with a lack of effort on her part.

Though she thought no one recognized her the truth of the matter was that she was surrounded by many subordinates that have seen her face. Not everyone recognized her, the old woman being one of them, but it would be weird if non of them didn't notice the daughter of their boss wandering around.

They let her be so she can enjoy a little freedom since the ones capable of recognizing her also know about how little freedom she's given, not being able to leave her room most days. That also meant that when the girl came running at them to train her they turned her down, not wanting the girls father finding out one of them was allowing their daughter to mess with weapons. They still had plausible deniability of seeing in town after all, why risk any more trouble.

Still Sara was determined to find a teacher, or at least someone she could copy and wouldn't stop their own training when she showed up. While thinking she saw a Hunter walking along the street. 'I think I have an Idea.' She thought, making her way towards the Inner wall gate.

"Well that was easier than I thought." Mumbling to herself Sara walked down the street already leaving the safety of the Inner wall. "I'm kinda excited though, I've never been this far out!"

Most buildings were still about one or two stories tall, but there were also a lot more than three or even four stories tall. Seeing buildings that tall within the inner wall was uncommon, and was still uncommon in the main city but much more frequent compared to what Sara was used too. It was very exiting for her.

"Now how do I get to the Hunters guild?" The girls asked herself. "Maybe I should ask around?"

Asking for directions from a kind pedestrian the young girl made her way towards the Hunters Guild, not realizing how far away it would be. Just walking from The inner to outer wall takes over half a day, and considering that two of the three branches of the guild in this quadrant is near the edge of the city limits meant Sara wouldn't get there before the sun set.

The reason Sara chose to not go to the Guild branch closest to her was for one simple reason, most Hunters are at the ones closest to the city's exit. The ones located deeper in the city are for the ones without combat experience and to make it easier for people to submit requests depending on where they are. Sara wanted fighters so why go to a place where they aren't likely to show up?

When she finally got to the guild the sun had already set behind the wall, the sky was slowly turning from fiery reds and oranges to deep blues and purple. Not that she noticed, too focused on her goal that was now in front of her. With a big smile on her face she opened the door and found very few people in the lobby.

"Ah, is it really that late?" Disappointment could clearly be heard in her voice. "Maybe I can still talk to the few people here."

She could not in fact talk to the few Hunters still there. They were all dead tired and not willing to entertain some kid that showed up out of nowhere. She did learn most Hunters are at either an Inn or bar at this time though. She wasn't about to disturb people while they rested and she would rather not go near bars since she learned very early on she can get drunk off the fumes of alcohol alone.

"Guess i'll head back." With a gloomy look on her face she decided to head home for the day. "Next time I'll get up early."

Now that Sara was calm she realized she was tired from walking all day and that it was now dark out. She could see the Inner wall and her home from where she stood, but she couldn't remember the path she took to get here. She could be safe about it and stick with the main roads and slowly make her way home, but she wanted to get back as quickly as possible.

"I can probably cut through the alleyways and save on time that way." Sara, the sheltered child whose only experience outside was in the old city where she was as safe as one can be. Going through alleys was just natural there, but outside of that area the alleyways were dangerous, especially at night for a young girl such as her.


---Ruby's POV---

The sun was setting and people dressed in rags slowly started filling up the alley. I was on guard at first but they made no attempts to get close to me instead they all spread out from each other and found little corners or nooks to rest in. I seemed to have stumbled on a sleeping area. All the junk and old creations I saw soon became makeshift shelters.

Feeling awkward I started walking to get back to the main street. I kept my hood up to cover my hair and face, I don't need anyone letting it slip I was seen in the city. Anyone that tried to approach me did end up sleeping earlier than they expected. The headache they'll have in the morning won't be pleasant.

I was also in a slightly better mood than I was earlier thanks to my talk with Maisy. we didn't talk about anything important, I didn't pry into her life she didn't ask about mine, it was just talk to pass the time. I did however like the slime that's wrapped around me more than before. I'm not willing to sacrifice myself for her but hey I'll probably help her with less hesitation than before.

"Wait did I end up going in the exact opposite direction from the Inn?"

Apparently I had a very bad sense of direction. I somehow got completely turned around. Luckily I'm capable of following scents easily and memorizing paths I've taken so I'll never be completely lost. But learning how turned around I got just by taking a new path is kinda depressing. This was not something I wanted to learn about myself today.

I continued backtracking the path I took, not wanting to get lost again, when someone ran into me when they rounded a corner. The collision didn't hurt me but did push the hood off of my head when I jumped in surprise. This girl's presence was surprisingly small so I didn't notice her till she ran into me. I did notice the group behind her though, their scent giving off a vile smell. These people aren't going to be friendly.

"I'm sorry, I- I, help me please, I can pay you whatever... huh?" The girl who fell after running into me started speaking but stopped when she saw me. Oh yeah my appearance. Should I kill her? No that wont do, I'm getting that same feeling I had when I attacked the Freddy guy. I can't do it. I looked her up and down, she was a young girl with brown hair and green eyes. Was it because she was a kid that I couldn't harm her?

"Wha- you-" She can't seem to form a sentence. Look how surprised she is. Let me just pull my hood up again before that other group arrives. Now what?

"... Bye." I couldn't bring myself to kill the kid but abandoning her to her fate seemed to be fine with whatever internal moral system I had. Doesn't really matter since this would get rid of a witness and I wont feel bad about it. Win win... for me.

"Wait, hold up! Help me!" When I turned around to leave the girl called out to me to help her. Why? As far as she's concerned I'm the big bad evil Monster Girl. This is the second time someone I don't know called out to me for help even though I should look just as much of a threat as the one they were facing. I looked at the girl questioningly, though to her I was probably just glaring, which I was.

"... Looks like I took too long to leave." Sadly the vile smelling group showed up. I don't think they're the talking type either. I can try though.

"Hey look at that another person." The man up front said pointing at me.

"And the brat is hiding behind her as well." A woman said looking at Sara with predatory eyes. Wait, when did she get behind me? Doesn't matter I guess. But gross she's a kid lady.

Actually, looking at the group, all five of them were looking at the girl with very inappropriate eyes.


"Hey, what you just say bitch!?" Looks like I said my thoughts out loud. The other pile of trash who looked like a woman in the group got mad.

"Listen lady, if you cooperate with us no one gets hurt. Also take your hood off, bit rude of ya to talk without proper eye contact dont'cha know?" Another piece of trash said. It looked like a man wearing suspenders.

"... I won't do that. I'll just go." I really don't want to deal with this trash pile so i'll just leave.

"Hey don't go we're in the middle of a conversation. Stay where you are and don't struggle." Said the trash standing up front.

"Please don't leave I swear I can get you almost any reward you want!" The girl said tugging on my jacket. You're still here? I looked at the girl again, If I were - scratched that - when I kill those things over there her safety would just be collateral. Hmm...

"Ruby I think we should help. She's like you kinda, though less so." Maisy said suddenly. Like me? What did that mean?

"... What do you mean?" I asked.

"She isn't exactly the same as you but she does seem to have monster blood in her."

"Wait really? How are you able to tell these things, can all monsters do it or what? Because I can't." She was able to tell I was a monster when we first met, though it looks like this girl here isn't a full monster like me, but I'm now curious.

"It's an ability given to us by Nielia." Oh really? Maisy told me she was the protector of the east side of some huge forest, but giving others abilities means they're powerful. I wonder who they are.

"... You guys won't let me leave no matter what?" I asked, then I pointed my thumb over my shoulder at the girl. "... You also won't leave her alone right?"

"Got that correct." The first woman trash said.

"... Fine." I really didn't want to touch them if I could. Wait I have knives.

I took off my hood so I can have even more justification to kill them. They all cried out in shock and not wanting an opportunity to go to waste I charged the first trash and cut his throat with the knife in my right hand. I stabbed the garbage woman with my left hand not a second later.

I managed to kill two of them before they could react. Now the one guy who didn't say anything this whole time tried grabbing me. I quickly backed away in disgust. I absolutely refuse to let any of them touch. I was even wearing gloves that I can toss away later, same with the knives. Foul blood like this must be burned.

Tossing the left knife I pierced the trash that tried to grab me through the head. Next I ran up to the other woman and stabbed her in the heart and neck. The last piece of trash tried to run but he was too slow. I tossed my last knife at his head. Now then, just to make sure I used dark magic to have their shadows corrode their heads away.

"... Now then." I turned around and looked at the girl quivering behind me. She really did have a weak presence, I thought she ran away until I saw her. Her eyes are wide, I can see fear in them, but something else as well. She wasn't completely afraid of me so that's a start.

I walked towards her until I was standing directly in front of her. I stared into her eyes trying to see what she was going to do next. Surprisingly she stared right back at me, didn't even back away. I just killed a bunch of people and I don't have the most welcoming expression either so I expected her to back up at least a little.

"... Well?" I didn't know what else to say. I don't have conversations with people. Man I wish someone was with me right now.



Okay this is really awkward.