Revenant Outrider (W/ Girls Frontline Crossover)

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Chapter 1 - 1: start

[Brief interaction in….]

"I don't see how I'll be much help, but I can try."


"Altered, huh? Then I'll become a machine plague… Although, can I have knowledge that'll use my new skills to the extreme?"

"Heh, only from a world currently like mine? Then how about that old game Girls Frontline?"

….. ….. ….

"See you in three years then."


Waking up in a hospital on the S.M. Flores at launch wasn't something great as I growled at the headache being given to me. Well I asked that thing for information… it gave me it in spades. Although I also felt different, whatever that was it altered something so I can store everything and recall it clearly. I even recalled perfectly the time I blew a teens brains out for trying to mug me for my glass of water and my dogs water bowl.

Just because you're thirsty doesn't mean you pull a shotgun on someone for a cup of water. The fact he forgot the gun was in safe mode, and that it's a pump, was just a lucky break, though when he threatened my dog he lost the right to live. He couldn't fire the gun but I could after decking him and pumping the shotgun before firing a shot directly into his face. I didn't feel bad about it even if children by this point were important to everyone.

He said he'd kill my dog and eat him. No one touches my Red. Funnily enough that entity had also seemed to change my faithful companion. Looking on as my big red Dutch Shepherd was out of our shared Cryopod I chuckled seeing him perk up. The faint glow in his eyes signaling he'd been affected as well. Stretching I knew one thing that'd make him essentially dance and wake up.

"Want some butt smacks?"

His head turned to me and then he started his little dance he'd do when he wanted his butt smacked. Obliging the big pup I reached down and started smacking his butt like it was a bongo, Red dancing and shaking his butt at the attention. He's a dork, and well because he's an Outrider as well those ECA twats couldn't make me get rid of him, or butcher him for food. The first one from ECA that tried had his arm literally ripped off and beat half to death with it.
You don't touch my dog.

Tanner also made that clear when a fucking armed escort tried getting my dog. Just because they wore fancy armor didn't mean I couldn't hurt them. I think that was the most hilarious part of the launch… eighty… years ago when I found the current date. I mean who couldn't help but laugh when a man in plain clothes manhandles an armed ECA Spec Ops squad over a dog.

Tanner and his next in line known as "Boss" Gregory Shalkiv Ford, certainly chuckled seeing me kick the one bastard in the nuts repeatedly when he started shooting. He apologized so much to get me to stop kicking his nuts. It's also ECA made a neat little announcement across the Flores.

{Attention all colonists, and ECA personell if you meet Outrider Revenant and his dog, Outrider Red. Do not hurt or threaten the dog… he's hospitalized thirty guards and twelve others for attempting anything on his four legged companion.}

Sorta why we were placed FAR away In the Outrider Cryopods, which were right next to the medical ward. I didn't go in mine. I hid in the medical bay since Maxwell, that snake, told us he'd be joining us on Enoch. Can't trust that man as far as he can be thrown, he WANTS to rush colonization and would probably jump the gun killing a lot of people. All to colonize faster and likely get promoted when we wouldn't have the full picture on Enoch just yet.

However, that thing said it'd make me an Altered, as people in the visions called those who'd been touched by some freaky storm, once we landed on Enoch. For now however, since I'm awake exactly three years early, I can work on the T-Doll and C-Doll Neural cloud programming. Good thing there's a few perfect blank slate minds to scan indepth and copy since the entity included the skills to make everything. Sighing, I took the needed steps, copying and scanning the neural paths of the rare few children and infants aboard the Flores foremost.

The computer I was using was a backup quantum supercomputer that was likely forgotten at some point. Due to how dusty the thing had been while everything else was spotless. I found it because I pinged it since it's a backup and would be unused. Making a fully functional neural cloud, then everything else involved with it, took me a year and four months. During that year and four months I played quite a lot with Red and made the rotating ECA staff on maintenance fear a ghost as I played with them from the shadows.

Once the neural cloud was done my body sorta reacted as blue wisps of energy came from my hands. I could feel the entire complex and almost entirely Human like AI code be stored somewhere in my brain as a let's say "Legendary" blueprint. Because that shit enters the realm of creating LIFE itself. Not physically but a digital sentient life copied and molded after the complex Human brain.

The next two years me, by extension Red as well, taught the impressionable AI things. Lots of stuff like morals, individuality, hobbies, history, how emotions make no sense, all that fun stuff. That by the time the Outriders and a detachment of ECA forces were to land on Enoch the first two Dolls, a Tactical and Civilian Doll, which typically would be copies of everything that made a person them.

As in Project Neural Cord where you're trapped in a digital landscape trying to kill everyone who's not a part of the system, but is an individual. You were completely in charge of getting those copied people and newly born individuals out safely into a safer server cluster located in the physical world. Those personalities were called C-Dolls, and each time they suffered damage to their coding or died they'd lose memories. Sometimes permanently, like with Simo who died to stop a server cluster from destroying itself.

He pushed his code and self to the point of losing his memories and resetting his personality, which triggered a self-destruct because he pushed too far for those he cherished. When I showed the two their Types respective games when they could be considered mature enough. They felt for the characters and well let's just say AI can be more Human than us.

The two however chose themselves names based on how they want to be. The T-Doll was SOPMOD, the crazy bloodthirsty T-Doll on the AR Team in Girls Frontline. The C-Doll was Python, SOPMOD was female and Python was male. Making them bodies was tricky as that entity warned me electronics would break down unless shielded from that storm. Yet it seems it was kind as I dredged through everything it gave me, I found a blueprint labeled "Anomaly Shielding" mixed with the Doll Blueprints.

I just hope it works, if not then welp these two are dying once the first storm hits us. When the other Outriders woke up to find me, Red, Python, and SOPMOD playing Old Maid though was interesting. Had to answer a lot of questions, dodged a few of them with white lies, though I did bring up strange readings from Enoch as I occasionally did check graphical and weather data the probe's planet side sent the Flores.

Highly illegal to do so without ECA permission, but why should I care? They gave us Maxwell. The dudes a dickbag and will probably lead us to our deaths. Speaking of Maxwell he was trying to give us a rousing speech.

"-For if we want Humanity to survive we must make sacrifices and be ready to do all we can. Whatever the sacrifice, it must be done for Humanity to survive. So-"

"If Humanity touches my dog I'm beating it to death!"

"You! That dog isn't more important than the survival of our species!"

"If I'm going to be honest Maxwell. Red is more important than someone I've never met. Humanity destroyed Earth with wars, and stripping her clean of everything but the dirt.

We overpopulated, we KILLED our home, and we'll likely do the same to Enoch if you rush to wake everyone up just because of one damn good report. Because I see that look in your eyes you're impatient, and that's lethal for this op Maxwell. One wrong move and you kill billions, and damn millions."

The ECA rep bit back a retort seeing the Outriders and some ECA Soldiers agree. He'd still likely do so and convince the ECA Soldiers to go along with it. The Outriders wouldn't stand for it and he'd likely kill us all off if he can manage it. If so he'd then sweep it under the rug as a series of "unfortunate accidents" to take any and all credit.

When sirens for drop started up we all prepped and began our descent. SOPMOD, Python, and Red were riding with me outside the Cryopods in the Outriders Drop pod shuttle.
Time for potential death. Time to strive to survive or everyone counting on us dies.