Chapter 2 - 2: start 2

As we entered orbit, I signaled the two Dolls, and we unhooked from our positions. I could tell something was going on, something was searching for me. Activating the magnetic function of my boots, I stuck the metal flooring and began running checks on everything, since all the others decided to enter Cryopods for some reason that was pretty silly. It's a bit of turbulence, not much else really.

SOPMOD was currently checking the guns and munitions. Python was running diagnostics on the shuttle's main systems with what little information I gave him during the teachings and coding. Red was wearing a special K9 vest with mag claw attachments to keep him grounded as he sat beside me while I worked. After a bit of work, we were jostled, but our magnetic gear kept us from flying about suddenly. Whistling, I got my group ready and armed before opening the shuttle door, which triggered the Cryopods to start opening.

Sure, it was all automatic, but while the doors opened, I could create Neural Cloud Copies of all the Outriders for future references and possibly to "rebirth" them.
Storing the NCC's into a hard drive, I gave it to Python, who hid it in a vest pocket. As the Outriders awoken, my group and I had already begun clearing and searching the landing site. Seeing nothing, we regrouped with Tanner, who had come out of the shuttle first.

"Area's clear, we can begin getting everything ready to move to the first probes approximate location, Tanner."

"Thanks Revenant, Red, Ms. SOPMOD, Mr. Python, can you make sure nothing happens while we all get situated and used to moving again after being frozen?"

"Sure, though I don't comprehend why the fuck you got back into cryo if you were going to get stiff, old man."

"Shut up and just get it done."

Tanner looked at me with an amused scowl, chuckling, my team and I got a move on as we triple checked each area around the landing site. When we were hidden behind some trees, though, an ethereal bolt of lightning and swirling blue orange lights struck me and Red. I felt something activate as my veins lit up with a blue light, the same for Red, grunting I looked around as I felt something strange.

The planet felt more alive to me, more vibrant, it was disorienting. However, I shook that feeling off, so did Red and as if understanding something instinctually, I flexed my fingers causing the surrounding rocks and laying about wood to converge with a flow of white blue light bringing them together.

A turret with noxious green gas being created shortly afterward, I knew what the thing was called, Blight Turret. Looking around, I flexed my fingers again and an iced covered turret appeared as well, with the temperate around its creating being ripped from the air and replaced with below zero temperatures.

Cryo Turret. However, There were two others I could make as well, Flame Turret and Tesla Turret along with some other instinctual creations like a Hive Launcher, which fired a total of twelve rockets in a forward sweeping mortar arc.
Red, however, seemed to have become a HellHound, as he was currently enjoying catching on fire and putting himself out.

Dorky dog but adorable with how he's acting. Looking at our weapons, though, I focused on my gun and the thing disassembled itself before visibly all the parts changed to something else. Shortly afterward, a HK17 with sickly green and blue etching on it was in my hands, smirking. I chuckled as I felt my energy drop by a wide margin to do this, but I just created a Freezing Blight HK17 which would serve me well. SOPMOD and Python though moved their limbs as if they ached.

My eyes glowed as I could see suddenly the inner workings of the two Dolls. Their systems were still at full functioning capacity, just slightly frozen up due to the small event just now. The shields finally kicked in, registering the energy signature and had begun just now protecting the Dolls. When we had gotten over everything we reported back as the convoy began moving after being formed. My turrets become nothing once more.

When we had met back up with Tanner I gave him a coded phrase to mention volatile danger. The man looked at me a bit before speaking calmly in another coded phrase.

"The scenery is pretty nice, just also dangerous given we just landed. Much could've changed in eighty-three years."

"I see where you're coming from, anything in particular caught your eye?"

"The storm that is brewing. It feels alive and can change everything, already has."

"Anything I should know?"

"Yeah, keep it tight and if the storm hits, let me cover everyone."

With that, our conversation died off as we all continued to walk and march along the land of Enoch. As we did, I covered my eyes as with a hat that I borrowed from Tanner after he saw my neck veins glow on purpose. My glanced at everyone's gear, and the vehicles with us, and I saw several issues due to my new powers.

Pulling a data pad from a pouch on my belt, I noted everything down as Tanner watched over my shoulder, the older man grunting when he noticed a few of the notes. Whenever Maxwell looked over at us, I would "accidentally" kick a rock in mock frustration right at his head, all purely on coincidentally circumstances. My two Dolls were also helpful in feeding data on atmospheric data and geographical data to my data pad after synching up to it.

By the time we had stopped to set up camp on a ridge, I had quickly gone around and fixed more pressing issues with our gear. ECA can go fuck itself. I touched nothing of theirs, just left it, breaking down and everything. While that would've been an issue long run, I didn't have the best opinion of them, they kept trying to eat my dog after all.

Although I had nabbed a spare sat uplink from the Flores as Maxwell had one and would possibly try sending people down here on incomplete information. After a while in the camp, I set off with Red, SOPMOD, and Python to observe the wildlife and find hazards. So I went directly to the forest near us and fucking hell was there a problem as soon as I entered. If I or Red weren't changed, or SOPMOD and Python Dolls whatever this black fungal goo is would've killed us!

Fucking shit is almost entirely parasitic but not in a symbiotic way, if this infects someone it'll eat them from the inside out, turning them into more of it.

Noting this all down, I took and contained a sample of the stuff before moving on, Red thankfully not licking the shit. As we trudged on through the forest we picked up a pod and when we got to it was when Ford's, Tanners righthand, appeared. SOPMOD was getting the data off the pod already and when I saw the mans face I growled.

Reaching behind me I pulled the sat uplink from where I stored it on my person and without opening the thing to preserve the electronics with the storming coming. I connected to it through my new abilities and immediately tried halting the Flores from sending anyone down.

"This is Revenant of the Outriders! Flores do you copy?!"

"This is Major Mckendal, Outrider how do you have a sat link and why are you contacting us?"

"I have one because I knew Maxwell would fuck up, can't trust a rat like him who pushed for my dog to be eaten! I know you sent us down here on a way mission, and Maxwell doesn't like that. He wants to be a hero and to be safe. Yet he fucking didn't wait, he didn't listen, whoever you're sending down they are about to die.

Enoch is currently a class five hazard, the location they're about to drop is where they'll be stuck, as the planet is changing as we speak. It doesn't like us, and it will keep whoever lands contained where we are, the exit is a class six hazard for some of its local life and fauna. One of which is a black goo like fungus which will eat a person up from the inside out in a matter of minutes, it is highly contagious and is one hundred percent lethal if not treated."

"Is that true? Do you have data to back this up Outrider?"

"Sending live feed data and collected data now."

The link was silent for a few minutes before cursing was going off as the Major from ECA started cursing.


"Roger Major McKendal."

Cutting the link, I stored the device once more on my person and looked at Fords.

"Tell Tanner that Maxwell is to be executed by orders of Major Mckendall of ECA. All Outriders in this forest are to now head back and secure the site, we've got five hundred thousand people to keep safe."