Chereads / Not Human 1 / Chapter 29 - A Coven's Connections

Chapter 29 - A Coven's Connections


A huge medieval-looking castle loomed over us as the car drove up the abandoned-looking pathway. A huge gate that seemed styled from ancient times stood grandly at the entrance into the courtyard. Atop the walls several figures moved about, some watching the approaching path from which the car drove up while others preoccupied with various activities.

"Welcome to East Wall. Or better called Blood wall". Eric spoke.

" Do humans know about this place." I asked awe obvious in my voice. It was evident that this place was huge to be hidden from the sights of humans especially hikers.

"Little magic might be at play to stop observance from humans" Eric nonchalantly informed.

"Magic? Like real magic?"j stared. I mean it was obvious that with werewolves and vampires around magic was given but not having seen any the idea had not physically manifested itself. But with someone finally admitting it. Woah.

" Now. You're going to meet lots of vampires here. This is not a pack, unlike with the werewolves sad to say, vampires are more of opportunists. Always grovelling and fighting to fry to the top spot. Which is basically impossible if you're not older or ancient. No matter how hard you try two things dictate strength for us literally. Age, feeding,bloodline, personal grit also basically skills and most importantly factions." he looked to me to see if I was taking all this in as he drove through the now open gate.

"Uhmmm...could you please break it all down for me." He looked at me as if expecting this.

"Simple. With age, the older a vampire gets the more stronger he or she becomes. It's usually caused by blood intake. which is how the second factor comes in. " He got out the car and walked for the huge looking castle which j jaut stood taking in with the ever present awe on my face.

"Wonder what Asher's pack would look like". I murmured an expectant thought in mind.

" I doubt pack a look anything like this. We're longer lived so most packs don't have the same resources or contingencies as us." My confused looked had him sighing. "Will explain that later."

"As I was saying. Our scientist realized that we vampires are basically dead, well sorta undead. The process to make a vampire always starts with giving a human vampire blood then ending their life with our venom. Both venom and vampire blood react within the body to create the undead. US. Our bodies being technically dead means we can't create our own blood, as our heart doesn't beat. It's why we can't die, after all you can't kill what's already dead." He informed.

"How do you kill a vampire then?" I asked curious after all his explanation basically made all vampires look untouchable. We stepped into the castle and my eyes widened at the sheer size taking in every from the statues of knights and shirt of armor standing around to the grand pictures depicting battles or ceremonies.

"Well, magic has it's limits. We'll get to that later. For now. What's important is this? Why exactly we feed. The same way the human body makes water important to get humans to drink it and nourish and also hydrate themselves the vampire cadaver words the same. With our none beating heart unable to pump blood. Our cells and bloody cant do much work. So it stimulates us to take in blood. Like an oral blood transfusion. Your brain synapses sends messages to your tongue that makes the blood appetizing and sweet. If not we wouldn't find drinking blood interesting."

"The blood though does wonders, not only does it stimulate the heart to sub function, it doesn't best just somehow pumps blood to keep our cadavers fresh and agile. It also strengthens us for some reason we can't grasp. That's why the more blood you drink the stronger you are. As as you get older as a vampire all that blood intake puts us through processes that similar to a werewolf's rank increase but different."

"I barely know much about the werewolves or their rank increase" I said confused. he simply smiled and led me up a stairway. At this point several figures passed us by. Some looking me over for a minute others longer, almost sizing me up or gauging me. Shivers went up my spine from the various predatory gazes.

"Geez. " I muttered. "Welcoming much".

Eric chuckled noting my discomfort," you get used to it."

"okay. Anyway, the second factor bloodline how does that work?". I asked.

" Bloodlines and factions usually go hand in hand. Usually." He gazed at me at the last word sending an obvious message. "Bloodline refers to your maker's maker. Basically every vampire stems from different powerful vampires. They're called first-borns and their blood runs in each vampire the create. It creates a sorta vague connection. We call it a trait of the Vampire psyche. Most vampires bloodlines are known by how the react most times, their behavioural patterns and their mental faculties. Easier way we just test them for their bloodline". We finally got to the top floor and be began leading me down the hall.

" We're about to get you tested for bloodline. Usually the results are released and several hidden factions within a coven tried to recruit you depending on bloodlines or some , very rare factions cause of goals, will still try by offering many resources. Advice. Don't join a faction unless you are ready. And I mean physically. You feel strong and all but most older, vampires around here would rip you apart with just a finger."He ended as we got to give mahogany door.

"Wait. Why did you bring me to the coven? Was it to increase your manpower?" I asked. He stared at me for a second before sighing.

"if you're expecting to have been chosen for some higher calling sorry for disappoint. all vampires must be accounted for. We can't risk having rogue vampires in our territory. Especially ones that don't follow the rules." He deadpanned.


"You'll find out more in there. I've told you enough". With a wave he urged me forward and before I could ask any more questions like what was inside the door creaked open revealing a dimly lit up office. A light push had me stumbling inside and the light slam of the door behind alerting me I was closed in with whatever was here.

" Step in the light" a soft voice spoke. 'Light'. My thoughts were confused as j scammed the room finally noting that somehow there was a ray of sunlight shining directly on the ground right where I assumed was the room center. Walking into the light I pondered if the voice was trying to burn me. They wouldn't though what was the point in ending her after showing her all this and why this elaborate pattern when one higher vampire could simply flick a finger and end her. Right?.

Beneath the light I waited. There was no sound as I stood patiently waiting, feelings like an inspected product. A flash of movement to my right had my head spinning in that direction.

"Sensitive. Good. you'll need that to survive. Another flash from my left and a low tap had me looking in that direction. A sound came to my ears a whistle of air a shrill noise. My eyes widened before I crouched alarmed just as a white piece of material flew past my head. Where my chest jar been a second ago. 'What the hell'.

" Fast reaction, color me impressed. not everyone survives a throw from me." Just as the words registered a slam from the left struck me lifting my body off the ground and through the room smacking forcibly on the mahogany door.

Outside Eric shook his head with a sigh his eyes rolling in a 360 degree fashion.

On the ground I began rising only to feel a pressure on me. It cut off the air supply to my lungs and pressed a weight to my shoulders pressing me back to the floor. An instinct quickly kicked in to survive. My arms pushing against the floor and lifting me as I slowly tried rising only to crash back again as the aura intensified the weight increasing. a bloody scent permeated the air, a metallic and oppressive feeling clouding my senses. My brain began hyperventilating from the lack of oxygen. A chill leaving my body as a shiver went down my spine. I felt things go blurry for a second then a bang resounded, a yell went out in the room and then the pressure was gone just as quickly as it had appeared.

A gush of fresh air rushed into me as I inhaled greedily panting. Voices resounded around me as I lay there turning to face up my eyes still shot as a pounding began in my head. Inlay there for a fee minutes before an arm moved around me lifting me off the floor and onto my feet.

"Walk!" It was more a command than a statement. I finally pulled my eyes open as I started up at Eric who just looked at me expectantly his slivery eyes gleaming in the dim lit room from our proximity.

"You survived her blood domain, so you should be able to walk outside." Eric added. I stared confused at the term. Obviously, noting my confusion all he did was shake his head.

"Stand strong and leave this room. I bet most of the older and middle ranked vampires felt the use of blood domain. Right now how you leave this room dictates he they'll look at you for the time to come. Will you be weak or strong." He ended.

'Why was this dude helping me. Maybe I was overthinking it. after all the need manpower so he's probably training me. I'm guessing this blood domain thing was the test or training, for newcomers'.I nodded at my speculation. Standing straight I moved away from his hold and almost stumbled at first before straightening myself.

'No way was I gonna look weak. Of what he said earlier about the vampires competitive nature was true. looking weak would put me in a bad spot.' Shaking my head I refused. 'To survive I had to be stronger right. Like I told Asher'.

Taking steps to the door I found the knob and turnout I made to push it open before a voice rang out still as soft as earlier.

"If she's strong enough to head out. Then she can as well sit down let me get this over with." A sigh came from behind me from whom I assumed was Eric. Another pressure descended, this time it was the first pressure k had almost broken through.

"Come youngling. Seat," Turning I stared behind me watching as front he dark a female stepped out. With the pressure on me it felt like I was staring at some ancient beast. The space around her seemed to ripple as what I assumed was the pressure she exuded flowed out of her. Her cherry blood lips stood out like a beacon her red gaze locked on me before dimming to show silvery eyes. Her slender form with curves highlighted by the light from behind her. Blonde hair that shone like gold even in the dim room.

"Renee Ender Voshwa. The coven leader." Eric introduced rolling his eyes yet again.

"Vosh..Voshwa. As in.. you.. your wife?" I asked the pressure still making it hard to talk. A snort came from both individuals Eric even going as far as to express a disgusted look.

"Sister. Elder sister."he corrected still fake gagging. Said sister just spared him a glance before looking back to me.

" We have a lot to speak off little red. You and your little wolf pup have been making news in out world." her eyes seemed to gleam darkly, eyes that held secrets which itched to pour out and be devoured but were locked tight. The pressure suddenly disappeared.

"Give the word Eric, no faction should move" A nod passed from him, and he exited the room. Her eyes never left me at all, it was quite disconcerting.

After a few minutes of her just staring at me tilting her head in various directions, while watching me shivers continuously left my body. "So uhmmm Miss Renee what now?". I asked finally unable to best the silence.

" Call me Madam Cherry nothing more." she then turned away. "Seat!" With the command an overhead lamp lit up bathing the room in a bright glow. The room was larger than I had surmised stretching into a rectangular shape. another good was shown which I thought would surely lead to a restroom of sorts. My age found her again already seated on a comfy padded chair as she watched me. Her eyes strayed to the seat across the table from me and back to me. Getting the message I quickly sat and then there was...


We sat that say for straight 30 minutes her eyes never leaving me. It was nerve wracking. Finally the door opened and Eric walked in. A calm came within me, while I wasn't assured of my safety I felt a bit hopeful with Eric here. He felt more reasonable than the red lipped lady across me. My mind strayed to a certain black haired boy with blue eyes. The thought seemingly took away the last of nervousness I had. It didn't go unnoticed though as both siblings looked at me keenly before she spoke first.

"I'm sure Eric already gave you a background tale of somethings you should know." Without waiting for an answer she continued. "Now we'll do some tests to ascertain your bloodline. Before that though, be careful of Jorgawu sap, ash or stake. Normal wood can incapacitate us until removed but Jorgawu erases us. The ash is like a repellant for all supernaturals, basically it does a lot like identifies supernaturals, poisons them and also kills them if there is enough consumption. Sap burns, basically acid to us. Also poisonous within our system, Sunlight doesn't affect us unless we haven't drank blood for at least four to five days. The days are extended depending on how much you drank. Once a vampire is powerful enough the can go a full month without feeding although it'll show because the you're progresses from the strength they were at their peak." she stopped to look at Eric who stared back at her. A mental conversation passing through both before her gaze found me.

"Don't over drink though, you want to avoid blood bane effect. Eric will explain later. Now lets go to the bloodline test".

" What of wolves. How does one kill a wolf?" I hurriedly asked?

"Eager much." A smile lit up Cherry's face the first I'd seen on her. She was breathtaking, so much it was hard to be jealous when you were busy getting dazed. The smile brought an innocence to her that she obviously didn't have.

"Well. Werewolves are really not as immortal as we vampires. The love longer than humans yes, but that's it. Although to be honest I've never seen a wolf die of old age. Their kind is more vicious than any other race. But still to answer your question. They have the same weakness as u with a bit of difference. While we are naturally weak to wood and then plainly die from Jorgawu stakes. Wolves aren't affected by stakes even Jorgawu stakes. It gives them the advantage though if I'm honest it is kind of fair since we are immortal and the aren't." she sighed.

"But you should be careful. Wolves are vampires mortal enemies for a good reason. After all we were both made to kill the other."Eric added looking at me with narrowed eyes. Cherry's seemed to narrow as well though her gaze was fixed on Eric and not me. A hum left her lips as she started at her brother for a bit.

" I don't get it. How can both be made to kill each other, one had to have been made first right?"I asked.

"Not necessarily. But not important for now." Eric smiled then looked to Cherrg.

"Let's do the test shall we". she spoke rising and walking to me. Eric rose moving to a cupboard j hadn't noticed. from which he fetched a circular bowl. Placing it on the table he looked to cherry before stepping back.

" Your hand please." She requested. As I lifted my hand I scanned the bowl. The outside looked plain, a common steel. Within though was different. At the center was drawn a circle with various lines branching out straight to the tip and divide the bowl into segments. There were twelve in all. Each segment for some reason had a feeling to it, except for three segments that felt off, almost unexistent.

"What are these?" The question left me. Cherry looked to have expected the question though.

"The Bowl of Disciples. It's used to check a vampire's bloodline. Most higher up covers have one. it's easy to make by an experienced witch or shaman."She answered my palm now in her hand.

" Witches are better, but I never said that if you are asked."Eric quipped from behind. Cherry rolled her eyes before a claw slid out her index finger and lighting fast sliced my wrist open eliciting a gasp from me.

"That was much Cherry." Eric stated only earning a shrug from said female. Cherry turned my palm do the blood dribbled down my palm to my fingers and perfectly positioned, dripped straight into the inner circle forming a puddle that somehow hatred at the circle's edge. My arm mwas removed and the siblings watched Eric inching close to peep.

1 minute

2 minutes

3 minutes

7 minutes


"Think it's broken?" Eric asked looking confused. Cherry shot him a look.

"It's magical. It doesn't break"But still bet confused expression went back to the bowl as her forehead crinkled up.

" Somethings not right. Your sire what do you remember about their appearance?"She turned asking me. I looked away and back weighing my options. Deciding I spoke.

"I don't remember. " She stared at me for a while.

"You should have been fed something at least or bitten right. Don't you remember anyone giving you something to drink right before you were attacked.?" she asked again.

"I don't... ",sigh. "... I don't remember getting attacked. I... I jys I woke up one day and I was like this".
