Chereads / Not Human 1 / Chapter 13 - Friendly Ally

Chapter 13 - Friendly Ally

left my black bike where I always did as I hurried into school my eyes razing the hallways for her red hair. I walked quickly through the hallway down to my locker while my eyes moved left and right in search of her. The sound of lock turning and opening was completely lost to me as my mind reeled of all the possible things that could go wrong once the print from the tree was gotten.

I got out my note for my first class and turned heading for it, the bell ringing to send all of us to class. I took my seat in the middle row and tried to concentrate on what the lady was saying which was proving difficult considering the state of my thoughts. Taking a subtle scan around disappointment grew in me as I realised I didn't share this class with her like chemistry.

The long hour went, an hour where I was sure I heard nothing and didn't even know what was going on in class. First to leave the class and grateful that I wasn't called like yesterday cause of my week of absence. I scanned the halls for her looking up and down till my head spun but she was nowhere.

Had they already pulled the prints and knew it was her. No, they'd need to compare it with hers first but they didn't know that she had been there in the first place. Shit. Mama Gina's, she'd gone there, which meant they could easily identify or give her description. Which they'd already done , so now the cops and mum just had to place her as only witness to the attack since it was still an animal attack ruling. But they'd have a field day wondering how her prints got there and how it all went down. Plus the drained blood that I knew wouldn't add up. If there was anyone with an inch of an idea they'd put two and two together and realize it was no animal attack.

"I need to stop that scan." I muttered to myself.

"Stop what scan?"I jumped turning to find Benjamin standing beside me as he watched me like I had gone mad. Turning to look around I realized I had been walking through the hall center thinking. I probably did look insane.

"Nevermind that. You seen Aurora?." I asked. He just smirked wiggling his eyebrows as he flashed his best row of teeth.

"Getting the hots for the school queen huh?" He teased. I gave him a narrowed look before rolling my eyes and turned marching off.

"I'll find her myself." I muttered loud enough for him to hear.

"Yeah you could do that. But I doubt you'd find her" he commented a shit eating grin on his face.

"What do you mean?" I asked worry crossing my features, has the police already gotten to her so fast, did he watch her get arrested or something.

"Dude chill, your lady is not dead or something. She's just over by the bleachers with some of her friends. Geez you look like she's about to die anytime soon. ". He rattled off. I barely heard the last part as I took off in a hurried step trying not to run.

Why was I so worried ?. I didn't know, but I knew that I  didn't want to not do nothing while she got found out. My eyes found her the moment I exited the doorway her red hair like a signal flag in the group of girls she sat with. I made a beeline for her my right hand clenching onto my bad shoulder strap tightly while my left hung freely. One of the girls noticing my approach nudged the others as the turned to watch my arrival. Normally this was the last thing I'd do, walking up to a group of girls but desperate times right.

I barely  glanced at the others, a bit rude but It was all I could do to not drag her after me.

"Aurora, talk, now!". I stated like a foreigner leaning the language. She raised her eyebrows confused.

"What's wrong?". She asked as she slowly stood casting a quick it's okay I know him smile to the girls who seemed shocked.

"Grab your bag we gotta go, I'll explain on the way". I ordered tightening my palms into knuckles.

"Ash you can't just walk up here rudely and suddenly..."

"The cops found the bodies back on the road. They may be onto you. " I whispered harshly leaning in before I stepped back locking gazes with her, eyes widening as the words filtered and processed. Wordless she turned and grabbed her bag then waved a quick bye to her friends who stared like morons, no offense to them but one had her mouth totally open.

Aurora was the dragging me all the way into the school now her steps quick as we walked past students who eyed us again. They bells went off again and the hallways slowly cleared out leaving us both standing in the empty space.

"Spill." She looked up at me . The worry and panic clear in her eyes. I took two glances around and shook my head then grabbing her right arm turned her around to head down the halls. My eyes found the janitor's closet which I urged her through.

"Okay, I knew you liked me but didn't think you had that much of the hots for me." She joked  looking back at me. I simply narrowed my eyes at her.

"You joke at the worst moment Red. You could be almost found out." I started. Then proceeded to fill her in on everything I'd gotten from my mum about the case.

"Now while I think this is gonna perplex them a bit, I don't think it's gonna be enough to hold you since, well you ain't no animal that the know."I mused.

"Okay, if that's what you think what's worrying you out?" She pried noting the panic in my eyes.

"Well from the way mum described them I sure that its all gonna be hard to pin in you. But I also doubt there won't be someone who has a bit of idea of what went down. No way we two are the only wierd ones in this town." I laid out. She watched me for a second then shook her head.

*You said they were mauled?." She asked. I raised an eyebrow.

"Your kill, don't you remember how you left them?" I chided.

"That's the thing. I do. I didn't maul them." She deadpanned. My eyes narrowed as I glared again.

"What do you mean?. No way a measly bite would make them time it as animal attack." I said and she nodded.

"Guess your right then. Someone else is covering up my kill. Which means there is another supernatural in town. Care to guess?" She raised both brows suggestively.

"She wolf." I muttered.

*And if it's not her. I bet she can lead us to whoever it is. Anyway she's our closest bet". I nodded at her suggestion.

"Though right now, we should worry more about your prints but looking at it there's no way to rule it as not animal killing. Unless they find something that ties you, like ..."

"Skin under nails, and hair and stuff. They already have the second and prints and a sighting in the area. It's possible they could point it back to ..."

"You!" I finished.  "That settles it then. " I groaned as I rubbed a hand down my face.

"What?" She asked

"We get into the police station and we get the evidence and get out. Without it nothing  points to you." I stated. She blinked blankly at me the words still in processing as she just stared, when it finally clicked she exhaled audibly.

"When did my life get so messed up. Now I'm planning to break into a police station and steal evidence or might possibly end up in prison." She muttered squatting down and burying her face in her palms. I looked down at her worriedly, in just one day of knowing her I knew she usually took everything carefree so this new sad moment was new for me.

"We'll do it together. Werewolf and vampire remember, what could get past us?". I assured. She gave me a really look before she shook her head and chuckled.

"Plus there is one other thing we could do. something I'd rather not do but we might have to if the police stuff doesn't go well. " I spoke looking down at the ground then back up her. Her hazel eyes shined a bit as she looked back at me.

"We could always tell my mum." I continued.

Her eyes widened as she began shaking her head.

"But she's a cop she could arrest me and ..."

"She's my mum. If we tell her this we tell her everything and I know she'd understand. I would rather keep her out of this supernatural stuff but if it gets to it , then we might need it to save your sorry ass" I added trying to lighten the mood.

"This is all fucked up Ash". She mumured sitting back and resting her back against the wall. Is good back up and looked down at her exhaling.

"Told you the there would be something nice waiting today. Feels like each day since that night has been hell." I groaned sitting down opposite her my legs crossed beneath me as I rubbed circles in my palm.

"Tell me about it, still hope this is a bad dream, I just wanna wake the f**k up." She whisper yelled balling her hands to fists and slamming it down on the concrete floor between her legs creating a dent and bits of cracked floor.

"Easy there she hulk"I joked casting a little smile.

"It'd be fine. We'll get through this one step at a time." I assured scooting closer until our knees touched.

"And when it gets more hard or more dangerous or more I don't know .. just fucked up I guess." She muttered her eyes beginning to glow from anger.

"Then we watch our backs and protect each other. Whoever did this, I bet they didn't see us ganging up together. I mean what's the odds, a wolf and a vampire, friends". I said shrugging. She seemed to quiet at this this then a sad but serious look on her face she asked.

"Friends?. Are we really friends now?." She asked locking her hazel gaze with mine. My mind seemed to stumble a bit at the look but I quickly shook myself up.

"Well we could always skip to the romance part" I joked wiggling my eyebrows as I tried throwing off whatever awkwardness would attempt to rear up with that question. She visibly froze up a bit then burst out in laughter a palm over her mouth.

"Alright. I knew it. I knew you had the hots for me."She exclaimed a finger pointed accusingly at me as she appeared victorious.

"Why does everyone say that. Am I that obvious" I said keeping up the joke her laughter pleasing me for some reason.

"Who's everyone?" She asked still chuckling.

"That would be Benjamin." I stated. " He's a pain up my ass." I covered the side of my mouth with my left palm and whispered quietly like he was around and could hear. She dropped her head down and laughed some more before looking back up at me a smile now dominant on her face as she kept up the gaze.

"So, what do you  say Aurora Delores Philips, friends?." I asked with a grin.

"Why does that feel like you're asking me out on a date?" She mused wiggling her brows.

"I'm beginning to suspect that  you're the one with the actual hots for me here Red." I stated throwing an overexaggerated  wink.  She burst into quiet chuckles then clamped a hand over her mouth again to stiffle them when they threatened to get louder as her shoulders shook while I just leaned back smiling.

It took a few minutes for her laughter to die down to a silent smile before she nodded and spoke.

"So, friends huh. Just a little warning you'll be missing out on the cake if you just wanna be friends". She joked throwing her own overexaggerated wink to which I made a fake throw up.

"That was horrible. Gotta teach you how to wink too Red. " I teased. She pouted and gave me the middle finger.

"F**k off." She muttered making a face.

"Yep. She definitely has the hots for me" I drawled smirking. She blinked at me before shaking her head with a new smile.

"Alright alright. No more laughter my belly can't take it again." She said  still smiling while we stared at each other. Then she leaned forward raising her right hand up.

"Well if your question still stands Asher Theodore McKnight, then yes friends" she tiled her head the smile growing broader as I took her palm with mine and leaned closer.

"Guess I can tell Benjamin that I got a girlfriend now". I whispered out.

"Oh come on" she muttered still smiling before she pushed me back playfully.  The bell rang at that and we both looked up to the door.

"Time to head out Red." I spoke as I stood dusting my pants . Before I held out a hand to her which she took and I pulled her up. She stumbled forward a bit and I moved quickly stopping her staggering while she grabbed onto my jacket to steady herself.

"Quite the lack... " I lost my speech as I looked up her face mere inches from mine. Hazel eyes looking into mine as I gulped quietly, my mind screaming to move but my body seemingly ignorant of the command as I watched her eyes drifting down till the locked on my lips.

"You both better be getting another room cause this one is actually mine and I don't need crap around my stuff. " The voice sent us apart faster than we realized her cheeks turning beet red as she snuck a look at me while nervously rubbing her forehead.

Sticking my hand s down my pants pockets I gazed at the intruder a part of me glad another furious at his intrusion. The janitor stood looking us over like we were spilling dirt on floor he'd already cleaned.

"Sorry, we'll be outta ya hair." I turned to Aurora and nodded to the door. A motion she seemed to be quite eager to do as she grabbed her bag off the floor and fled the room her face already going tomato red.

Nodding to the janitor who huffed at me his scraggy beard raised at me I followed after her. I walked the corridor quickly spotting her walking up to her locker and fiddle with it as her body still seemed flustered. I pondered going over to her to discuss our plans or letting her air out a bit.

Deciding I spoke, a whisper. I knew she'd hear from her distance. Her attention was in my direction as she waited for me to come close.

"I'll be in my next class, but we do need to talk about the police station and getting the evidence. I'll call my mum to see if they have made any progress on the case. That way we'll  know what we're after. See you during recess, Red." I turned to leave once she slightly nodded to let me know she had heard before heading for my locker.