Chereads / Not Human 1 / Chapter 16 - Seeing Red...

Chapter 16 - Seeing Red...


Friday came faster than expected with school hours flying by like a breeze. The past days since we spoilt the system to corrupt data back the station had been uneventful. To me it was good a thing gave us space to revisit and take pictures of the tree symbols again with Aurora's new phone.

It was the last hour of class which was the sports break. Everyone was assembled outside for tryouts in the football team. Others did some fitness exercise at the other ends, cheerleaders yelled and jumped doing their stuff, another group of athletes made a warm up ring at another corner. The field itself was packed.

I munched down on some Doritos as I tried to listen in on Benjamin's grand  speech on how he'd apparently swooned a girl. A tale I found hard to believe as he was more likely to have the girl running the opposite direction from his forwardness.

"...and then she says if I want her number" I turned to him at that part raising an eyebrow.

"Really?." I scoffed. He glared as he replied.

."and what's that supposed to me?" Nothing. Just that it's you and it's the ladies, so yeah.

"Fuck off mate." He cursed dipping his hand into my Doritos pack and grabbing a handful. I glared at him as he muched away not even glancing at me.

*So where's your Lady Red today huh. You both been hanging out quite the lot this days. Anything your best bud should know, I mean is not everyday you get into a relationship. " He mused eyeing me curiously.

"No relationships or anything Benji. Just two good friends, nothing more nothing less." I muttered

*Oh there'll be more, you'll see. Much more.".he stated smirking. I rolled my eyes and looked back down to ongoing tryouts . My eyes soon lost interest and drifted off amongst the various activities searching subconsciously till it stopped at the volleyball ball team.

*We have a volleyball team?" I asked surprised. Had never seen them before not like I hung around much though.

"Indeed we do. But it's the girls, guys weren't too keen on foregoing football." Benjamin said the last of my Doritos disappearing into his mouth. He stole a glance at me and leaned in slightly.

"If you want an amputation then try it!" I warned not even looking his way. He sighed and stopped moving while we kept watching.

I saw her next, well more like Benjamin saw her got excited and pointed her out. She had on a pair of blue jean bum shorts that showed legs for days, a cropped out white singlet with the number 47 on the back. My brows furrowed wondering if she was in the racer's team. But I relaxed when she went to volleyball instead.

Tracking behind her were Venna and some of her other girl scouts. I was a bit bothered since from here I could basically see how pale she was. It looked like she'd gotten more pale than normal.

I wondered if people would suspect something but I was glad they didn't. She stood around a circle with her friends talking and I found myself listening in as I watched her. Her red hair was in a ponytail up on her head, which did nothing to reduce the length as it's tail just dropped down her back. My eyes travelled over her from forehead to down to hips that the bum short wasn't doing a good job of hiding and legs that ran down for days.

She made a glance up our gazes locking stiffening me  as I looked away to the football team and back . She waved with a smile her girls all turning to look but most not spotting my location. It didn't shock me one bit when Venna glanced straight at me without a fuss then waved a little her face a bright smile. I returned both a forced smile and wave before I realised she was waving me over.

"Benji?" I turned to him.

*Yep man."he barely looked my way still accessing the girls in Aurora's group.

" You say your good with the girls right?" I asked slyly. He nodded a cocky smirk formed on his lips.

"Well then let's go meet them" his eyes noticeably widened and a bit of me grinned.

The girls made a team and formed on one side as we got down waiting for the other players to get one side knocked out. I walked up to stand by the girls my gaze finding Aurora's as she sent a sheepish smile my way before trotting over.

"Hey bro. How you doing?. How was last night, heard you introduced my girl to your mum huh, going quite a bit fast don't you think.?" Venna swooped in before Aurora and prattled off. I just stared at her as she spoke my mind wondering how to get rid of her.

*Hey Venna this is ..." I stopped and looked at the spot beside me. Benjamin wasn't there anymore, my eyes made a degree around me searching.

"Looking for your dude?. There he is". He was already trying to get his way with one of the girls and my jaw dropped as the girl smiled back listening intently and bobbing her head to his words.

"Hell sure did freeze over" I muttered.

"Yeah it did. What did I say about going slowly Mr hot and sexy with the blue eyes" Venna bit out her dark gaze locked with mine. This girl was a piece of work that I was sure.

"Look we just did some stuff and then she went with me for a call to my mum's since we weren't done with our activity yet." I explained. Ask me why I felt like explaining and I'd say cause the girl looked goddamn like someone not to be messed with.

She raised her head and inch almost like she was trying to see me at eye level.

"Okay, okay. Venna . Time out . We're up now" Aurora rolled in finally and I looked at her like the guardian angel of the month. Venna smiled sweetly at me, too sweetly like she wasn't against me but also like she was ready to rip me to shreds at a blink.

Aurora held her arm pulling her away before flashing me an overexaggerated wink to which I chuckled and stepped away moving to spoil Benjamin's flirt session. Didn't need to though as the girl left to join the match.

He looked at me with a cocky grin that had me rolling my eyes as I shook my head.

"Idiot." I lamented. The whistle blew and the game began. I watched surprised that Venna gave the first serve and her hand was strong with the defence of the other team barely keeping up and sending the ball back. The girls made shouts amongst themselves as the ball came to their end rolling over them to strike the marked in box  Aurora was there instantly and if I hadn't been watching I'd think she used her vampire speed. Going defensive she smacked the ball up dropping back as another blond girl tipped the ball setting it for Venna who didn't disappoint. 

The first point went to them quickly as Venna's strike had their defense eating grass. The next serve came and the game accelerated. Most of the girls switching positions to better mark Venna. Though it was slowly starting to not matter as the girls proved unbeatable. Venna's strike always ringing true, the girl always knew where to place the ball. The others were pretty capable at keeping the ball from getting to the floor when twas in their range and gave back some good strikes when Venna was shifted and with Aurora at defence getting a point seemed harder for the other team.

"Geez that's pure destruction man. Your girlfriend's team is badass." Benjamin stated grinning in excitement from watching the game. Some dude beside him heard and looked to us then back at the team.

"Your girlfriend is one of the queen bees?" He asked skepticism on his face as he eyed me over.

"No. Just a friend" I said ignoring his look.

"You sure man, I mean people like Aurora Philips and the others are way outta your league. You must be her tutor or something that's the only way you'd get to be around someone like us." He mocked smirking. I mentally rolled my eyes, typical highschool boys.

"I mean look at her, George definitely was a fool leaving that piece of cake, anyone who'd leave a girl in that group would. But I'd guess he'd had his fill, I mean think about it having her all for yourself for quite the while. If you get what I mean." He threw a sly wink at me as it dawned on me what he meant. My hands clenched as imy eyes narrowed.

"He was bound to get bored though. Who wouldn't right?" He stated a smirk rising on his face my heart beating loud in response as a feeling came that I knew all too well now.

"Wonder how long it'll take to have her not that you'd know you obviously wouldn't be her type.". He mumured ignorant as my shoulders seemed to vibrate a bit.

"Wonder all the styles she could possibly..." he started but it died in his throat as I put a hand on his shoulder.

My heart beat once, twice and my vision turned red a growl growing up my chest and tumbling out my throat as I turned to him.

"Shut the fuck up". I snarled out. My vision was going from red to colourful and back to normal my gaze fixed down. A shout of dismay sounded around me but I didn't even bother looking to see what happened.

*Oh come on dude it's the truth, Don't be mad cause your not getting in that position. Don't worry though I be sure to tell you the juicy..." His head lobbed to the side blood spilling out the side of his mouth as his legs left the ground his body taking a nice trip up before gravity declined his application letter to go up and brought him crashing down on his back. Shouts echoed over the field while I looked down at him his form laying out cold in the ground.

Looking down at my hands i narrowed my gaze as it was still fisted. Then turned to stare at the red hair who was glaring down at the guy her eyes the distinct shade of red as chest heaved, her knuckles still clenched from the upper cut she just robbed me off.

"I had that Red. " I muttered lowly. Her eyes flashed to me then back to him.

"I'm the one he was talking nasty about". She said her glare never leaving the knocked out fellow.

"What's going on here " a teacher showed up asking then halted spotting the knocked out kid. He began shouting to other students to check on the kid as he appraised both Aurora and I.

"So which one of you?" He asked without a blink. I quickly pointed at her of course. The teacher's eyes crinkled as he stared at me then at her then back at me. I looked to Aurora and stopped seeing her finger pointing at me.

"Really?." I muttered raising my brow.

"Boyfriends cover for their girlfriends" she whispered with a shit eating grin now replacing her glare.

"You two detention till five. Isn't it lovely to be getting more hard workers for the school annual play." He smiled mischievously. The kid at this point was being carried away after being splashed with water to revive his ass.

*You'll see for this Philips" he shouted out as his eyes blazed with annoyance and embarrassment. I turned back to the game a chuckle on my lips while she smiled up to me.

"Aurora get your ass here game's not over. " One of the girls called out. With a smile she hopped away backwards.

"Go get wm" I gave an exaggerated wink to her before she turned to focus and my eyes drifted to watch the match stopping on Venna. She was picking her fingers attentively as she entered the ring, but it was quite obvious what or where she was looking. I gave a worried smile which she returned, hers more devilish than sweet this time.

At that moment I felt like I should have been worried, very worried. A glance at Benjamin found he was also staring at Venna.

"Dude I think you gotta watch that one." He muttered a you are dead look on his face. "or well... Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. There's a reason that phrase goes such and right now her friend has been scorned. "Okay. Highschool seemed to be getting more eventful after all.