Chereads / I Am Anti-romantic / Chapter 3 - I'll work on my status

Chapter 3 - I'll work on my status

Los Angeles, CA

Sebastian's place

"You didn't stay long,"

Keeping quiet for a long time, he ignored her and mixed his drink. On a normal day, the noble prince doesn't mix his drink but today he did. Sitting on the bar stool, he gulped the whole content like a vodka shot, "It was a casual meeting with one of my clients from overseas." He stated before looking at her.

"Ahh, that's good, I thought you hang out with Ryan and your friends." His mother Petra remarked.

He nodded his head and started tapping the table. Glancing at his watch, "Where is Nelly?"

"Oh, she went out with Calvin, you know how bubbly she is whenever it comes to her boyfriend."

"Typical Nelly," He smirk his lips. "Why didn't you hang out with some of your friends? At least be sociable."

"Of course I usually do, and how about you?" Petra knows that her son is somehow an introvert but yet he doesn't hang out with people. He is the most boring person she has ever met. Workaholic, handsome, strict, formal, cold, cruel and stubborn.

When he ignored her, she stood up and sat next to him, "Sebastian, are you a robot?" When he gave her a strange look, she added, "You're always busy 24/7, you don't even have time for yourself let alone chilling out with your cousin and friends."

"But at least am chilling with you right now." He frowned.

"You call this chilling?" Helplessly shaking her head, she chuckled, "Seb, this is not chilling. We are just having a conversation, okay?"

Sebastian nodded his head. The most important one person he respects is his mother. He has never doubted her words neither has he retorted back at her. He always does whatever she demands and inquire.

Since when his father Grayson Flynn divorced his mother and got married to another woman Lorena Hamilton, he decide to shift his mother over to his huge mansion, so they can leave together in peace. After his stepbrother Liam Flynn caused a lot of crises in the main mansion, Sebastian decide to move out just to stick out of sudden troubles. And ever since then, Sebastian summon all tiles with his father.

Looking at his slender mother whom doesn't look older than thirty, "Doesn't a conversation sound like chilling?" Without waiting for her answer, he shrugged his shoulders, "For me, it surely sounds like fun."

"Seb, what are you? 5? How is talking all day a fun thing?"

"To me, it is."

She arched his head back and sighed, "Grow up, will you? Stop acting like a robot when you ain't one. Talking all day is not too good for our vocals. It might result to vocal cord disorder or lost of voices."

"Mrs Flynn, I never knew that you were a doctor."

"I don't wish to become a doctor but a scientist. If only I could make a beautiful female human creature for you, then you would have had a girlfriend by now." When he rolled his eyes and groaned, she snapped, "Get a girlfriend Sebastian Flynn!"

"There you go again, when are you going to stop bugging me with such issues? Must you include it everytime we talk?"

"Yes I have to, not until you bring a woman into this mansion. A woman whom will deliver my grandbabies." She retorted aggressively. Sebastian could sense the tone of anger in her tongue.

Placing his elbows on the table, he rubbed the back of his hands and took a deep breath, "Mom, you can ask Nelly to supply you grandbabies if you need one urgently. After all she's in an official relationship with one of my friends. But as for me, I'm not ready to extend my family, period."

"Of course I do need grandbabies from Nelly and you as well." When he did not say anything, she burst into tears and started smacking his shoulder, "I blame myself, after carrying you and Nelly in my womb for nine months and struggled to push out, you guys don't want to give me my grandbabies."

Sebastian hates it whenever she cries. To him, every drop of her tears is like a piece of diamond. He adores and cherish every bit of her more than himself. Running his hands through his face, he sighed and made his way towards her.

Wiping her eyes, "Okay, okay, please stop crying, I didn't mean to say those words, okay? I was just trying to clarify a point. Am not interested in getting into a relationship right now. There is time for everything, I'd love to stay for a couple of times, just to chill out my instincts, please understand."

Petra wept harder and gave him light smacks on his chest, "Your words are hurting me the more, how could you clarify that you ain't ready for a relationship now. You are 28, Nelly is 25 and she's dating but you are not. Yet you two keep starving me with grandbabies."

'Oh gosh, how do I soothe her? She'll keep on crying if I don't find a better way to console her.' Taking a deep breath, he rubbed her back, "Its alright, I'll work on my status, happy now?"

Widening her eyes, she hopefully inquired, "Are you serious?"

"Well, I can't tell right n–"

Cutting him off, she pulled him into her embrace. Kissing the top of his head, "Please bring her home as soon as you meet her." When he gave her a weak smile, she squealed in excitement and flash out.

Pinching the space between his brows, he groaned in frustration and sat on the barstool. 'Stupid Sebastian, why did you nod to her request? Now tell me how on earth am I going to sort this out? Is not like am fully prepared for a relationship, in fact I don't need one right now. All I know is business, work, appointment and investments. That's all.'


Sebastian Flynn, a native of Los Angeles, is a very handsome, stunning and good-looking young man in his blooming age. Some people refer him as a robotic machine in human form, because of his too much attention and interest in business.

He is a noble prince as they address him to be. Handsome with brawly body, muscle biceps facial features, light brown eyes, dark copper hair, well shaped brows, pointed nose, perfect jawline and thin cherry lips.

Sebastian doesn't have time for family issues, funtime or anything outside business. He is 24/7 devoted to his profession and he loves it.

When his mother Petra Bobbitt realized that his father Grayson Flynn had an affair with another woman when Sebastian was just 3 and Nelly a month old, she decided to bare with him and digest all the naughty things he has done, until when her husband divorce her and brought home the other woman along with a little boy who was the same age as Sebastian.

Life got miserable as Petra asked Grayson to justify the meaning of the shit that happened in their relationship. After being with a gentle and handsome man but yet cruel and cold masculine for over the years, conflicts and crises began to arouse.

Grayson was questioned in courts on the day of his divorce trials to explain the main reasons why he chose to part ways with his first wife and how the other woman and her son came about.

After set had gone, Grayson finally landed on a piercing and hurting statement which almost made Petra collapsed instantly. Then he stated, that he has been having a secret affair with his long time mistress Lorena, and during the process of their relationship, she ended up getting pregnant for him.

Although, Sebastian stood a gap of five months older than his stepbrother Liam Flynn whom is a disrespectful, annoying and womanizing kind of man.

With all the torture, torment and violence Petra passed through in her marriage, she didn't think twice before saying 'Yes' To the divorce option.

Whereas, properties and wealth had been divided to the three kids in the family. As the eldest and most gentleman in the family, Sebastian was renowned the CEO and president of his father's company. A popular and well-known company in the whole of America, 'Flynn International group'

Grayson and his younger brother Collins Flynn had first rule the company for years after the death of their father and now they both willed it to the new heirs and heiress of the family.

Ryan Flynn, Sebastian and Nelly's cousin, a gentle and handsome young man same age as Sebastian, also joined in the pronunciation and ordination of the company's share. He runs the position of the VP, while Nelly takes the part of the MD.

But as for Liam, he was placed in the company as an intern. Yes, Sebastian and Ryan fixed him in the position of an intern, when he couldn't provide his certificate and degrees. Let alone having experience or knowledge about the company.

Sebastian wouldn't have done so, but his mother pleaded him to. Petra is a simple hearted woman with a gifted habit of tolerance. Just to stay out of trouble or save her son's image from getting ruined, she chose Liam to work in the company with his relatives.

Despite all the nonsense she had suffered in the hands of her Ex she still claim to love him more. And whenever Sebastian or Nelly speak against him, she'll shut them down with a knock or resounding slap. She'll always defend for Grayson no matter what he has done to her.

She knows for sure that definitely one day, he will realize his mistakes and apologize to her.
