Ha Rang POV
Is it too good to be truth Ha Rang-ahh?
I looked at the guy in front of me with tears blurred my vision "Han Min Gyu?"
"I thought you had forgotten about my exist punk girl" Min Gyu smiled sweetly as he took my hands and let me to embrace him
Han Min Gyu who is my boy best friend since I'm standard 1. I thought I won't meet him after he went study abroad to UK.
I gently released myself from his arms and looked at him "when did you arrived here? I don't hear any news about it from your parents and how you know I'm here??" *I frowned my eyebrows*
Min Gyu chuckled softly as he use his right hand to rub my head "I told them to keep it secret since I want to surprise you! Besides, I saw you just now and tried to called you but.."
He use his finger and scratched his head while think the reason why he didn't called her ".. you too busy taking that aunty ass pictures"
I rolled my eyes and use my right hand, smacked his arms "are you crazy? Im not a lesbian pervert okayyy? Now I'm hoping you are farrrrr frommmm meeeeeee"
Min Gyu pretend took a deep breath in disbelief "how could you said that to me.."
I chuckled slowly as I walked pass him, he still never change like last time Han Min Gyu.
"Yahhh wait for meeee, and don't forget tonight my house having a dinner and my parents invite your family" Min Gyu walking to me and smiled brightly
I looked at him and nod my head cutely, smiled "I will"
Third Point Of View
Se Ho looked at her eldest daughter and smiled weakly "sometimes its okay if we can't get something and you had tried your best, next time for sure you going to get the job Ha Rang!"
"Appa (father) I don't think so I'm going to pass again since today I had go 5 interview and they keep on said the same and the worst one is the bull head incident!" Ha Rang bit her lips and sigh
Her father smiled sweetly and sat beside her as he pat her back "you know this world is big and have more than millions people, we all trying our best to survive this world and no matter what. We will always meet someone that bring us down. So don't listen to them and wake up--"
"--wake up and take bath both buffalo!" Mi Jung looked at both of them while holding her spatula out
"I think your eomma (mother) going to be a green hulk soon. Let's take bath and get ready since you are going to your in law house" Se Ho smiled widely and run inside his room
Ha Rang looked at her father room and use her both hands to cover her cheeks that slowly turning into red "APPAAAAAA( father)!!!!"
Skip time: Han Min Gyu House
Min Guy Point of View
"Min Gyu oppa!"
I smiled widely as I turn around, thought its Jin Ha Rang
Ha Ri run toward Min Gyu and hug him, smiled sweetly "why don't you tell me that you had arrived here?"
My widely smiled slowly turn to small smiled "Where's your sister?"
"huh?" Ha Ri looked at him with frowned eyes
She cover with small smiled and tried to talked but cut off by Min Gyu mother loud voice who is greeting Ha Rang with warm hug
"Ha Rang-ahh, you had grown up and turned to a beautiful woman indeed. Your future mother in law must be lucky to have you to be their daughter in law" Min Gyu mother looked at her and smiled sweetly
Ha Rang shook her head and giggle cutely "I don't think so they will be lucky to have me ajumma since I can't even take care of myself"
"Then let my Min Gyu to take care you since you both looks really cute together, for sure you both can give me a cute grandchildren for me" Min Gyu mother chuckled and smiled widely
I walked towards both of them and pretend to not heard any of their conversation, "Eomma (mother) I think your bulgogi going to be burn"
Min Gyu mother stopped chuckling, looking at them with horrific and went inside the kitchen quickly "my bulgogiiiiii"
We both chuckled by my mother face
"You looked pretty like always, Ha Rang" I looked at her and smiled shyly
Ha Rang bit her lips to prevent her from smiling and looked up "You looked not bad too Min Gyu"
Skip time: Dinner
"Ha Rang-ahh, you can work with me at my florist shop since you haven't have any work yet" Min Gyu mother smiled sweetly
Se Ho and Min Gyu father having an eye contact and raised their both shoulder in questionable
Ha Rang shook her head and smiled "I don't think so I should bother--"
"you won't bother me, Ha Rang. Besides, I'm bored since I'm taking care alone in that shop" The middle age lady looked at Ha Rang with her old puppy eyes
Min Gyu father shook his head and took some beef with his chopsticks "Your eyes too small to do that Shin Ji"
"(sigh in disbelief) Your ball more smaller than my eyes, excuse me?" Shin Ji, min gyu mother rolled her eyes
Everyone even Ha Rang, choked and coughing hardly when they heard the statement
"YAHHH!!!" Min Gyu father stood up and pointed at his wife using chopsticks
Shin Ji stood up and looked up at him "what? what? you wanna fight? let's fight!"
Ha Rang use her hand to cover her lips that giggles at both of them. She looked across her and caught Min Gyu stared at her, but he didn't even turned to looked at other side
She sat frozen to her spot while thought, 'why is he looking at me like that?'
unknown by everyone, there's two eyes looking at both of them in furiously and jealous