WASHI, still with bloody hands, kneeling, next to WAPURO's body.

He loses himself in his memories, in them, and finds himself in the collapsed castle of the world in HEAVEN.

There, she finds KEKI and CHONT-SU dying in her arms.

She can see her mother, she, also suffered like MUK NIOM, with her eyes full of abundant tears that did not let her see clearly... only, it is MUK NIOM who possesses the pure blood, and WASHI wonders, if his mother would have done the same for CHON-TSU or if time would take its course.

There is no possibility in her heart that her mother would give her life for this man whose heart and quite possibly her soul was touched.

WASHI, loves his father TOIRE very much, and this is an issue that hurts him.

WASHI, he feels that it is something that he cannot accept from his mother, that love that seems sick to him, a love between brothers with the excuse of a purer being uniting their divinities... and at the same time so pure, for that very reason, it is, contradictory... Likewise, it was her mother, who sacrificed herself worrying about bringing her into the world, instead of looking out for her survival.

KEKI definitely had the power to live by killing her, however, he didn't.

She remembers that first and only kiss from her mother, through the memories that CHONT-SU showed her.

And how she felt the effect of touch on her being, from the moment he pulled her by the leg out from under the covers when she was born, to wrap her awkwardly in the sheet.

Her mother's cold hands brought her to tears.

She could also feel the coldness on her mother's lips as she kissed her.

A shiver runs through her body.

Will she, like all her predecessors, die soon?

Will being a mother or not changing anything at all?

Either way, she doesn't believe in the hypothesis of TOIRE, who advised her not to become a mother.

His father showed him a very deep concern about it.

In her mind, she remembers CHINE smiling for her, the man with whom she has fallen deeply in love.

There was a moment when an idea crossed his mind.

That morning she woke up in her husband's arms, she looked him in the face. It was so beautiful to catch a glimpse of his closed eyes, still asleep.

She thought for a moment what a child would be like, the product of her beloved man.

She quickly closed herself off on the idea, they had agreed to postpone everything related to the subject for fear of losing her.

Since, TOIRE talked to CHINE about this once.

At the moment he doesn't know what to do, he just remembers how hurt CHINE is right now.

While the blue light has closed his wound, he doesn't know how out of danger he is.

He wonders: Will he have to be a sacrifice given his heritage of origin?

She is engrossed when an altered voice breaks her self-absorption.

YEYA reprimands MUK NIOM, who is slowly losing consciousness without her noticing.

His skin has paled enormously, his lips have darkened.

YEYA believes that this is enough.

Although, I let her do her will, but, he can't allow her to die.

He has no idea if it will do any good not to complete the ritual, just... He won't let his sister die.

Immediately, without her sister's permission, YEYA heals her wrist wound, using her power, leaving a slight scar on her unconscious sister.

There were a few minutes of silence, YEYA holding MUK NIOM's body leaning on her shoulder, with OSIRIS on her lap.

WASHI watches them, not daring to utter a word.

Alone, he comes to see the state of OSIRIS, little by little he begins to see a change in the wounds, they seem to begin to heal.

However, neither of them has regained consciousness.

WASHI comes to her senses, she, as the adult she is, has let this situation get out of control.

Now, he has more people injured.

And look at YEYA, which has decided to minimize the damage as much as possible.

Feel some guilt. It was her negligence and lack of courage in being demoralized in the face of the outrage towards WAPURO that was lost.

He should have helped them decide what to do.

MU NIOM lies next to OSIRIS and YEYA on the ground, she dying like OSIRIS and her brother visibly affected.

It's time to mobilize, they're stuck and CHINE is still in bad shape, WASHI, she just knows that they must take care of them, only time will tell if the 2 of them live or die because of this sacrifice.

Look at MUK NIOM, that young woman, with her mother's soul... she doesn't know whether to feel sad because she is the daughter of ESU or whether to feel guilt because her mother's soul sleeps in MUK NIOM.

He knows he is a bad person, at least that's how he feels, more than anything, because he feels resentment towards his mother.

end of chapter 44