Chereads / Third Universe / Chapter 3 - Troubled relationship

Chapter 3 - Troubled relationship

(At night in the palace both Evangelia and Erica are walking at the corridor towards Evangelia's bedroom laughing)

E: That was really nice.

Er: Yes, especially since I won you at every race we had. Im the best.

E: You wish. I let you win.

Er: Again? Such a generous Queen we have.

(Arrive at Evangelia's room)

E: Good night.

Er: Wait,I have something for you. I was planning to give it on your birthday but I think you need it more now.

(Erika gives her a small velvet box tied with a golden ribbon. Evangelia opens it suprised)

E: Erika,this is….

Er: An automatic stamp. With your signature. That way you wont have to sign everything by hand anymore. Just press and you are done. I know it is not elegant or beautiful but it…..

(Evangelia hugs her tightly)

E: Thank you,thank you. You have no idea how much time it will free me

(Evangelia kisses Erika's temple and the mass of energy lines there glows for a second)

Er: Eve! You know my brain centers of energy lines are sensitive

E: I know. Thats why I am touching then. Goodnight,thank you for the gift(frowns)

It may be the only celebration I will get.

Er: About that…

E: Goodnight. I love you.

Er: Love you too. Goodnight.

(Evangelia shuts the door)

Er: I was about to tell her and spoil the surprise.But something needs to be done about Mary.

(the Next morning)

(a knock on the door on Evangelia's study)

E: Come in

(Hestia walks into the room)

E: Hestia! What a pleasant surprise! Sit,please

(Hestia sits but seems concerned)

E: What brings you here?

(Hestia is sitting with her hands crossed on her lap and with her head down)

E: Is something the matter,Hestia?

H: Evangelia,you know I hate meddling with other people's business

(Evangelia lifts her eyebrow)

H: Yes,as strange as it may sound it doesn't please me

E: You do it merely from the good of your heart to inform others

H: Exactly

(Evangelia puts down her pen and sits back in the chair)

E: What is it,Hestia? I know you came here to tell me some gossip you heard about me. Well,I must tell you that I pay little to no concern to these rumours. Not after the last one that suggested I was a boy in disguise

(Hestia stands up and puts her hands on the desk)

H: That was simply a fun story. What I am about to tell you concerns you gravely.

E: You rarely sound so serious,Hestia. Tell me.

(Hestia takes a deep breath and sits back down)

H: I know that is a very personal question and I am partially ashamed to ask this but…. Evangelia, have you been controlling yourself lately?

E: I beg your pardon?

H: Don't misjudge me. I know that you are young,energetic and that patience is not anyone's strong point at this age,not to mention your active energy system

E(starting to get agitated): Hestia! What rumour is circulating around the palace?!

H(deep breath): That you had the forbidden technique with Erika last night! Is it true?

(Evangelia is shocked but stays silent)

E(calmly): Who started the rumour?

H: I don't know. But is it true? Did you…?

E: Dont lie to me Hestia because I am not in the mood. You know. I know you know. Who is it?

(Hestia doesn't speak)

(Evangelia stands up and hovers over her aggressively)

E: I will not ask again. Who spread that rumour?

H: I won't tell you. I can't be responsible for another fight between you and Mary

(Hestia claps her mouth but the damage was already done)

E: Mary!

(Evangelia storms out of the room and runs to the corridor towards Mary's study)

Andromeda: Evangelia. Good morning. How are you?

E: Good morning. Not so good. Where is Mary?

A: In her study. I just finished a meeting with her. I strongly suggest you don't interrupt her. She is in a very bad mood.

E: And she is going to feel worse after I am done with her.

(Andromeda tries to stop Evangelia)

A: I repeat that this is a bad idea. Your fights are disrupting the peace of the entire court and are making you look bad. So if you insist on going to see her at least talk peacefully about some form of reconciliation.

E: If we had this conversation yesterday I would have been more than happy to follow that course of action. But not today. Not after what I have learned. I have my limits. So no Andromeda. I am not going to make peace with her. I am going to inform her that the only thing that will connect us from now on is the piece of my soul that comes from her.

(Evangelia walks by Andromeda who has a sad look on her face but makes no further attempt to stop her)

(In Mary's study)

(Evangelia opens the door violently and Mary stands up)

M: How do you come in like that? You forgot your manners?

E: Don't worry. Add it to the list I don't have alongside self-control and dignity.

M: Explain yourself.

E: I know what have you been telling the court since this morning

M: I have the right to express suspicions that concern their Queen.

E: No you don't. Especially without proof. How did you come to this conclusion anyway?

M: I was looking for Erica last night and a servant told me that he saw you two talking outside of your room. Tell me,did you do it?

E(laughing): Unbelievable. I didn't know you could stoop so low.

M: Stop insulting me and answer my question.

(Evangelia opens her mouth to speak but she closes it again and takes Mary's hand amd put it over her heart)

E: Dont you know? Dont you know if the energy system of your energy companion has been penetrated down to its core? If you dont then I feel sorry for you

(Evangelia turns to leave but Mary speaks)

M: If you go to that trip on your birthday you will confirming the suspicions.

E: So that is what is this all about. You feel insulted to have been exluded and you chose this form of revenge. Let me rephrase your words. If I go to that trip,you will stay here,and you will be exposed,and possibly humiliated,for not accompanying the Queen and the other princesses. And since everyone knows you started the rumours,they will also know why and you will be humiliated further.

M: You dont know that this will be the way things will progress. You may endanger your reputation ever further and solidify the rumours.

E: If you are willing to take the risk,then I cant stop you. But I am going away for my birthday. End of discussion.

(Turns to leave again)

M: If you would allow Johanna to perform an examination to test your energy purity then you could put everyone to rest.

(Evangelia approaches Mary even more angry than before)

E: For the sake of both of us I will pretend I didnt hear you suggest I subject myself to a test that questions my dignity and purity.

M: Evangelia….

E: No. This has to end. You have insulted and undermined me one too many times. From now you shall call me "Your Majesty" or any other official title you prefer. And since you were so concerned that I am energy impure let me inform that I won't ever do the forbidden technique with you unless I will be forced to do so.

(Mary got agitated listening to the last part. She approached Eve and whispered threateningly in her ear)

M: If you think I am going to let you toss me aside both politically and socially then you are very much mistaken. So when the proper time comes we are having the forbidden technique. Either you want it or not

(Andromeda,Fotini and Erica lifting their heads feeling an immense fear pouring out of their Queen and energy companion)

(Evangelia backs away)

E: I don't want to see your face for the rest of the day.

M: Neither do I but we don't always get what we want. Right?

(Evangelia exits the room. Mary sits back down to her office)