Chereads / Third Universe / Chapter 5 - Walk on the beach

Chapter 5 - Walk on the beach

H: What are you thinking?

A: Nothing. Just admirring the sunset.

H: Romantic as always, aren't you Adam?

(Adam is looking at other side and doesn't answer)

H: Adam!

A: Yeah, sorry. I was lost in thoughts..

H: What is it?

A: Nothing important really! So...(approaches Haures) you like to spend our 2 days off?

(Kisses his neck)

H: Don't know. You decide. It was your idea after all! (Kisses him)

A: about we have some fun on the beach? (Smilles lustfully)

H: you can't keep it in for a minute, can't you?

A: What else should we do? Talk about reports and shits while we are taking some time off? Or go to collect seashells like some kids?

H: I prefer to talk about reports than collecting that natural garbages!

A: Garbages?

H: Yes. Biologically speaking they are garbages!

A: Didn't knew that. Likely i'm married with a moving Wikipedia! (Sarcasm)

H: And you're romantic! (Sarcasm)

A: Well no!

H: Fucking on the beach with view of the sunset. Yeah..not romantic at all!

A: I'm not the romantic one in this relationship.

H: Neither am I. You know that.

A: I beg to differ. I have seen your romantic side, sugar!

H: When have you seen it?

A: When we first met.

H: You're joking right? There was nothing romantic in our first meeting.

(many years ago. Shadow Palace)

(Adam is running covered in wounds)

Shadow: Halt! Who's there?

A: Damn! I have to hide!

(Haures comes out and sees Adam)

H: Who are you?

(Adam jumps off a wall and enters the palace)

H: Find him!!

(Adam finds a place to hide but Haures eventually finds him)

H: Well well well. Who do we have here?

(Adam is afraid because he knows he can't defend himself while wounded)

A: Are you the Prince?

H: One of which. You are mess.

A: A brilliant observation detective. How did you know?

H: My eyes work. What are you doing here?

A: .....Im hiding. From someone who is after me.

H: Well,if these wounds aren't treated immediately you will find a permanent hiding spot in your grave.

A(ironic smile): You will act as my nurse? How kind of you your Majesty.

H: You've got humour. It would a waste to be heard only by the dead(turns to a Shadow). Get Johanna here now. And lead my room.

A: If I may ask.....why do you want to help me?

H: I dont want mortals dying on the floor of my palace. Blood simply doesn't come off the carpets.

A: Aren't you a Shadow? Dont you hate mortals?

H: Yes. But for some reason, you dont awaken that hatred in me. I dont know why. But I intend to find out.

A(smiles ironically): That explains the special treatment. I must say I feel quite flattered your majesty.

H: "Special" will be your treatment afterwards. After I make sure you dont die on me. So keep your sneaky comments for later. Because you are not leaving this palace until I say so.

A: If you insist.....your majesty.

(A couple of Shadows lead him to Haures's room)

(Johanna arrives after awhile)

H: Well? Will he make it or not?

J: Nah. I will take care of his wounds and in a couple days he will be dancing.

(Haures rolls his eyes while Paimon is standing at the doorway)

P: Haures? Can I speak to you a moment?

H: Sure.

(They go out to the hallway)

P: Who is that Haures?

H: A mortal I found bleeding out on my floors.

P: And instead of kicking him out,you brought him over to your room and called Johanna to treat his wounds???

H: If I sent him away, he would surely die.

P: So? Why do you care?

H: I dont. I was just bored.

P: And every time you get bored you will find half dead mortals and bring them to our palace?

H: No. I have other occupations as well. Besides, I didn't find him, he found me. What is your problem anyway?

P: I am just surprised from this gesture.

(Thanos is approaching from a distance)

T: Who is he?(he is pointing at Adam)

H: A mortal? Why does everyone keep asking? Dont you see?

T: Yikes. And you brought him here? Now we must disinfect the entire palace!! From cockroaches and mortals because we cant really tell them apart.

H: Thanos!!

P: Thanos,we better get going. This conversation isnt over Haures.

H: Whatever you say.

(Johanna leaves and Haures enters the room)

H: Have you made up your mind? You will live or not?

A: Do you want me to live?

H: I don't care.

A: If you didnt care you wouldn't have brought me here. But yes, it seems I will make a full recovery.

H: The only reason I exhibit concern is because I'm interested to know why you were staining my beautiful tapestry with your blood. Who hurt you?

A: Some vampires. I was passing by their Kingdom and when they saw me, they started chasing me.

H: You dont say....and what business did you have in the Vampire Kingdom?

A: I wanted to talk to their princess but when her mother, the Queen, saw me she ordered her guards to hunt me down. I managed to escape but not without injuries. As you can understand, I needed a place to hide and your palace was my best and nearest option.

H: Is something going on between you and the Vampire princess?

A: Not in the way you imagine it. We are just really close friends and she is my cousin.

(Haures gets up)

H: I will let you rest.(he whispers in Adam's ear). We are not done. Not by a long shot. We are just getting started.

A: Ok. Thank you for everything you did.

H: You will have the chance to repay me.

A: What do you mean?

H: You will see soon enough.

(Back to the present)

H: You are right. Blood and drama. The very definition of a romantic beginning.

A(laughs): Stop it! You make it sound like we met in a battlefield!

(suddenly sees a big rock full of barnacles)

A: Haures! Look! Barnacles!! Lets go collect some.

H: I would rather now. They are stinky and smelly.

A: When I first met you I thought you were the sweetheart of the family!

H: Now?

A: Thanos gets that title. Maybe I should have married him!!(turns away pretending to be angry)

H: (smiles and kisses his ear): I wouldnt have given him to you. You were mine from the start.

A: You are lucky I love you.

(turns around and they kiss)

H: Tell you what. You go and collect your barnacles and I will cook us lunch.

A: Doing what I want followed by a meal made by the best cook in the entire multiverse?Could this day get any better?

(Haures whispers in his ear)

H: It will. Later. Now go get your rocks.

A: They are not.....nevermind. See you soon.

(They part ways with Haures walking towards the beach house and Adam to the rock. A few minutes later he understands someone is watching him)

A: Who is there?

(A tall man appears with green eyes,his hair tied behind his head and wearing a black outfit)

K: Dont be scared. I am Kimon.

A: What do you want?

K(has a flirty smile): Put away that knife. I was just passing by. And I couldn't help but stop and admire your beauty. Such a handsome man like yourself, what are you doing here all alone? (he told him with irony in his voice)

A: I am not alone. I am with my...

H: He is with his husband

(Haures appeared behind Kimon who as soon as he turned around lost his color)

K: are...

H: Haures. Lord of the Shadows. Now get lost before I get angry.

(Kimon shaking pulls out an amulet and opens a portal. He leaves through that portal)

A: Have I ever told you how handsome you are when you are angry? Haures....what's wrong?

(Haures is looking at the place where the portal opened in shock)

A: Haures?

H: We need to go.

A: Go where?

H: To the palace of the Light! There is something Evangelia must be informed immediately!

(turns to leave but Adam grabs him)

A: No! This is our weekend! Two days Haures! Whatever it is, it can wait two days!! Come on Haures!! I dont know when we will get another chance to be alone like this!!!

(Haures kisses him)

H: I know you are upset and you have every right to be. But...that amulet....I need to see the Queen of the Light. I promise I will reschedule our trip with the first chance I get!

A: Ok. I will wait a century.

H: It wont be that long. Come on. I cooked us lunch.

A: We will get that at least.

(they return to the house and start packing)

A(whispering to himself): I should have listened to my mother not to marry a man with an important job. But no!! I had to fall for the busiest man of all!! The Lord of the Shadows!! Serves you right, Adam! What is so important about that amulet anyway?