Chereads / EndTime Apocalypse System / Chapter 10 - The Strange Infected

Chapter 10 - The Strange Infected

As Abbey ran, exhaustion ate at his will.

His eyes threatened to close shut his eyes, the eyelids nearing the other in slumberish motion. His arms ached, his shoulders screamed.

With each slam, he closed into the grocery stall. The one popularly known as ShopWell with branches all over the country. It was not just a grocery store but had other things.

But mostly, the theme of this shop was based on food. Liquid, processed food, whatever it was as long as it was food. Although recently, some of them gadgets gave tstarted to find their way into the store, alongside with household appliances.

It was the ideal place to stake out a zombie apocalypse.

A place where there was food. Good enough to keep them until they could make sense of what to do.

No, until he could make sense of what to do. He was basically the only thinking person here. The girl only did well to follow in his steps and nothing more.

No time to think. Just smash. Abbey sighed as he tasked his body, pushing hard against the odds right now.

Unlike before, he was in total control of his body. He could make sudden moves or even try to escape some attacks from the Zombies and he did that so easily.

Unlike when he was on autopilot. However this only meant that while he could control his body with the insane boost of strength he now had, he was yet to maintain top form.

Like how he was when on autopilot. He had basically been untouchable then. This time, he could feel teeth snapping shut against his skin. Or at least coming straight ahead to his skin before he had the chance to smash the face into paste.

His strength was insane.

But his senses dulled. It was only a matter of time before the exhaustion took hold of him. Before he failed to notice a zombie coming in from his blind spot.

If only he could just get in there to close his eyes. To sleep.

And wake up, only to realize that everything was just a dream.

A bad dream. He would be with his friend. They'd be getting the item they came back and the. Head back to his house to play video games. His mom ought to be back from her office at this time. She loved Ben and knowing he was around, she would head over to bake something for them.

She was always so fond of him. Saying that he was Abbey's gate pass to the conversational world.

"BOY!" A feminine voice blasted out, ejecting Abbey sharply from his thoughts.

He had almost fallen asleep.

Conscious enough, his eyes peeled open as he realized his body was fast nearing the ground.

"Fuck!" He groaned out, forcefully halting his motion by the sudden contraction of his limbs.

At that state, the zombies cleared in and before he knew it, several dentition snapped shut on his skin.

Petrified, Abbey gasped out, his eyes widening as realization struck him.

He did not come this far to die. Certainly not like this. Certainly when he had not proved his mastery over to that girl behind him.

His heart raced but it was to no reason.

For there and then, energy like flunctuations appeared over his skin, preventing the teeth from snapping shut on his skin.

"Fuck!" He exclaimed in a mixture of fright and happiness. For the first time, he realized it, that skill the system was going to describe for him. Curiosity raced in his heart as he arched to know the full description of that skill.

That new skill he had gotten as result as simultaneous activation of skills.

It was working.

Renewed with vigor, he slammed his foot into the ground. The girl drawing close to him. A zombie swerved to them, angry over its teeth loss as it tried to claw at her.

But it was met with a sudden kick from the girl. Much to Abbey's surprise.

"What? I don't intend to die out here?" She gaped at him.

Right now, all of the zombies about had lost their teeth, some of them fried out while some shattered as result of clashing with the energy sheath over Abbey's skin. They could only nip, frustrated with their gums.

It was safe to assume they were safe.

Except for the huge bouncer like figure dashing for them from the entrance. Along with a crowd of other zombies.

"Get in!" The girl chanted, hurriedly pushing Abbey as they made to burst into ShopWell, ready to seek solace.

Abbey turned around, slamming the door shut. But as he did that, the bouncer like guy smashed through it with his whole body.

One look at his cancerous growth of a face revealed he was turned. Just like the rest of the infected.

"Agghhhh…" The girl screamed in fright as the bouncer bounded past her and skid to the ground.

He promptly got up, turning around with a groan, his eyes bloodshot. Rose took hurried steps backwards, her breath hanging in her mouth as the zombie bounced for Abbey.

At this time, the other infected had neared enough. While they were not as fast as the bouncer infected, they still had some level of speed which was unusual.

Z type infected did not usually move that fast. It seemed they were under an influence of something. Perhaps, the bouncer infected himself.

"What the fuck?" Abbey questioned as the zombie choked him by the neck.

Stars exploded in his head as his body kissed the ground unceremoniously. The shriek from the girl attendant reminded him he was the one being assaulted right now.

It was unusual. Why was this zombie first tackling him before trying to bite him? And strangely enough, as if on cue, the other zombies gathered in a semi circle, watching as they growled and moaned, like vultures, awaiting the spoil of the beat down.

"Rawaghhhh!" The bouncer infected challenged Abbey and plummeted his own fist against his chest.

Panic stricken, Abbey exhaled. His body cried to rest. He tried to get up but his muscles failed him.

Long enough for the sneaker clad foot of the bouncer to smash right into his chest on the ground.

"Ahhh!" Abbey cried, arching instantly in pain.

Just who the hell was this zombie? And why was he this powerful?