"So, what is our plan?" Kai asked, after sitting on the table, with a tray full of buns.
"I would just say to go along with their plan. But it's preferable to have a back up plan, in case the ship starts sinking." Jason answered somewhat quietly, as he looked around.
"What do you mean?" Vale was the one to ask quietly as well, as he put a piece of meat in his mouth.
"Remember the plan that captain Edgar mentioned before our training?" Jason asked back, as he drank some water.
"The one that sounds too ideal and perfect but will probably fail horribly?" Kai asked quietly as well with a serious expression, before he started eating one of the buns.
"You just couldn't be any more blunt about it, could you?" Jason asked, before continuing:
"Anyways, we know that things won't turn out well, at least at some point. When sh*t hits the fan, we need a plan to survive, at the very least an escape plan and maybe a meeting point as well, somewhere remote or hidden."
"You can't say that for sure." Vale refuted that, before adding:
"Say it does happen, where do we go from there?"
"Remote areas, such as backstreet bars or hidden areas that usually used from illegal trades or smuggling. The less well known, the better. Currently, I doubt we will be able to find such spots, but in the future, that's when we will prepare for the worst."
"You seem pretty well versed around this. Makes me wonder what kind of a business man you are." Vale answered, as he felt curious about Jason's identity. Kai was also rather curious, but he had learned from some of the meetings with his dad's colleagues, to never pry into other people's business.
"Anyways, whatever we discussed here, stays here." Jason pointed first at the table, then at his head. After doing that gesture, Vale couldn't help but ask another question:
"Why make such preparations from this early on? I would understand some time earlier than the end of our training, but isn't it a bit unnecessary to do this from the first day?"
"I don't think you have noticed, but that old man has a horrible look in his eyes. You have to be completely oblivious to the evils of the world, to not notice that." Mei was the one to answer with a serious expression, before adding:
"I'm going to say it now. Do not trust the royal family. No matter what."
"I don't know about you guys, but you guys are being a bit melodramatic. Still, I'll keep my eyes out for any problems." Vale added his opinion, before continuing to eat. As they finished their conversation, the four of them decided to eat without making much of a peep. It wasn't before long that Kai was the one to interrupt their dinner with some of his own questions.
"Guys, might I ask you a few things?"
"It depends on the context of the question." Mei was the one to answer with a serious and hostile expression.
"Relax, I won't want to ask your three numbers, if you are wondering." Kai exclaimed with a tired expression.
"So you were going to ask." Mei yelled angrily, as he was staring daggers at Kai.
*slam* "I said I won't. Besides, the things I want to ask not only involve you, but also the others." Kai explained loudly, after smacking the table.
*cough* "Guys, you are starting to make a bit of a scene." Vale exclaimed, as he was looking around and seeing that half the hall was staring at them.
"Sorry." Kai apologized, before sitting down once again, while Mei acted like she didn't hear anything.
"Anyways, I think it's high time that you properly introduced yourself, Mei. We have done our proper introductions, so I believe that can say something more about yourself, rather than just knowing your name." Kai asked with a serious expression.
"Ewww... Trying to flirt with a middle schooler. Have some shame already." Mei complained with a disgusted expression.
*sigh* "You know what? I'll just ignore that and ask for your last name and be done with this topic." Kai spoke with exasperation, as he was seriously considering his life choices.
"And of what importance is that? How will my last name help you with this situation?" Mei asked with a hostile expression.
"It won't. It's just for the sake of a full introduction and if you don't want to say so, then just say no." Kai answered with a tired expression.
"That's good then. I don't want others to know more than it's needed." Mei denied him firmly, before asking:
"Anyways, what is it that you wanted to ask?"
This girl... Talking about a whole other level of being a spoiled brat. She is going to have things going her way, while making sure I end up on the losing side and she doesn't like it when her image breaks even a little bit. Just don't bother with her more than what is needed. Just do that to keep your sanity. Kai thought to himself, while trying to keep his anger under control.
"Getting the least important topic aside, I want the three of you to answer as honestly as possible. I don't care if it is funny, weird, embarrassing or straight up bizarre, but I want you to be as honest as possible with my question." Kai explained with a quieter voice and a much more serious expression. After his explanation, the other had a slightly tense expression, while he paused for a few seconds and took a deep breath, before asking:
"What is the last thing you guys remember doing Earth?"
Once the question dropped, the three of them quickly relaxed and Vale was the one to answer:
"That was the thing you wanted to ask so seriously? If it's just that, I was just sitting in my dorm, playing videogames. I didn't have any homework or any projects to do, so I killed time with some of my personal classics."
"Anything after that? Anything abnormal or out of place. Maybe something magic related. Anything to know what brought us here?" Kai asked with a slightly worried expression.
"Nothing of the sorts. I was playing games and probably fell asleep after some time, since it was past midnight when I was playing at the time." Vale answered casually, without thinking much about it. Kai on the other hand felt disappointed and slightly worried as well, but before making more thoughts, he decided to hear the other two.
"I was on my way towards work." Jason answered simply.
"That's it? Nothing out of place or anything happening suddenly?" Kai asked with a worried expression, as he looked at Jason's calm expression.
"Nothing out of it. Probably fell asleep on the bus and was probably summoned right then." Jason answered after thinking for a bit.
"I can't think of anything out of the ordinary. I had finished school for the day and had my old man drive me back home and probably fell asleep, similarly to Jason as well." Mei explained as well, with an uncaring expression.
"I see..." Kai understood now what was happening and realized that they either had it way better when they were summoned, or they probably don't remember that they had died and had their memories sealed, probably due to failing to stopping the slave seal from taking effect. Since he realized that, he decided to take no chances and lie through his next response and avoid making any more moves:
"I only asked to make sure we had a similar experience and all. And to be fair with you, I also had a normal day, but fell asleep sometime in the middle of classes. So same thing happened with you guys as well. Anyways, that was the only thing I seriously wanted to ask."
"Glad to get that out of the way then. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to focus on my meal now." Mei answered, before she started eating without caring of the looks around her. As she was doing so, the other two focused on their meals as well, without saying much, but for Kai, he couldn't help but feel sad, but he decided to not let anything show for now and sort everything out when he was at his own room.