Chereads / Close Combat Card Magician / Chapter 11 - Chapter 10: Have a nice... Status (4)

Chapter 11 - Chapter 10: Have a nice... Status (4)

"So? How's your status." Vale asked with a slightly curious and smug expression, as he stood behind Kai.

"AH! Jesus. Don't sneak behind me like that. Nearly had a heart attack." Kai exclaimed, as he tried to calm down.

"Come on. Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on!" Vale kept pestering him, like a young child pestering their mother for candy.

"I can't say if it's good or not, alright? I just have a few exclusive abilities and really high luck, compared to my other stats. Happy now?" Kai answered back with an angry expression.

Can't you give me a break and examine everything at my leisure? Goddammit man. Kai complained inwardly, as he stared at Vale with a hostile look in his eyes. After that, he decided to slowly read over every bit of information on his status board, before making any early thoughts or conclusions.

Oh god. Where do I even start with this? Kai thought to himself with a helpless expression, before continuing his thoughts.

For starters, the status panel itself. The panel itself is definitely the same as the status panel I would use in the game that my dad had made. Everything from panels, to the size position of all the letters, everything is exactly the same and not only that, but my stats aren't exactly balanced as well. I can justify my stats of dexterity and intelligence being at around the same level, due to the many RPGs that I play and my strength stat for having a regular diet and exercising with weights, in order to keep myself healthy, as I was kind of a loner, when it came to my free time. But the speed stat is kind of suspicious, because I was never the kind of person who could run fast or anything like that, so for whatever reason, my speed stat is higher and don't get me started on my luck being five times the stat of my agility. Whatever is up with this stat distribution, I'll get to the bottom of this.

Next, the majority of my exclusive abilities being card themed. Heart of the Cards, Card Conversion, Card Summon and my mastery styles being based around the symbols of the playing cards, those being spades, clubs, diamonds, hearts and the joker cards, assuming that those counted, since they didn't have any of the four symbols. God, I'm

cringing just by reading some of these names, especially that Heart of the Cards. Like what is that, Y*gi's catchphrase turned into an actual ability? I can understand what the other card abilities can do, just by their names, but I just can't think of anything this ability can do, aside from maybe letting me win card games with cards that conveniently appeared to save me from a loss.

Aside from that, I'm rather worried about Consumer's Adaptation and well, my race. Whatever this ability is, I just hope it's something like, you are what you eat, kind of thing and nothing to overly complicated, but my race... *sigh* As he finished his thoughts, he couldn't help but exclaim desperately:

"Just what of mess have I gotten myself into?"

"What happened?" Archibald asked rather curiously.

"Jesus! Can you guys stop sneaking behind me? I already have enough problems as it is." Kai explained, as he grabbed on his chest and tried to calm himself down.

"Jeez, how jumpy are you?" Vale asked, standing right behind Archibald.

"Jumpy I may not be, angry but I am." Kai answered in a particular accent, with a big frown on his face.

"Heh... Were you that angry that you had to speak like him? Also, you didn't use his iconic, hmmm." Vale asked jokingly, as he couldn't help but chuckle.

"Yes, I am that angry and at this point, I don't give a sh*t anymore!" *bang*

Kai yelled back with a furious expression, as he stormed away from the throne room.

After leaving the throne room, he only walked a few steps away from the room, before he started muttering to himself, as he was punching the wall furiously.

*thud* "Dammit." *thud* "Why?" *thud* ""Why me?" *thud* "I never *thud* asked *thud* for this." *thud* "And now..." *thud* "F*cking hell..." *thud*

After that last strike, his body slowly fell on the ground, as he was wishing to let all of his frustrations out, but he knew that he couldn't. In the end, he decided to take some breaths, in an attempt to calm himself down, before going back to the throne room and get through the business he has to get through.

After reentering the throne room, he could already see that Vale was standing right in front of it, but he didn't have his easygoing expression on.

"What is it?" Kai asked, after being stared for a few seconds. Of course, he got no answer and as Vale walked slowly around him and was eyeing him with an intrigued expression.

"Ok, now you are starting to creep me out a bit. Can you please stop?" Kai asked with a nervous expression, as Vale continued his actions. After a couple of minutes, Vale decided to ask a question that Kai did not expect:

"Kai, has your nose become smaller?"

What the... That was what you wanted to ask, while walking around me and examining as if I'm a rare specimen? Kai thought to himself, as he examined his nose.

"I don't think so? I feel it's pretty normal and the size feels normal to me." Kai answered, after examine his nose for a bit.

"Are you sure? You didn't eat anything that would shrink your body or something?" Vale asked in a similar manner.

"What do you think this world is, Alice in Wonderland? It is another world, but there's no way there would exist cookies that would shrink you to the size of a mouse." Kai answered with a calm and thoughtful expression.

"Hmmm... Maybe it is just me then." Vale answered with a slightly awkward expression, before adding:

"Anyways, I just wanted to say sorry for taking my jokes a bit too far. But I do want to ask about your stats, at least. Just for comparison, that's all."

Kai felt that his apology wasn't really genuine, but since he apologized without being sarcastic about it, it was more than enough about him.

"Alright, but I also want you to tell me your stats as well. No abilities, but I just want to check on something." Kai proposed.

"Fine by me. The stats would display my name, my race, my level, my strength, agility, intellect and dexterity stat. As for the numbers, it would 1.5, 1.1, 1.7 and 2.1 respectively. Now it's your turn." Vale explained and Kia proceeded to do the same as well:

"Well, it's mostly similar for me, but with a couple of differences. I do have an extra stat, in place of levels, but I also have an elemental affinity board. As for my SAID, it would be 1.4, 2.4 and 1.8 on the last two respectively. As for my luck, it is a 12, but I don't know how it compares to the average person."

After Kai finished his explanation, he could see that Vale was shocked and not only him, but also the imperial duo, the other two members who hadn't made their introductions and even both Jason and Mei, who had woken up, just as had started his conversation with Vale.