"You don't have to apologize. It wasn't your fault and the culprit will not go scot-free."
As he spoke, I could hear the hatred in his voice, but there was still this fervor of anger in his voice. It was as if, this cruel murderer, who had attempted to get rid of him and his sister was more than just a friend to him.
"The person- your friend that tried to kill you, was he the same person that killed your sister?" This question came stumbling out of my mouth before I could hold them.
Luke nodded after my question and I gasped in shock. "Were you guys as close as Blake and I?" I asked again, and he gently dropped his bowl of cereal.
When I looked at his bowl, I saw that he had finished eating as we were speaking. I was slightly startled because I still haven't eaten half of mine. Damn.