"I am going to head over to the other town to get some booze, so I want you girls to keep practicing until I get back, okay?" I asked, and Tracy nodded.
"Will you rewash my back?" Tracy asked, and I nodded.
"Sure, as long as you rewash mine," I said with a grin.
"I will wash your back, and you can wash mine!" Annie called over, but she was already behind the tree when I looked.
That made me chuckle, and I left the girls to head back into town.
Everyone was still moving around and seemed full of energy, which was a nice change from yesterday. Maybe tomorrow I could get the girl to see if we could find anything that needed help around town or in the area.
I wanted to make sure that I was staying active with everyone, ensuring I didn't miss any chances to help people. That had been one of my significant failings last time, and I would make sure that I didn't make the same mistake twice.
Jessel laughed in Heaven as she watched Talon struggle with his hangover but started screaming again when Tracy cured it. Not only had he cured it, but he made Potions of Restorative Blessings that were deadly for Demons!
"Why does this idiot know so much?!" Jessel raged as a tall, elegant woman with elven features floated down from the Heavens above wearing a light green dress.
It had thin straps and exposed Thania, Goddess of The One-Eyed Snake's bountiful chest that was a great deal larger than Jessel. This Goddess wore a golden tiara resting over her long platinum blonde hair, but she also wore a pink lace eye patch over her left eye.
"Dearest Jessel, what seems to be the matter? You seem so distressed; maybe you need some relief, my dear? Maybe you just need some dick in your life? How long has it been since you spread those little legs for a man?" Thania asked as she made the oversized chair that Helmsped created disappear.
It was replaced by a smaller white chair with light green cushions, and Thania brushed her hands down the back of her dress before sitting down. She reached to the side, and a full wine glass appeared filled with golden sweet honey wine.
"Go ask one of the other Goddesses to join your sick and twisted games, Whore Elf! Don't think I don't know what is behind that eye patch! Half the light of the world for double the pleasure! You are beyond messed up, so I will not be taking any advice from you!" Jessel growled, trying to puff out her chest.
"Don't be jealous, my dear. It doesn't make you look cute like you should. Maybe you should have taken a pint of his fluids before you sent him off, and you might know a bit more about the child. You have to admit that he is quite handsome and charming," Thania said as she looked down at the Nameless God.
He was to be back at the inn now, and the two women watched as he asked to borrow the owner's horse and wagon.
"What good would it have done me? You always think that sex is that answer!" Jessel complained, but Thania laughed.
"So old, but still so young. What did the almighty tell us all before the Nameless God was born? Do you remember his exact words?" Thania asked, bringing her single eye to bear down on Jessel with a condescending look.
"He told us to not make life easy for him in Heaven, but we are free to use him to benefit ourselves and our charges. What about it? I am doing that, or at least trying to! He refuses to move forward, and he is stealing my followers!" Jessel growled at the one-eyed Goddess.
"That is because you made yourself the enemy when you are supposed to be a friend. He is no longer in Heaven, and you have let your grudges lead you too far from the path we are all supposed to be walking. If you are not careful, you will be replaced. I am sure that Helmsped has already figured out what is going on here, but I am not surprised that you haven't. Even with two eyes, you have trouble seeing what is right in front of you," Thania explained with a sigh, taking another long drink.
Jessel was left without words for once, but mostly because she was confused by this confused woman. Helmsped had talked about not having a name for a reason, but she wondered what all that meant.
"Fine, tell me what I should be doing here. I am not so stupid as to not pick up on subtle hints that I might be headed for hot water," Jessel asked while biting her lip.
"See? Was that so hard? Unfortunately, you are going to have to put in some work to earn his favor, but do you know why Helmsped and I watch him?" Thania asked.
"I have no idea. Where is Gaston if this man is so important then?" Jessel asked and then jumped out of her seat with surprise as the God of The Two-Headed Snake appeared beside her, already seated.
"Oh, don't worry, I am here listening and watching. You should have been doing the same, but I don't have any right to speak on the boy's behalf. I was the one that failed him, just like you are now," Gaston said.
He wore a white robe with a gold edging, many golden rings on his fingers, and chains on his neck and wrists. Gaston's eyes were the color of the sun and just as bright, and he had long blond curly hair that flowed over his shoulders with a broad muscled chest.
"So, you finally decided to reveal yourself. What is your honest opinion of the boy? I think Jessel should hear it," Thania asked, and Gaston sighed.
"He is one of the hardest working men that I have ever met. I gave him a job, and he did it to a fault, but that fault was a product of my poor instructions," Gaston said, letting out another sigh.
"How could someone you consider the hardest working not help anyone else but himself?!" Jessel demanded.