Chereads / The Gift of Pathoseia / Chapter 10 - Little Green Monster

Chapter 10 - Little Green Monster



I think I scared her away, but the reaction was worth it.

I followed her out of my room, careful to ensure she didn't feel like I was chasing her. The ball was now in her court. I wanted more than a peck on the cheek, but the next move had to come from her.

And judging by the three shots of tequila I just saw her speed through, something more may not be too far out of the realm of possibility.

I kept my distance. I didn't want to overwhelm her, and I was already dancing on the edge of that cliff.

I tried to distract myself with a drink, setting out on a mission to find any one of my friends. My eyes found the next most recognizable person in the crowd, Vicky. Her halo of red hair practically glowed in the dim lighting. I started my trek towards her, only noticing Jo once I was too close to turn around.

Jo immediately perked up at the sight of me. She had always been obvious with her attraction toward me, but a new level was unlocked when she saw the chemistry between Elinora and me.

"Alec!" Jo squealed. "I'm so happy you decided to join us. I thought you were going to stay in your room all night."

I saw the opportunity, and I seized it. I knew the blatant flaunting of my interest in Elinora would likely cause smoke to spill from Jo's ears. My only goal was to hammer into her head that I wasn't attracted to her. "That was the plan, but then Elinora decided she wanted to come to the party, so I followed."

Jo was practically an award-winning actress; I'd give her that. Her face barely twitched as the fire ignited behind her eyes. She didn't get the chance to fake a sweety reply as Victoria said, "Oooh! I noticed a little spark between you two. Anything juicy happen behind closed doors?"

Jo barked a laugh, "C'mon, Vicky! They just met. She probably just begged for consoling after what Holly and Zindra had to tell her."

"Mmm," Vicky contemplated, "I don't know about that, Jo. Elinora didn't seem like the damsel-in-distress type."

I was becoming annoyed with this conversation. Jo had no right to form opinions about Elli. Whatever claim Jo thought she had over me is less than nothing compared to the mating bond. Elinora is my everything. Sure, Jo was flirty and funny. We had a good time together, but I never let her romantic advances take us anywhere. Somehow I knew I had been holding out for Elinora this whole time, and that was Jo's worst nightmare.

"Whatever," I concluded, "I don't kiss and tell anyway." This earned a laugh from Victoria. Jo tried to giggle along, but the artificial sound betrayed her intention.

"All I know is that if you don't kiss her, I will. Look at that girl dance!"

I followed Vicky's gaze to the center of the ballroom. Zindra and Elinora were dancing all over each other, obviously enjoying the provocative sound of the club playlist blaring over the speakers. If I didn't know any better, I would think Elinora came here with Zindra.

The song came to an end. Elli burst into a fit of giggles, throwing an arm into the air before charging to the bar. I didn't know for sure, but she seemed drunk. The carefree tilt in her grin and bounce in her step was out of place compared to the urgency when she fled from me earlier.

It hurt to know she had run away from me; it felt like a stab in the chest to my wolf. The blow only softened by the fact she admitted to finding me alluring. Her confession had me soaring, only to slam me back down to Earth when she finally escaped my line of sight after my rash actions on the balcony.

I watched her head bob as she giggled her drink order to Edgar, who enjoyed her drunken state a little too much for my liking. I saw the way he winked at her earlier. I just hoped she wasn't interested.

I was so focused on analyzing the interaction between Elli and Edgar I didn't even notice Jo snake her way around me.

Placing a possessive hand on my chest, Jo whined, "Alec? Did you hear me? Do you want to dance with me?"

Though I heard her question, I paused to look up, meeting Elinora's questioning look. Her previously giddy demeanor, now stiff, waiting.

Jo must've noticed my line of attention, so in a last-ditch effort attempt to win my admiration, she pulled my head into a kiss.

I reacted immediately, shoving her off of me to wipe my mouth with the back of my arm.

"Jo, what the fuck was that?" I was fuming. I thought we were well past this.

A little over a year ago, Jo asked me on a date. At that point, she had probably had a crush on me for at least three years, but I only saw her as my little sister. I didn't want to hurt her, so I obliged the offer. It wasn't a bad date. I love Jo, but I'm not and never have been romantically or sexually attracted to her. We had fun, and once we got home, I broke the news to her that I wasn't interested in a second date.

Up until Elli arrived, it felt like things were basically on their way back with Jo, like we had found our new normal. Things were a little awkward at first, but all in all, she took it well. Or at least I thought she had taken it well.

Elinora showed up, and this petty little green monster suddenly possessed Jo.

My heartbeat picked up as I snapped my head to where Elli stood across the ballroom. Was she... laughing?

The last thing I wanted her to assume was that I had any interest in Jo. I didn't know what her laughter meant, but it was better than tears. I will say it would be more solidifying if she had been angry or upset. I don't want her to be upset, but at least I would see more of her feelings. For someone so empathetic, she hid her emotions well.

As if my reaction to her forced kiss weren't embarrassment enough, Jo stalked off in Elinora's direction. Elli visibly composed herself, stifling residual laughter. With her four shots in, I was interested to see how this played out.

Once Jo was within speaking distance, Elli raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms at this apparent challenge.

"Whatever spell you have over Alec, give it up!" Jo accused, almost causing a laugh of my own. Typical that Jo would suspect some sort of magical interference over a predisposed blessing. This assumption spoke to the chaotic evil nature that lurked around her.

Elinora didn't laugh. She seemed genuinely baffled. "I'm sorry. Let me get this right. You knowingly breadcrumb my friends into telling me about their alter egos, yet you think I had some prior knowledge of witchcraft? Enough knowledge to metaphorically shoot a cupid's arrow into Alec's ass? Yeah, right. You really are dumber than you look. Save yourself the embarrassment and walk away. You already showcased your vapid insecurity and desperation enough tonight."

It was my turn to be shocked. Elli radiated geniality, but her words cut deep. Jo couldn't give up, though, no matter how ridiculous her argument became.

"You should know that he is mine. He was mine long before you came along," Jo added smugly.

Now Elinora laughed. She cackled to the point of tears, finally able to push out a coherent sentence, "Maybe you should tell him that. Or maybe that's just how you like people to receive a kiss from you. Where I'm from, when someone shoves you away when you try to kiss them, they're not interested. Seems that he doesn't want you, but to each their own, I guess."

Elli was done with this conversation, stepping around Jo to find her way to Zindra on the dancefloor.

Jo hadn't bothered her in the slightest. The confidence Elli already had in my feelings for her was enough to satisfy me. Some of me wished she had hinted at jealousy, but the pride swelled inside me at how she had stood up for herself.

I watched as Holly joined Zin and Elli, all of them taking a moment to gossip. Holly looked over at me, barely making eye contact before darting her attention back down to her friends. Zindra glanced past Elli's shoulder at a fuming Jo. Elli seemed to be fervently arguing with them. They were up to something.

I noticed movement in my peripheral, turning to find Jo pouting, slowly advancing in my direction.

I moved to seek out Elli, only to collide with her at my side. I grabbed her shoulders to steady her, feeling guilty over almost accidentally knocking her over. Her eyes flicked past me, seeing Jo. Shaking out of my grasp, she found my eyes before grabbing the collar of my shirt, pulling me into a kiss. Without a thought, I wrapped my arms around her back and pulled her closer. The kiss deepened as she wrapped a hand into the hair on the back of my head.

Tasting the tequila on her breath, I broke the kiss, bringing a thumb to her lips. "Is it my turn to run away now?" I joked, enjoying the softness of her bottom lip.

Her swollen pout upturned into a goofy smile, one I couldn't help but mirror. I didn't want her to pull away just yet. I traced a hand up her cheek, sliding her hair behind her ear. My hand cupped her neck, guiding her into another kiss. This one was more tender. She was taking her time, enjoying this spur-of-the-moment decision as much as I was. Her hand that still lay on my chest clenched my shirt as she pulled away, breathing heavily.

She stepped backward to escape my arms, leaving me with a chill. "I just wanted to give a proper example of what it looks like when you want to kiss someone."

"Oh, and you just knew I would want to kiss you?" I challenged, reveling in this moment regardless of her reason. I knew her stubborn nature from nothing else other than the fact it had taken Holly years to convince her to come here. She wouldn't have done it if she didn't want to, no matter what.

She snickered, "Well, that, and Zindra bet me another shot that I wouldn't kiss you. Quite frankly, I couldn't handle another shot, and I think that is evident."

"Good to know you're not cocky," I shook my head. This girl was full of surprises.

"I didn't know for sure that you would kiss me back like that. But part of the bet said that we could leave immediately after if I kissed you." She flashed a guilty grin, starting her final escape. "So, goodbye until next time! I need some food," she laughed, dramatically waving, ultimately blowing me a theatrical kiss. She met up with Holly and Zin, and all three of them ran out of the ballroom.

Those of us that were paying attention were left speechless. Jo ran out crying, and Vicky just shook her head, a smirk barely peeking through her expression. I would deal with Jo tomorrow. I was sure she wanted space, too. I should probably feel more guilty over her humiliation, but that kiss kept any negative emotion at bay.

I replayed the feeling of Elli's lips over and over again on the way back up to my room.

I kiss her, and she runs away. She kisses me, and she runs away. It seemed like sweet Elinora wanted to play games, and as they say, it takes two to tango.